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Awkward Showcase - jQuery plugin
Version: 1.3.0
Copyright (c) 2012 Adrian D. Alvarez (http://www.adriandalvarez.com)
This file is originally by the following & was forked from Version:1.1.1
Copyright (C) 2011 Awkward Group (http://www.awkwardgroup.com)
Licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Markup example for jQuery("#showcase").awShowcase();
<div id="showcase" class="showcase">
<!-- Each child div in #showcase represents a slide -->
<div class="showcase-slide">
<!-- Put the slide content in a div with the class .showcase-content -->
<div class="showcase-content">
<!-- If the slide contains multiple elements you should wrap them in a div with the class .showcase-content-wrapper.
We usually wrap even if there is only one element, because it looks better. :-) -->
<div class="showcase-content-wrapper">
<img src="images/01.jpg" alt="01" />
<!-- Put the caption content in a div with the class .showcase-caption -->
<div class="showcase-caption">
The Caption
<!-- Put the tooltips in a div with the class .showcase-tooltips. -->
<div class="showcase-tooltips">
<!-- Each anchor in .showcase-tooltips represents a tooltip. The coords attribute represents the position of the tooltip. -->
<a href="http://www.awkward.se" coords="634,130">
<!-- The content of the anchor-tag is displayed in the tooltip. -->
This is a tooltip that displays the anchor html in a nice way.
<a href="http://www.awkward.se" coords="356, 172">
<!-- You can add multiple elements to the anchor-tag which are display in the tooltip. -->
<img src="images/glasses.png" />
<span style="display: block; font-weight: bold; padding: 3px 0 3px 0; text-align: center;">
White Glasses: 500$
<div class="showcase-slide">
<div class="showcase-content">
<div class="showcase-content-wrapper">
(function (jQuery) { jQuery.fn.awShowcase = function (options) { var defaults = { content_width: 700, content_height: 470, fit_to_parent: false, auto: false, interval: 3000, continuous: false, loading: true, tooltip_width: 200, tooltip_icon_width: 32, tooltip_icon_height: 32, tooltip_offsetx: 18, tooltip_offsety: 0, arrows: true, buttons: true, btn_numbers: false, keybord_keys: false, mousetrace: false, pauseonover: true, stoponclick: true, transition: 'hslide', transition_delay: 300, transition_speed: 500, show_caption: 'onload', thumbnails: false, thumbnails_position: 'outside-last', thumbnails_direction: 'vertical', thumbnails_slidex: 0, dynamic_height: false, speed_change: false, viewline: false, start_at: 0, fullscreen_width_x: 15, custom_function: null, custom_slide_function: null }; options = jQuery.extend(defaults, options); var current_id = 0; var previous_id = 0; var break_loop = false; var pause_loop = false; var myInterval = null; var showcase = jQuery(this); var showcase_width = options.content_width; var animating = false; var content_viewline_width = 10000; var animation_distance = 0; var old_animation_distance = 0; var remaining_width = 0; var content_container = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).css('overflow', 'hidden').css('position', 'relative').addClass('showcase-content-container').prependTo(showcase); if (options.fit_to_parent) { showcase_width = jQuery(showcase).width() + options.fullscreen_width_x } if (options.viewline) { options.thumbnails = false; options.dynamic_height = false; content_container.css('width', content_viewline_width); showcase.css('overflow', 'hidden'); $('.showcase-arrow-previous').hide() } var contentArray = []; var thumbnailArray = []; var content_count = 0; showcase.children('.showcase-slide').each(function () { var object = jQuery(this); content_count++; if (options.thumbnails) { var thumb = object.find('.showcase-thumbnail'); thumbnailArray.push(thumb); thumb.remove() } var object_width = object.find('.showcase-content').children().width(); var object_height = object.find('.showcase-content').children().height(); contentArray.push(object.html()); object.remove(); var new_object = getContent(content_count - 1); if (options.viewline || content_count === 1) { content_container.append(new_object) } if (options.viewline) { new_object.css('position', 'relative'); new_object.css('float', 'left'); new_object.css('width', object_width) } if (options.dynamic_height) { new_object.css('height', object_height); if (content_count === 1) { content_container.css('height', object_height) } } else { new_object.css('height', options.content_height); if (content_count === 1) { content_container.css('height', options.content_height) } } if (options.viewline || content_count === 1) { displayAnchors(new_object); displayCaption(new_object); if (options.show_caption === 'show') { jQuery(new_object).find('.showcase-caption').show() } } }); var thumb_wrapper; var thumbnailStretch = 0; var thumbnailsPerPage = 0; if (options.thumbnails) { thumb_container = jQuery('<div />'); thumb_restriction = jQuery('<div />'); thumb_wrapper = jQuery('<div />'); for (i = thumbnailArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var thumbnail = jQuery(thumbnailArray[i]).css({ 'overflow': 'hidden' }); thumbnail.attr('id', 'showcase-thumbnail-' + i); thumbnail.addClass((i === 0) ? 'active' : ''); thumbnail.click(function (a, b) { return function () { if (myInterval) { pause_loop = true; clearInterval(myInterval) } changeContent(a, b) } } (i, '')); thumb_wrapper.prepend(thumbnail) } if (options.thumbnails_position === 'outside-first' || options.thumbnails_position === 'outside-last') { if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { content_container.css('float', 'left'); content_container.css('width', options.content_width); thumb_container.css('float', 'left'); thumb_container.css('height', options.content_height) } else { jQuery(thumb_wrapper).find('.showcase-thumbnail').css('float', 'left') } if (options.thumbnails_position === 'outside-last') { showcase.append(thumb_container); if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { showcase.append(jQuery('<div />').addClass('clear')) } } else { showcase.prepend(thumb_container); if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { showcase.append(jQuery('<div />').addClass('clear')) } } } else { thumb_container.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': 20 }); if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumb_container.css({ 'left': 0, 'right': 0 }); jQuery(thumb_wrapper).find('.showcase-thumbnail').css('float', 'left'); jQuery(thumb_wrapper).append(jQuery('<div />').addClass('clear')); if (options.thumbnails_position === 'inside-first') { thumb_container.css('top', 0) } else { thumb_container.css('bottom', 0) } } else { thumb_container.css({ 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0 }); if (options.thumbnails_position === 'inside-first') { thumb_container.css('left', 0) } else { thumb_container.css('right', 0) } } content_container.prepend(thumb_container) } thumb_container.addClass('showcase-thumbnail-container'); thumb_container.css('overflow', 'hidden'); thumb_restriction.addClass('showcase-thumbnail-restriction'); thumb_restriction.css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'relative' }); if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumb_restriction.css({ 'float': 'left' }) } thumb_wrapper.addClass('showcase-thumbnail-wrapper'); if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumb_wrapper.addClass('showcase-thumbnail-wrapper-horizontal') } else { thumb_wrapper.addClass('showcase-thumbnail-wrapper-vertical') } thumb_wrapper.css('position', 'relative'); thumb_restriction.append(thumb_wrapper); thumb_container.append(thumb_restriction); var buttonBackward = jQuery('<div class="showcase-thumbnail-button-backward" />'); if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { buttonBackward.html('<span class="showcase-thumbnail-vertical"><span>Up</span></span>') } else { buttonBackward.css({ 'float': 'left' }); buttonBackward.html('<span class="showcase-thumbnail-horizontal"><span>Left</span></span>') } buttonBackward.click(function () { slideThumbnailWrapper('backward', false, true) }); thumb_container.prepend(buttonBackward); var buttonForward = jQuery('<div class="showcase-thumbnail-button-forward" />'); if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { buttonForward.html('<span class="showcase-thumbnail-vertical"><span>Down</span></span>') } else { buttonForward.css({ 'float': 'left' }); buttonForward.html('<span class="showcase-thumbnail-horizontal"><span>Right</span></span>') } buttonForward.click(function () { slideThumbnailWrapper('forward', false, true) }); thumb_container.append(buttonForward); var thumbnailVisibleStretch = 0; if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { thumbnailVisibleStretch = getElementHeight(thumb_wrapper, false); thumbnailVisibleStretch += (getElementHeight(buttonBackward)) + (getElementHeight(buttonForward)); while (thumbnailVisibleStretch < options.content_height) { thumbnailVisibleStretch += getElementHeight(jQuery(thumbnailArray[0])); thumbnailsPerPage++ } } else { thumbnailVisibleStretch = getElementWidth(thumb_wrapper, false); thumbnailVisibleStretch += (getElementWidth(buttonBackward)) + (getElementWidth(buttonForward)); while (thumbnailVisibleStretch < showcase_width) { thumbnailVisibleStretch += getElementWidth(jQuery(thumbnailArray[0])); thumbnailsPerPage++ } } if (thumbnailsPerPage + 1 > thumbnailArray.length) { if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { thumb_restriction.css('margin-top', getElementHeight(buttonBackward)) } else { thumb_restriction.css('margin-left', getElementWidth(buttonBackward)) } buttonBackward.hide(); buttonForward.hide() } if (options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal') { var buttonsHeight = (getElementHeight(buttonBackward)) + (getElementHeight(buttonForward)); thumb_restriction.css('height', options.content_height - buttonsHeight) } else { var buttonsWidth = (getElementWidth(buttonBackward)) + (getElementWidth(buttonForward)); thumb_restriction.css('width', showcase_width - buttonsWidth) } if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { jQuery('.showcase-thumbnail').each(function () { thumbnailStretch += getElementWidth(jQuery(this)) }); thumb_wrapper.css('width', thumbnailStretch) } else { jQuery('.showcase-thumbnail').each(function () { thumbnailStretch += getElementHeight(jQuery(this)) }) } } if (options.thumbnails && options.thumbnails_position.indexOf("outside") !== -1 && options.thumbnails_direction !== 'horizontal' && !options.viewline) { showcase.css('width', showcase_width + getElementWidth(thumb_wrapper, true, false)) } else if (!options.fit_to_parent) { showcase.css('width', showcase_width) } if (content_count > 1 && options.auto) { myInterval = window.setInterval(autoChange, options.interval) } if (options.auto && options.pauseonover) { showcase.mouseenter(function () { break_loop = true; clearInterval(myInterval) }); showcase.mouseleave(function () { if (!pause_loop) { break_loop = false; myInterval = window.setInterval(autoChange, options.interval) } }) } if (options.arrows && content_count > 1) { jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('showcase-arrow-previous').prependTo(showcase).click(function () { if (myInterval) { if (options.stoponclick) { pause_loop = true } clearInterval(myInterval) } changeContent((current_id === 0) ? content_count - 1 : parseInt(current_id) - 1, 'previous') }); jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('showcase-arrow-next').prependTo(showcase).click(function () { if (myInterval) { if (options.stoponclick) { pause_loop = true } clearInterval(myInterval) } changeContent(current_id + 1, 'next') }); if (options.viewline) { $('.showcase-arrow-previous').hide() } } if (options.buttons && content_count > 1) { jQuery(document.createElement('div')).css('clear', 'both').addClass('showcase-button-wrapper').appendTo(showcase); i = 0; while (i < content_count) { jQuery(document.createElement('span')).attr('id', 'showcase-navigation-button-' + i).addClass((i === 0) ? 'active' : '').html((options.btn_numbers) ? parseInt(i) + 1 : '●').click(function (a, b) { return function () { if (myInterval) { if (options.stoponclick) { pause_loop = true } clearInterval(myInterval) } if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { return } else { changeContent(a, b) } } } (i, '')).appendTo(jQuery(showcase).find('.showcase-button-wrapper')); i++ } } if (options.keybord_keys) { jQuery(document).keydown(function (e) { if (options.stoponclick) { pause_loop = true } if (myInterval) clearInterval(myInterval); if (e.keyCode === 37) { changeContent((current_id === 0) ? content_count - 1 : parseInt(current_id) - 1, 'previous') } if (e.keyCode === 39) { changeContent((current_id === content_count - 1) ? 0 : parseInt(current_id) + 1, 'next') } }) } function getContent(id) { var new_content = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'showcase-content-' + id).css('overflow', 'hidden').css('position', 'absolute').addClass('showcase-content').html(contentArray[id]); if (!options.viewline) { new_content.css('width', options.content_width) } if (options.fit_to_parent && !options.viewline) { new_content.css('left', (showcase_width / 2) - options.content_width / 2) } return new_content } function autoChange() { var nextID = parseInt(current_id) + 1; if (nextID === content_count && options.continuous) { nextID = 0 } else if (nextID === content_count && !options.continuous) { break_loop = true; clearInterval(myInterval) } if (!break_loop) { changeContent(nextID, 'next') } } function changeContent(id, direction) { if ((options.custom_slide_function === null) || (/^\s*$/.test(options.custom_slide_function))) { } else { var fn = window[options.custom_slide_function]; if (typeof fn === 'function') { fn(options.custom_slide_function) } } if (current_id !== id && !animating) { var obj; var obj2; var delay = 0; var i; var lrpos = (options.fit_to_parent) ? (showcase_width / 2) - (options.content_width / 2) : 0; if ((id > current_id && direction !== 'previous') || direction === 'next') { if (options.viewline) { if (current_id < content_count - 1) { if (!options.speed_change) { animating = true } updateContentViewlineWidth(); if (options.pauseonover) { window.clearInterval(myInterval) } remaining_width = 0; for (i = current_id + 1, len = content_count; i < len; ++i) { obj = addedContentArray[i]; remaining_width += obj.find('.showcase-content').children().width() } if (remaining_width > showcase_width) { old_animation_distance = animation_distance; animation_distance -= addedContentArray[current_id].find('.showcase-content').children().width() } else if ($('.showcase-arrow-next').is(':visible')) { old_animation_distance = animation_distance; animation_distance = -(content_viewline_width - (remaining_width + (showcase_width - remaining_width))); $('.showcase-arrow-next').fadeOut(300) } content_container.animate({ left: animation_distance + 'px' }, options.transition_speed, function () { animating = false }); if ($('.showcase-arrow-next').is(':visible')) { current_id++ } $('.showcase-arrow-previous').fadeIn(300) } } else { if (!options.speed_change) { animating = true } obj = jQuery(showcase).find('#showcase-content-' + parseInt(current_id)); obj2 = getContent(id); content_container.append(obj2); if (options.dynamic_height) { obj2.css('height', obj2.find('.showcase-content').children().height()) } else { obj2.css('height', options.content_height) } if (obj.find('.showcase-content').children().height() > obj2.find('.showcase-content').children().height() && options.dynamic_height) { content_container.stop(true, true).animate({ height: obj2.find('.showcase-content').children().height() }, 200); delay = 100 } if (options.transition === 'hslide') { jQuery(obj).delay(delay).animate({ left: -(options.content_width) }, options.transition_speed + options.transition_delay, function () { obj.remove() }) } else if (options.transition === 'vslide') { jQuery(obj).delay(delay).animate({ top: -(options.content_height) }, options.transition_speed + options.transition_delay, function () { obj.remove() }) } else { jQuery(obj).delay(delay).fadeOut(options.transition_speed, function () { obj.remove() }) } displayAnchors(obj, true); displayCaption(obj, true); if (options.transition === 'hslide') { obj2.css('left', showcase_width); jQuery(obj2).delay(delay).animate({ left: lrpos }, options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj2); displayCaption(obj2); afterAnimation(obj2) }) } else if (options.transition === 'vslide') { obj2.css('top', showcase.height()); jQuery(obj2).delay(delay).animate({ top: '0px' }, options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj2); displayCaption(obj2); afterAnimation(obj2) }) } else { obj2.css('left', lrpos); obj2.css('display', 'none'); jQuery(obj2).delay(delay).fadeIn(options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj2); displayCaption(obj2); afterAnimation(obj2) }) } } } else if (id < current_id || direction === 'previous') { if (options.viewline) { if (current_id !== 0) { if (!options.speed_change) { animating = true } updateContentViewlineWidth(); if (options.pauseonover) { window.clearInterval(myInterval) } content_container.animate({ left: old_animation_distance + 'px' }, options.transition_speed, function () { animating = false }); animation_distance = old_animation_distance; current_id--; if (current_id === 0) { $('.showcase-arrow-previous').fadeOut(300) } old_id = current_id - 1; sub_width = jQuery(addedContentArray[old_id]).width(); old_animation_distance = old_animation_distance + sub_width } $('.showcase-arrow-next').fadeIn(300) } else { if (!options.speed_change) { animating = true } obj = jQuery(showcase).find('#showcase-content-' + parseInt(current_id)); obj2 = getContent(id); content_container.append(obj2); if (options.dynamic_height) { obj2.css('height', obj2.find('.showcase-content').children().height()) } else { obj2.css('height', options.content_height) } if (obj.find('.showcase-content').children().height() > obj2.find('.showcase-content').children().height() && options.dynamic_height) { content_container.stop(true, true).animate({ height: obj2.find('.showcase-content').children().height() }, 200); delay = 100 } if (options.transition === 'hslide') { jQuery(obj).delay(delay).animate({ left: (showcase_width) + 'px' }, options.transition_speed + options.transition_delay, function () { displayAnchors(obj, true); displayCaption(obj, true); obj.remove() }) } else if (options.transition === 'vslide') { jQuery(obj).delay(delay).animate({ top: (options.content_height) + 'px' }, options.transition_speed + options.transition_delay, function () { displayAnchors(obj, true); displayCaption(obj, true); obj.remove() }) } else { jQuery(obj).delay(delay).fadeOut(options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj, true); displayCaption(obj, true); obj.remove() }) } if (options.transition === 'hslide') { obj2.css('left', '-' + options.content_width + 'px'); jQuery(obj2).delay(delay).animate({ left: lrpos }, options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj2); displayCaption(obj2); afterAnimation(obj2) }) } else if (options.transition === 'vslide') { obj2.css('top', '-' + showcase.height() + 'px'); jQuery(obj2).delay(delay).animate({ top: '0px' }, options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj2); displayCaption(obj2); afterAnimation(obj2) }) } else { obj2.css('left', lrpos); obj2.css('display', 'none'); jQuery(obj2).delay(delay).fadeIn(options.transition_speed, function () { displayAnchors(obj2); displayCaption(obj2); afterAnimation(obj2) }) } content_container.append(obj2) } } if (!options.viewline) { previous_id = current_id; current_id = id; if (options.thumbnails) { if ((current_id > previous_id && direction !== 'previous') || direction === 'next') { slideThumbnailWrapper('forward', true) } else if (current_id < previous_id || direction === 'previous') { slideThumbnailWrapper('backward', true) } } if (options.arrows) { jQuery(showcase).find('.showcase-arrow-previous').unbind('click').click(function () { if (myInterval) { if (options.stoponclick) { pause_loop = true } clearInterval(myInterval) } changeContent((current_id === 0) ? content_count - 1 : parseInt(current_id) - 1, 'previous') }); jQuery(showcase).find('.showcase-arrow-next').unbind('click').click(function () { if (myInterval) { if (options.stoponclick) { pause_loop = true } clearInterval(myInterval) } changeContent((current_id === content_count - 1) ? 0 : parseInt(current_id) + 1, 'next') }) } if (options.thumbnails) { i = 0; showcase.find('.showcase-thumbnail').each(function () { var object = jQuery(this); object.removeClass('active'); if (i === current_id) { object.addClass('active') } i++ }) } if (options.show_caption === 'show') { jQuery(obj2).find('.showcase-caption').show() } } if (options.buttons) { i = 0; showcase.find('.showcase-button-wrapper span').each(function () { var object = jQuery(this); object.removeClass('active'); if (i === current_id) { object.addClass('active') } i++ }) } if (typeof options.custom_function == 'function') { options.custom_function() } } } function afterAnimation(obj) { if (options.dynamic_height) { content_container.stop(true, true).animate({ height: obj.find('.showcase-content').children().height() }, 200) } animating = false } var thumbnailSlidePosition = 0; function slideThumbnailWrapper(direction, check, backwardforward) { var doTheSlide = true; var thumbnailHeightOrWidth = getElementHeight(jQuery(thumb_wrapper).find('.showcase-thumbnail')); if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumbnailHeightOrWidth = getElementWidth(jQuery(thumb_wrapper).find('.showcase-thumbnail')) } var multiplySlidePosition = 1; if (options.thumbnails_slidex === 0) { options.thumbnails_slidex = thumbnailsPerPage } if (check) { var thumbnailSlidePositionCopy = thumbnailSlidePosition; var thumbnailsScrolled = 0; while (thumbnailSlidePositionCopy < 0) { if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumbnailSlidePositionCopy += getElementWidth(jQuery(thumbnailArray[0])) } else { thumbnailSlidePositionCopy += getElementHeight(jQuery(thumbnailArray[0])) } thumbnailsScrolled++ } var firstVisible = thumbnailsScrolled; var lastVisible = thumbnailsPerPage + thumbnailsScrolled - 1; if (current_id >= firstVisible && current_id <= lastVisible) { doTheSlide = false } var distance; if ((current_id - lastVisible) > options.thumbnails_slidex) { distance = current_id - lastVisible; while (distance > options.thumbnails_slidex) { distance -= options.thumbnails_slidex; multiplySlidePosition++ } } else if ((firstVisible - current_id) > options.thumbnails_slidex) { distance = firstVisible - current_id; while (distance > options.thumbnails_slidex) { distance -= options.thumbnails_slidex; multiplySlidePosition++ } } else { multiplySlidePosition = 1 } } if (direction === 'forward' && doTheSlide) { if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'vertical' && options.content_height < (thumbnailStretch + thumbnailSlidePosition)) { thumbnailSlidePosition -= thumbnailHeightOrWidth * (options.thumbnails_slidex * multiplySlidePosition) } else if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal' && options.content_width < (thumbnailStretch + thumbnailSlidePosition)) { thumbnailSlidePosition -= thumbnailHeightOrWidth * (options.thumbnails_slidex * multiplySlidePosition) } else if (current_id === 0) { if (!backwardforward) { thumbnailSlidePosition = 0 } } if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumb_wrapper.animate({ left: thumbnailSlidePosition }, 300) } else { thumb_wrapper.animate({ top: thumbnailSlidePosition }, 300) } } else if (doTheSlide) { if (thumbnailSlidePosition < 0) { thumbnailSlidePosition += thumbnailHeightOrWidth * (options.thumbnails_slidex * multiplySlidePosition) } else if (current_id === content_count - 1) { if (!backwardforward) { thumbnailSlidePosition -= thumbnailHeightOrWidth * (options.thumbnails_slidex * multiplySlidePosition) } } else { thumbnailSlidePosition = 0 } if (options.thumbnails_direction === 'horizontal') { thumb_wrapper.animate({ left: thumbnailSlidePosition }, 300) } else { thumb_wrapper.animate({ top: thumbnailSlidePosition }, 300) } } } function displayCaption(container, fadeOut) { var caption = container.find('.showcase-caption'); if (!fadeOut) { if (options.show_caption === 'onload') { caption.fadeIn(300) } else if (options.show_caption === 'onhover') { jQuery(container).mouseenter(function () { caption.fadeIn(300) }); jQuery(container).mouseleave(function () { caption.stop(true, true).fadeOut(100) }) } } else { caption.stop(true, true).fadeOut(300) } } function displayAnchors(container, fadeOut) { container.find('.showcase-tooltips a').each(function () { if (!fadeOut) { var coords = jQuery(this).attr('coords'); coords = coords.split(','); jQuery(this).addClass('showcase-plus-anchor'); jQuery(this).css('position', 'absolute'); jQuery(this).css('display', 'none'); jQuery(this).css('width', options.tooltip_icon_width); jQuery(this).css('height', options.tooltip_icon_height); jQuery(this).css('left', parseInt(coords[0]) - (parseInt(options.tooltip_icon_width) / 2)); jQuery(this).css('top', parseInt(coords[1]) - (parseInt(options.tooltip_icon_height) / 2)); var content = jQuery(this).html(); jQuery(this).mouseenter(function () { animateTooltip(container, coords[0], coords[1], content) }); jQuery(this).mouseleave(function () { animateTooltip(container, coords[0], coords[1], content) }); jQuery(this).html(''); jQuery(this).fadeIn(300) } else { jQuery(this).stop(true, true).fadeOut(300) } }) } var tooltip = null; function animateTooltip(container, x, y, content) { if (tooltip === null) { tooltip = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('showcase-tooltip').css('display', 'none').css('position', 'absolute').css('max-width', options.tooltip_width).html(content); container.append(tooltip); var tooltip_paddingx = parseInt(tooltip.css('padding-right')) * 2 + parseInt(tooltip.css('border-right-width')) * 2; var tooltip_paddingy = parseInt(tooltip.css('padding-bottom')) * 2 + parseInt(tooltip.css('border-bottom-width')) * 2; lastx = parseInt(x) + tooltip.width() + tooltip_paddingx; lasty = parseInt(y) + tooltip.height() + tooltip_paddingy; if (lastx < options.content_width) { tooltip.css('left', parseInt(x) + parseInt(options.tooltip_offsetx)) } else { tooltip.css('left', (parseInt(x) - parseInt(options.tooltip_offsetx)) - (parseInt(tooltip.width()) + parseInt(options.tooltip_offsetx))) } if (lasty < options.content_height) { tooltip.css('top', parseInt(y) + parseInt(options.tooltip_offsety)) } else { tooltip.css('top', (parseInt(y) - parseInt(options.tooltip_offsety)) - (parseInt(tooltip.height()) + parseInt(tooltip_paddingy))) } tooltip.fadeIn(400) } else { tooltip.fadeOut(400); tooltip.remove(); tooltip = null } } function getElementHeight(el, incHeight, incMargin, incPadding, incBorders) { incHeight = typeof (incHeight) !== 'undefined' ? incHeight : true; incMargin = typeof (incMargin) !== 'undefined' ? incMargin : true; incPadding = typeof (incPadding) !== 'undefined' ? incPadding : true; incBorders = typeof (incBorders) !== 'undefined' ? incBorders : true; var elHeight = (incHeight) ? jQuery((el)).height() : 0; var elMargin = (incMargin) ? parseFloat(jQuery((el)).css('margin-top')) + parseFloat(jQuery(el).css('margin-bottom')) : 0; var elPadding = (incPadding) ? parseFloat(jQuery((el)).css('padding-top')) + parseFloat(jQuery(el).css('padding-bottom')) : 0; var elBorder = (incBorders) ? parseFloat(jQuery((el)).css('border-top-width')) + parseFloat(jQuery((el)).css('border-bottom-width')) : 0; elHeight += elMargin + elPadding + elBorder; return elHeight } function getElementWidth(el, incWidth, incMargin, incPadding, incBorders) { incWidth = typeof (incWidth) !== 'undefined' ? incWidth : true; 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