Releases: 0xIntuition/intuition-ts
Releases Β· 0xIntuition/intuition-ts
v0.4.1 β¨
π Bug Fixes
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Potential fix production deploy env variables @0xjojikun (#748)
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
v0.4.0 β¨
π Features
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): adds in the featured list object ids and the quest discover fallback @jonathanprozzi (#746)
π Bug Fixes
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): QA hotfixes @Vitalsine85 (#745)
- ENG-3603 fix(portal): fix bar bleed @Vitalsine85 (#743)
- ENG-3609 fix(portal): home user explore users link fix @jonathanprozzi (#744)
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
v0.3.0 β¨
π Features
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): Add quest objects @0xjojikun (#736)
- ENG-3568 feat(portal): add relic section to quest overview @Vitalsine85 (#732)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): adds i to special objects mapping @jonathanprozzi (#734)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): switches the mainnet prod contract address @jonathanprozzi (#733)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): switch staging deploy values to mainnet @jonathanprozzi (#727)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): special predicate mapping @jonathanprozzi (#725)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): feature flag in root @jonathanprozzi (#720)
- ENG-2867 feat(portal): adds gtm to deploy workflows, dockerfile, env.ts, and root @jonathanprozzi (#719)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): Add home banner & clean assets @0xjojikun (#716)
- ENG-3453 feat(portal): add link tag list save modal @jonathanprozzi (#713)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): sets the origin urls in the workflow @jonathanprozzi (#708)
- ENG-3508 feat(portal): adds origin checks for rpc allow lists @jonathanprozzi (#707)
- ENG-2407 feat(portal): add env handling logic @jonathanprozzi (#703)
- ENG-0000 feat(api): Setup codegen for staging and prod envs @cgmello (#693)
- ENG-0000 feat(api): Setup codegen for staging and prod envs @rahulr8 (#685)
- ENG-3380 feat(portal): handle pending claims on claim details @jonathanprozzi (#690)
- ENG-3392 feat(portal): handle pending user identities on personal profile routes @jonathanprozzi (#684)
- ENG-3393 feat(portal): handle pending user profile wallet route @jonathanprozzi (#683)
- ENG-3465 feat(portal): add Refer a Friend button @Vitalsine85 (#681)
- ENG-0000 feat(protocol): add createTriple initial deposit @simonas-notcat (#672)
- ENG-3389 feat(portal): handle pending states in identity details loader @jonathanprozzi (#670)
- ENG-0000 feat(1ui): add children support to banner @alexander-mann (#671)
π Bug Fixes
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix identity tag in activity feed @Vitalsine85 (#742)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix quest responsiveness @Vitalsine85 (#740)
- ENG-3531 ENG-3572 fix(portal): fixes and updates help center @Vitalsine85 (#739)
- ENG-3590 fix(portal): temp protocol points calculation @Vitalsine85 (#738)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix points cards @Vitalsine85 (#737)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fixes the mismatches in the claim display predicate display names @jonathanprozzi (#735)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): multiple qa fixes @Vitalsine85 (#730)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): switches to use staging values for privy so we can connect @jonathanprozzi (#731)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): adds vite deploy env to dockerfile @jonathanprozzi (#728)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,api): follower search and sort fix @Vitalsine85 (#726)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix invite route responsiveness @Vitalsine85 (#721)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Minor UI fix on home stats @0xjojikun (#724)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): removes the alert dialog from add identities list @jonathanprozzi (#723)
- ENG-3225 fix(portal): Fix privacy policy route + urls @0xjojikun (#722)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): update invite route to always show relic holder check @Vitalsine85 (#718)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): some small fixes @Vitalsine85 (#717)
- ENG-3483 fix(portal): add default query to chapter 6 @Vitalsine85 (#715)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix deploy workflows @jonathanprozzi (#714)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): nft points @Vitalsine85 (#699)
- ENG-3461 fix(portal): add identity tag to stake card @Vitalsine85 (#705)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Fix list detail to show claim information @0xjojikun (#711)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): adds in the origin url to the dockerfile @jonathanprozzi (#710)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): use vite deploy env not node env @jonathanprozzi (#706)
- ENG-3507 ENG-3505 fix(portal): add help to nav and update refer in account menu @Vitalsine85 (#701)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix mdx error @Vitalsine85 (#696)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): switches api url to use api url staging @jonathanprozzi (#698)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Fix privy secrets per environment @0xjojikun (#697)
- ENG-3474 fix(portal): tooltip copy updates @Vitalsine85 (#695)
- ENG-3350 fix(portal): disables twitter/github in privy link options @jonathanprozzi (#692)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): adds redirect to /create if the userIdentity is an actual 404 @jonathanprozzi (#694)
- ENG-3493 fix(portal): adds more robust active checks to side nav @jonathanprozzi (#691)
- ENG-3468 fix(1ui): profile address truncation side nav @jonathanprozzi (#688)
- ENG-3464 fix(portal): quests copy updates @Vitalsine85 (#687)
- ENG-3456 fix(portal): fix explore list search @Vitalsine85 (#680)
- ENG-3136 fix(portal): reintroduce stricter check for logout condition @Vitalsine85 (#675)
- ENG-3455 fix(portal): tags change save to stake @Vitalsine85 (#679)
- ENG-3454 fix(portal): fix tags modal hang @Vitalsine85 (#678)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix claim truncation in review state @Vitalsine85 (#676)
- ENG-3452 fix(portal): add videos to carousel @Vitalsine85 (#677)
- ENG-3431 fix(portal): section spacing and logo link update @Vitalsine85 (#667)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix toast background @Vitalsine85 (#673)
- ENG-3446 fix(portal): add timeout to create identity @Vitalsine85 (#664)
- ENG-3417 fix(portal): sort by assets sum in identity combobox @Vitalsine85 (#669)
- ENG-3444 fix(portal): update non live loaders to live loaders @Vitalsine85 (#674)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): add footer space @Vitalsine85 (#668)
- ENG-3432 fix(portal): fix intro responsiveness @Vitalsine85 (#666)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fixes create claim popover create identity modal @jonathanprozzi (#665)
π¨ Maintenance
- ENG-3549 chore(portal): reorder socials and open support links in new tab @Vitalsine85 (#741)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): Add production predicates @0xjojikun (#729)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): nomenclature update @Vitalsine85 (#712)
- ENG-3383 chore(portal): help center final copy @Vitalsine85 (#709)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): copy edits and small fixes @Vitalsine85 (#704)
- ENG-2757 chore(portal): remove console logs from frontend @jonathanprozzi (#702)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): update images and slides @Vitalsine85 (#700)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): updated copy @orbro (#689)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): Hotfix clarification @rahulr8 (#686)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): small copy edits @orbro (#682)
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0
@0xjojikun, @Vitalsine85, @alexander-mann, @cgmello, @jonathanprozzi, @orbro, @rahulr8 and @simonas-notcat
v0.2.1 β¨
π Bug Fixes
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): removes alert dialog for the tags-modal for now @jonathanprozzi (#663)
- ENG-3429 ENG-3428 fix(portal): Fix add identities, add tags modals @0xjojikun (#662)
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
v0.2.0 β¨
π Features
- ENG-0000 feat(portal,1ui): support and faq @Vitalsine85 (#652)
- ENG-3372 feat(portal): expose tags in other identity content rows @jonathanprozzi (#648)
π Bug Fixes
- ENG-3429 ENG-3428 fix(portal): Fix create modal submissions @0xjojikun (#661)
- ENG-3400 ENG-3419 fix(portal): Fix disabled claim staking quests @0xjojikun (#660)
- ENG-3414 fix(portal,1ui): bumps up the truncate length in claim details claim @jonathanprozzi (#659)
- ENG-3407 fix(portal): fix sizing on explore identities search @Vitalsine85 (#658)
- ENG-3398 fix(portal): fix ipfs link on identity detail profile card header @Vitalsine85 (#655)
- ENG-3406 fix(portal): fix save list modal crashes on list detail @Vitalsine85 (#657)
- ENG-3405 fix(portal): make more images clickable @Vitalsine85 (#656)
- ENG-3395 fix(portal): increase profile (and $wallet) list calls limit @jonathanprozzi (#654)
- ENG-3396 fix(portal): reduce tags in identity content row @Vitalsine85 (#653)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): create useGetWalletBalance hook and implement @Vitalsine85 (#640)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix identity form validation @Vitalsine85 (#651)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): clean up derp face generator @alexander-mann (#647)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Sync drafter with PRs @rahulr8 (#649)
π¨ Maintenance
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.2.0
@0xjojikun, @Vitalsine85, @alexander-mann, @jonathanprozzi and @rahulr8
v0.1.4 β¨
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Add i to the regex @rahulr8 (#646)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Remove slashes from regex @rahulr8 (#645)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Fix regex for labeler @rahulr8 (#644)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): Autolabel PRs @rahulr8 (#643)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): update error page, add error boundaries to all⦠@alexander-mann (#642)
- ENG-2836 chore(portal): Documentation of portal deploys @rahulr8 (#641)
- ENG-3385 fix(portal): fix create identity form not closing after clicking view or close @Vitalsine85 (#639)
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
v0.1.3 β¨
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix file size message @Vitalsine85 (#638)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): active nav links @alexander-mann (#637)
- ENG-3382 feat(portal): create lockdown view and ff @alexander-mann (#636)
- ENG-3374 fix(portal): fix initial deposit on create claim form @Vitalsine85 (#628)
- ENG-3314 feat(portal): add alert dialog when user closes a modal with a form or multi input @Vitalsine85 (#627)
- ENG-3354 feat(portal): explore combine users and identities and add filter @jonathanprozzi (#635)
- ENG-2693 fix(portal): add better tooltips to stake modal @Vitalsine85 (#633)
- ENG-3378 fix(portal): fix server side search explore tags crash @jonathanprozzi (#631)
- ENG-3368 feat(portal): bump up limit in initial explore lists call @jonathanprozzi (#625)
- ENG-3352 feat(1ui): add radio group variants @alexander-mann (#634)
- ENG-3188 fix(portal): fix copy toast and other minor fixes @Vitalsine85 (#632)
- ENG-3373 fix(portal): add error handling for image to small @Vitalsine85 (#629)
- ENG-2622 fix(portal): swap for and against button arrangement @Vitalsine85 (#630)
- ENG-3370 fix(portal): remove https prefix from create identity form and better sizing @Vitalsine85 (#626)
- ENG-2739 chore(portal): add snippet to external scripts @Vitalsine85 (#624)
- ENG-3349 ENG-3356 feat(portal,1ui): expose underlying claims list details and expose tags on identity content row @jonathanprozzi (#623)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): clean and quick fixes @Vitalsine85 (#619)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): add tag close popover on identity select @Vitalsine85 (#622)
- ENG-3228 fix(portal): fix spacing in tag review and transaction state @Vitalsine85 (#621)
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
v0.1.2 β¨
- ENG-2876 feat(portal,1ui): create banner component and portal site-wide banner @alexander-mann (#620)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix login loop @Vitalsine85 (#614)
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
v0.1.1 β¨
v0.1.0 β¨
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Setup separate workflows @cgmello (#617)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Setup separate workflows @cgmello (#615)
- ENG-0000 chore(portal): Separate out workflows @rahulr8 (#613)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): invite flow cleanup and fixes @Vitalsine85 (#604)
- ENG-3334 ENG-3336 fix(portal): fix crash on list detail when opening multiple save list modals @Vitalsine85 (#607)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix the tvl on stakecard on identity detail @Vitalsine85 (#611)
- ENG-3338 fix(portal): tag identity modal hover state click on identity to route to @Vitalsine85 (#609)
- ENG-3337 fix(portal): change list to tag in tag identity modal @Vitalsine85 (#608)
- ENG-3333 fix(portal): change save list button to popover @Vitalsine85 (#606)
- ENF-3229 fix(portal): add privy button/account menu back @Vitalsine85 (#605)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix connections and other small fixes @Vitalsine85 (#603)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): visual bugs @alexander-mann (#612)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): add header to tags list @Vitalsine85 (#610)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): Fix content shift, claim hover, load more button @0xjojikun (#602)
- ENG-2958 feat(portal): add tags to users @jonathanprozzi (#601)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): quick quest fixes @Vitalsine85 (#600)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): final legal copy @Vitalsine85 (#599)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix redeem amounts in activity feed @Vitalsine85 (#595)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): Fix quest banner on profile @0xjojikun (#598)
- ENG-3311 feat(portal): Create new GitHub Actions workflow for Staging @cgmello (#597)
- ENG-3311 feat(portal): Create new GitHub Actions workflow for Staging @cgmello (#596)
- ENG-3109 fix(portal): add support for webp images @Vitalsine85 (#593)
- ENG-3311 feat(portal): Create new GitHub Actions workflow for Staging @cgmello (#594)
- ENG-3311 feat(portal): Create new GitHub Actions workflow for Staging @cgmello (#592)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): button icons @Vitalsine85 (#591)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): lists cleanup fixes and enhancements @Vitalsine85 (#589)
- ENG-3196 ENG-2608 feat(portal,1ui): expand clicked image into modal @jonathanprozzi (#590)
- ENG-3311 feat(portal): Create new GitHub Actions workflow for Staging @cgmello (#588)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): console cleanup @Vitalsine85 (#583)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): create identity tooltip autolaunch @alexander-mann (#586)
- ENG-3179 fix(portal): bumps truncate value to 40 from 20 @jonathanprozzi (#585)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): layout setup, profile overview responsiveness, create cta @alexander-mann (#584)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): quick fixes @Vitalsine85 (#582)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): update quest images @Vitalsine85 (#581)
- ENG-3303 fix(portal): adds safety check and skips any malformed identities in tags @jonathanprozzi (#580)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix save modal on list route @Vitalsine85 (#578)
- ENG-3298 feat(portal): position reconciliation maintenance tool @Vitalsine85 (#577)
- ENG-3292 fix(portal): tagging flow copy and a couple minor fixes @Vitalsine85 (#576)
- ENG-3018 feat(portal): add pinned lists to home @jonathanprozzi (#579)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): set duration to 100 on claimstatus tooltip @Vitalsine85 (#575)
- ENG-3016 feat(portal): always load default lists in any identities searh @jonathanprozzi (#573)
- ENG-3230 feat(portal): list curation significant flow improvement @Vitalsine85 (#574)
- ENG-3293 ENG-3291 fix(portal): fix and enhance save list and add tag modals @Vitalsine85 (#572)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix fe data issues @Vitalsine85 (#571)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): remove fees accrued on identity and wallet routes @Vitalsine85 (#570)
- ENG-2525 fix(portal): add tooltips to create flows @Vitalsine85 (#569)
- ENG-3223 feat(portal): invite code screen relic check @Vitalsine85 (#568)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): Intro Carousel Copy Edits @orbro (#528)
- ENG-3264 fix(portal): hide explore when sidebar nav is collapsed @Vitalsine85 (#566)
- ENG-3085 fix(portal): add headers to all paginated lists @Vitalsine85 (#564)
- ENG-3163 chore(portal): Update release-drafter @rahulr8 (#523)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix stake dialog header in tx state @Vitalsine85 (#565)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): dialog uniformity @Vitalsine85 (#563)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): more paginated list fixes and enhancements @Vitalsine85 (#562)
- ENG-3236 fix(portal): fix https links in popovers @Vitalsine85 (#561)
- ENG-3208 fix(portal): fix page width and add background to left column @Vitalsine85 (#560)
- ENG-3259 ENG-3260 fix(portal): new create button updated nav @Vitalsine85 (#559)
- ENG-3038 fix(portal): add coming soon nav items @Vitalsine85 (#555)
- ENG-3250 feat(portal): add source user to lists in overview pages @jonathanprozzi (#557)
- ENG-3253 fix(portal): skips identities that have bad/malformed data in the list page @jonathanprozzi (#558)
- ENG-3246 fix(portal,1ui): list fixes and cleanup @Vitalsine85 (#552)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): quest chapter responsiveness @alexander-mann (#556)
- ENG-0000 fix(1ui): profile card responsiveness @alexander-mann (#554)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): make quest narrative view responsive @alexander-mann (#553)
- ENG-3185 feat(portal): doubles the max length for truncated tags in review @jonathanprozzi (#551)
- ENG-3161 feat(portal): add make claim button to data about pages @jonathanprozzi (#550)
- ENG-3183 fix(portal): add description to add to list dialog header @Vitalsine85 (#549)
- ENG-3088 ENG-3131 feat(portal): add make a claim to identity details overview @jonathanprozzi (#547)
- ENG-3180 fix(portal): increase max chars on profile card header name @Vitalsine85 (#548)
- ENG-3151 fix(portal): create profile during onboarding fails if you dont upload image @Vitalsine85 (#546)
- ENG-3193 feat(portal): makes the list identity display card click navigate to the identity @jonathanprozzi (#545)
- ENG-3099 fix(portal): omit all fees accrued and deltas @Vitalsine85 (#544)
- ENG-3198 feat(portal): clicking list name navigates to list details @jonathanprozzi (#543)
- ENG-3119 fix(portal): add create identity to create claim identity search @Vitalsine85 (#542)
- ENG-3181 feat(portal,1ui): make profile card actions links @jonathanprozzi (#541)
- ENG-3227 ENG-3229 fix(portal): fix save list modal crashes @Vitalsine85 (#539)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix create redirect @Vitalsine85 (#540)
- ENG-3192 fix(portal): fix stretchy avatars @Vitalsine85 (#537)
- ENG-3189 fix(portal): increase max file size of image @Vitalsine85 (#538)
- ENG-3175 fix(portal): fix quest overview header card and add fallback ids @Vitalsine85 (#536)
- ENG-3221 fix(portal): redirect user from create to profile if they already have an identity @Vitalsine85 (#535)
- ENG-3153 fix(portal): fix minDeposit comparison @Vitalsine85 (#534)
- ENG-3098 fix(portal): fix spacing on tabs skeleton on data created @Vitalsine85 (#533)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix add tags @Vitalsine85 (#532)
- ENG-3164 fix(1ui): update social links to account for 2 character handles @jonathanprozzi (#531)
- ENG-0000 fix(1ui): fix profilecard padding @Vitalsine85 (#530)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): fix stake amount on followers list @Vitalsine85 (#529)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): enhance and cleanup create identity and edit profile forms @Vitalsine85 (#421)
- ENG-2889 feat(portal): invite code onboarding @Vitalsine85 (#460)
- ENG-3031 feat(portal): home page @jonathanprozzi (#527)
- ENG-3134 fix(portal): identity input bug @alexander-mann (#526)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): move consts and types folders @alexander-mann (#524)
- ENG-3159 feat(protocol): add wait flags to createAtom and createTriple @simonas-notcat (#525)
- ENG-3149 fix(portal): fix no active positions loading on profile data created @Vitalsine85 (#522)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): profile data about alignment @alexander-mann (#521)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal): responsiveize quest home page @alexander-mann (#520)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): staking min deposit temp fix @Vitalsine85 (#519)
- ENG-2949 feat(portal,1ui): user identity details overview @jonathanprozzi (#518)
- ENG-3148 fix(portal): fix stake modal toast @Vitalsine85 (#517)
- ENG-3141 fix(portal): fix initial follow claim @Vitalsine85 (#516)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): temp rollback privy login fix @Vitalsine85 (#515)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): update abi @Vitalsine85 (#514)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): migrate to new contract @Vitalsine85 (#513)
- ENG-3093 fix(portal): add network check to create modals @Vitalsine85 (#512)
- ENG-3124 feat(portal): refactor instances promise all in suspense uses @jonathanprozzi (#511)
- ENG-3100 fix(portal): logout if no active wallet @Vitalsine85 (#510)
- ENG-3107 fix(portal): typo in quest @Vitalsine85 (#508)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): more responsiveness @alexander-mann (#509)
- ENG-3114 fix(portal): change add tag to filter by on identities explore @Vitalsine85 (#507)
- ENG-3033 ENG-3032 feat(portal): Add quest completion modal that sparks joy @0xjojikun (#504)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal): Follower and Following counts @rahulr8 (#506)
- ENG-3090 feat(portal): setup terms and policy routes @Vitalsine85 (#502)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): update responsiveness @alexander-mann (#505)
- ENG-2977 feat(portal): add is contract option to create identity form @Vitalsine85 (#501)
- ENG-2874 feat(portal): create generic callout component @Vitalsine85 (#503)
- ENG-2388 feat(portal,api): points overview card @Vitalsine85 (#497)
- ENG-3087 fix(portal): use trunctacular on list identity cards @Vitalsine85 (#498)
- ENG-2948 feat(portal): identity details overview @jonathanprozzi (#500)
- ENG-3086 feat(portal): user profile overview add lists @jonathanprozzi (#499)
- ENG-0000 fix(portal,1ui): console fixes @Vitalsine85 (#494)
- ENG-2950 feat(portal): profile overview route @Vitalsine85 (#496)
- ENG-3080 fix(1ui): Update in-progress loader sprite @0xjojikun (#495)
- ENG-0000 feat(portal,1ui): make edit profile and link soc...