a terraform module for creating an aws account within an organization.
Create a new account
# terraform/global/accounts/main.tf
variable org {
description = "name of the project organziaton this account will be part of"
default = "demo-org"
variable lifecycle {
description = "what lifecycle this account owns; usually one of develop,staging,prod,qa"
default = "develop"
variable account_email {
description = "the email address tied to this account"
default = "demoproject+aws-develop@gmail.com"
module "aws_account" "account" {
source = "git::https://github.com/100Automations/terraform-aws-org-account.git?ref=tags/0.1.0"
org_name = var.org
lifecycle = var.lifecycle
account_email = var.account_email
output account_arn {
value = aws_organizations_account.account.arn
output account_id {
value = aws_organizations_account.account.id