Status : Finished project ✅ / Open PR
- Next.js 🚀
- SASS 🎨
- Swiper.js 🔄
- AOS (Animate On Scroll) 📈
- Dotenv 📦
- Node.js (v20.15.0) or higher
- NPM (v10.8.1)
- git clone or download the zip
- npm install or yarn install
- code . (if you use VSCode)
- npm run dev or yarn dev
- Create a .env.local file in the root of the project
- Create the variable: NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL
- Go to the link:
- Create an account (if you don't have one) and get the API key
- Add the API key to the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL
- npm run build or yarn build
- vercel
- access the link generated by vercel (inspect or preview)