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Workflow to publish docker image on tag instead of release because of… #22

Workflow to publish docker image on tag instead of release because of…

Workflow to publish docker image on tag instead of release because of… #22

Job Run time
2m 0s
1m 28s
1m 18s
1m 29s
1m 19s
1m 47s
1m 49s
1m 18s
1m 54s
2m 12s
1m 21s
1m 49s
1m 50s
1m 23s
1m 41s
1m 24s
1m 23s
1m 56s
1m 57s
1m 56s
2m 39s
2m 2s
2m 28s
1m 56s
2m 7s
2m 7s
1m 53s
2m 30s
1m 22s
1m 49s
1m 2s
1m 40s
1h 0m 44s