diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ff5549b7..770f2440 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# HeadlessMc
+A command line launcher for Minecraft Java Edition.
+Mc-Runtime-Test | HMC | HMC-Specifics | HMC-Optimizations

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> Accounts will always be validated.
> Offline accounts can only be used to run the game headlessly in CI/CD pipelines.
-HeadlessMc allows you to launch Minecraft from the command line. It is also able to instrument the game: before
-launch the bytecode of the games libraries can be modified. HeadlessMc aims to use this feature to
-* add a command line interface to Minecraft, which can control the game.
-* redirect every method in the lwjgl library, causing Minecraft not to render anything, thus making it "headless".
-* patch the Log4J vulnerability.
+HeadlessMc (HMC) allows you to launch Minecraft Java Edition from the command line.
+It can also modify the game while and before running it.
+This feature can be used to make the Minecraft client run in headless mode,
+without displaying a UI, controlled by the command line.
+HeadlessMc also patches the Log4J vulnerability
+and can be used
+to test the game in your CI/CD pipeline with [mc-runtime-test](https://github.com/3arthqu4ke/mc-runtime-test).
## How to use
-All you need is the `headlessmc-launcher.jar` file and java ≥ 8 installed. The launcher will start after you
-executed `java -jar headlessmc-launcher.jar` in a terminal of your choice. Double-clicking the jar is not supported.
-After that HeadlessMc will create a `HeadlessMc/config.properties` file. Edit that file, create a key
-`hmc.java.versions` inside. The value should be a `;` separated list to of java executables HeadlessMc can use, like
-hmc.java.versions=C:/Program Files/Java/jre-/bin/java;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-/bin/java
-After you are done, type `config -refresh` then `java -refresh`, press enter, and you are ready start. Here are some of
-the most important commands:
-| Name | Description | Args/Flags |
-| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
-| help | Lists commands and prints informations.| \ \ -id |
-| quit | Exits HeadlessMc. | |
-| versions | Lists all Minecraft versions currently installed. | -release -snapshot -other |
-| download | Lists available Minecraft versions and downloads them. | \ -id -release -snapshot -other -refresh |
-| login | Logs into a Microsoft account. | \, will open a context for entering the password. |
-| launch | Launches Minecraft. | \ -commands -lwjgl -paulscode -lookup -jndi -noout -keep -exit |
-| forge | Installs Minecraft Forge. | \ \<--uid\> |
-| fabric | Installs Fabric. | \ |
-To launch the game in headless mode type use the launch command with the `-lwjgl` flag:
-`launch -lwjgl`
+1. Download the `headlessmc-launcher.jar` from the releases tab and install a Java version ≥ 8.
+2. Run the launcher with `java -jar headlessmc-launcher.jar` in your terminal.
+You can also use the `hmc.sh/bat` scripts for convenience.
+3. You need to specify which Java installations HeadlessMc can use to run the game.
+Open the file `HeadlessMC/config.properties` and add a key called `hmc.java.versions`,
+with a `;` seperated list of java versions HeadlessMc can use, like this:
+ ```properties
+ hmc.java.versions=C:/Program Files/Java/jre-/bin/java;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-/bin/java
+ ```
+ On Windows Java versions in `Program Files/Java` will already get detected automatically.
+4. Execute `config -refresh` and then `java -refresh`, HeadlessMc should now know which Java versions to use.
+5. HeadlessMc will generally not allow you to start the game without an account.
+Login to your Minecraft account by executing the `login ` command.
+For now, Microsoft's 2FA is not supported in headless mode,
+but you can use the `login -webview` flag to open Microsoft's login UI
+(You can then copy over the HeadlessMC folder with all files to your headless machine).
+6. You can download Minecraft Vanilla versions with the download command, e.g. `download 1.21`.
+7. After downloading a Vanilla version you can also install modloaders
+with the `forge`, `fabric`, and `neoforge` commands, e.g. `fabric 1.21`.
+8. With `versions` you can list your downloaded Minecraft versions.
+9. With `help` you can list other available commands.
+10. If you are ready to launch the game execute `launch `.
+If you want to start the game in headless mode add the `-lwjgl` flag.
+The [hmc-specifics](https://github.com/3arthqu4ke/hmc-specifics) are mods
+that you can place inside your .minecraft/mods folder.
+With HeadlessMc they allow you to control the game via the command line, e.g.
+by sending chat messages and commands with `msg ""`,
+visualizing the menus displayed by Minecraft via `gui` and clicking through menus via `click`.
Arguments passed to commands have to be separated using spaces. If you want to pass an Argument which contains spaces
you need to escape it using quotation marks, like this:
-`"argument with spaces"`. Quotation marks and backslashes can be escaped by using a backslash.
+`"argument with spaces"`.
+Quotation marks and backslashes can be escaped by using a backslash.
+So `msg "A text with spaces"` will send the chat message `A text with spaces`,
+while `msg "\"A text with spaces\"" additional space`
+will send the chat message `"A text with spaces"` and the argument `additional space` will be dropped.
+HeadlessMc also has a preconfigured [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/3arthqu4ke/headlessmc/),
+which comes with Java 8, 17 and 21 installed.
+Pull it via `docker pull 3arthqu4ke/headlessmc`
+and run it with `docker run -i -t -p 3arthqu4ke/headlessmc`.
+Inside the container you can use the `hmc` command anywhere.
+HeadlessMc achieves headless mode by patching the LWJGL library:
+every of its functions is rewritten to do nothing, or to return stub values.
+This has the advantage of being independent of Minecraft versions,
+but comes with some overhead.
+A Minecraft version dependent approach are the [hmc-optimizations](https://github.com/3arthqu4ke/hmc-optimizations),
+another set of mods which patch Minecraft itself to skip all rendering code.
+You can also achieve headless mode without patching lwjgl by running headlessmc with a virtual framebuffer like
HeadlessMc can be configured using properties. These can be passed as SystemProperties from the command line or via the
`HeadlessMc/config.properties` file. Additional configs can be added to the `HeadlessMc/configs` folder. For available
@@ -60,35 +90,6 @@ information see the [HmcProperties](headlessmc-commons/src/main/java/me/earth/he
[RuntimeProperties](headlessmc-runtime/src/main/java/me/earth/headlessmc/runtime/RuntimeProperties.java) or the
-> :warning: Because I don't want to get into trouble HeadlessMc will not store your account credentials. If you don't want to enter them everytime you can supply them using the properties (**at your own risk**).
-## Runtime
-In attempt to provide some debuggability HeadlessMc can control the game using commands when launching it with the
-`-commands` flag. However, because I wanted this to be "not-version-specific", this is just java-reflection in form of
-commands. For more comfortable implementations, which you can use without java-knowledge, take a look at the
-I don't want to go into greater detail about this because it's awful, and I don't even use it myself, so just a quick
-example on how to exit the game gracefully in Minecraft 1.12.2 vanilla:
-Get the Minecraft class and store it in the 0th register (since this is vanilla we need to use obfuscated names):\
-`class bib 0 -dump`\
-Get the Minecraft instance from the class and store it in the 1st register:\
-`field 0 R 1` or `method 0 z 1`\
-Invoke the shutdown method on the Minecraft instance in the 1st register:\
-`method 1 n 2`
-One day I might add support for mappings, so you don't need to look up the obfuscated names.
-## Contributing
-You don't need to be able to code to contribute. It would be cool to eliminate as many potential crashes as possible by
-running as many versions as possible using the `-lwjgl` flag. When your game crashes please open an issue.
-If you contribute code: Please document your stuff and write tests. Also try to follow the code style: wrap your lines
-after 80 characters. [codestyle.xml](codestyle.xml) is code style configuration for Intellij.
## License, more documentation, etc.
Look [here](DEV.md) for more in-depth documentation about the project.