A Kubernetes Operator based on the Operator SDK (Helm version) to configure official banzaicloud/bank-vaults Vault operator helm chart, so it can be installed via OLM without having to do any change on current Helm Charts.
The usual Helm Chart file values.yaml
, like:
bankVaultsRepository: ghcr.io/banzaicloud/bank-vaults
repository: ghcr.io/banzaicloud/vault-operator
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 400Mi
Need to be encapsulated into a new custom resource called OperatorConfig
apiVersion: operator.vault.banzaicloud.com/v1alpha1
kind: OperatorConfig
name: cluster
bankVaultsRepository: ghcr.io/banzaicloud/bank-vaults
repository: ghcr.io/banzaicloud/vault-operator
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 400Mi
So the operator will create all helm chart resources, using the custom resource name as a prefix for all resources names.
You can easily generate the operator for any particular version of the Bank-Vault
Vault operator helm Chart using the container-build
target with a specific VERSION
- Command
VERSION=1.15.6 make container-build
banzaicloud-stable/vault-operator@v1.15.6 downloaded to /home/rael/gh/3scale-ops/bank-vaults-helm-operator/helm-charts
2022/07/06 13:20:32 resource bases/vault.banzaicloud.com_crds.yaml already in kustomization file
docker build -t quay.io/3scale/bank-vaults-helm-operator:v1.15.6 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 253.4MB
Step 1/5 : FROM quay.io/operator-framework/helm-operator:v1.20.0
---> 0612bfda4e55
Step 2/5 : ENV HOME=/opt/helm
---> Using cache
---> 28509b255293
Step 3/5 : COPY watches.yaml ${HOME}/watches.yaml
---> Using cache
---> 57abef551e9f
Step 4/5 : COPY helm-charts ${HOME}/helm-charts
---> Using cache
---> deebeb5ef7ad
Step 5/5 : WORKDIR ${HOME}
---> Running in aa0360f4d23e
Removing intermediate container aa0360f4d23e
---> d45c0dbfda24
Successfully built d45c0dbfda24
Successfully tagged quay.io/3scale/bank-vaults-helm-operator:v1.15.6
- Files generated
$ grep version helm-charts/vault-operator/Chart.yaml
version: 1.15.6
$ tree helm-charts/
├── README.md
└── vault-operator
├── Chart.yaml
├── README.md
├── templates
│ ├── _helpers.tpl
│ ├── deployment.yaml
│ ├── psp.yaml
│ ├── role.yaml
│ ├── rolebinding.yaml
│ ├── sa.yaml
│ ├── service.yaml
│ └── servicemonitor.yaml
└── values.yaml
2 directories, 12 files
For more detailed information, check the documentation available.
You can contribute by:
- Raising any issues you find using Bank-Vaults Vault helm operator
- Fixing issues by opening Pull Requests
- Submitting a patch or opening a PR
- Improving documentation
- Talking about Bank-Vaults Vault helm operator
All bugs, tasks or enhancements are tracked as GitHub issues.
Bank-Vaults Vault helm operator is under Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.