Bonjour la porte
- Buy Hall Voice Change on intra shop
- Make a Pull Request to add your files
- Add a .json file with your configuration (Also see
) - No sound during more than 10 seconds
- No more than 20 sounds
- No sound over 1 Mo
- No troll, insults, too loud sound, etc
- Add a .json file with your configuration (Also see
PR might be refused if one of those requirements are missing
You can find an example PR here
- Buy one RPI and a pretty good audio speaker
- In Raspbian, clone this repository
- Goto the repository and type
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install a Redis server
sudo apt-get install redis
- How to run?
- You can use systemctl
sudo cp hallvoice.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable --now hallvoice.service
- You can use Docker (WIP DO NOT USE ME, OR THE RPI WILL BURN)
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d
- You can use systemctl
- Copy and fill-up the config file in
cp config/config.ini.example config/config.ini
- Kafka:
- The RPI must be in bocal's network so it can access Redpanda
- You messages must be JSONised like so
- You can pre-fill the redis cache with
- to get all firstname from list of logins in
- to get all firstname from list of logins in
- to cache all gTTS from a list of firstname in
- This can take a very long time, generate one tts per second to avoid Google rate-limit
- to cache all gTTS from a list of firstname in
- All data stored in redis have a TTL of 6 months
- Q: Will the hallvoice use Usualname if I have one?
- A: Yes! Hallvoice use 42API to get your Usualname from your login, if there is no Usualname find, legal firstname will be used and cached
- Q: I juste set a Usualname but the old legal firstname is still in use, how to "force" the hallvoice to use the my Usualname?
- Q: I bought hallvoice, how to use it?
- Q: I want to change a song, do I have to buy hallvoice again?
- A: No
- Q: What's the TTL (Time to live) for the cache?
- A: TTL for redis cache is 6 month, the staff can change it in the config file
- Q: Code is garbage, can I improve it?
- I guess... Yes you can? You can try to do a PR
- Q: I am the bocal, how to purge cache from a login?
- A: From bocal's network, make GET call at
- A: From bocal's network, make GET call at
- Q: Something's f*cky, need to debug!
- A: Logs can be found in folder
- A: Logs can be found in folder
- Q: How to update?
- A: Hmmm, Are you pisciner? A simple
git pull
should do the trick :)
- A: Hmmm, Are you pisciner? A simple
- When redis cache is fully pre-filled:
- it consume ~300M of disk space
- 39888 TTS cached (2493 firstname * 16 welcome and goodbye message)
- ~5300 login is used to cache firstnames
- Volume is at maximum in