With Visual Statistics1 you can display statistics of your LMS music library using all kinds of charts. Hovering over segments, bars or data points will display more information.
If you're interested in lists with tracks, albums or artists sorted by statistics for a specific artist, album, genre, year/decade or playlist, have a look at the Context Stats plugin.
Go to Home Menu > Extras > Visual Statistics
While the charts scale down, please note that this plugin was designed for wide/big screens.
If you have the Alternative Play Count plugin installed, you will see some additional charts that use the data from this plugin.
⬅️ Back to the list of all plugins
Use the icon (top right) to jump directly to a specific section.
- Display statistics of your LMS music library using various types of charts.
- Save charts as images.
- 💡 The bars in many bar charts are clickable and will take you directly to the browse menu of the artist, album, genre or year.
- Limit the scope of charts to virtual libraries, decades and/or genres.
- Display (summary) library statistics in text form.
- Save the results for selected text statistics as playlists. Makes it easier to find those tracks, albums and artists.
- LMS version >= 8.4
- LMS database = SQLite
Visual Statistics is available from the LMS plugin library: LMS > Settings > Manage Plugins.
If you want to test a new patch that hasn't made it into a release version yet, you'll have to install the plugin manually.
To report a new issue please file a GitHub issue report.
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