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tmadlener committed Mar 24, 2023
1 parent 8ececae commit fed95e9
Showing 1 changed file with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
# Associationg unrelated objects with each other
Sometimes it is necessary to build relations between objects whose datatypes are
not related via a `OneToOneRelation` or a `OneToManyRelation`. These *external
relations* are called *Associations* in podio, and they are implemented as a
templated version of the code that would be generated by the following yaml
snippet (in this case between generic `FromT` and `ToT` datatypes):

Description: "A weighted association between a FromT and a ToT"
Author: "P. O. Dio"
- float weight // the weight of the association
- FromT from // reference to the FromT
- ToT to // reference to the ToT
## `Association` basics
`Association`s are implemented as templated classes forming a similar structure
as other podio generated classes, with several layers of which users only ever
interact with the *User layer*. This layer has the following basic classes
/// The collection class that forms the basis of I/O and also is the main entry point
template<typename FromT, typename ToT>
class AssociationCollection;
/// The default (immutable) class that one gets after reading a collection
template<typename FromT, typename ToT>
class Association;
/// The mutable class for creating associations before writing them
template<typename FromT, typename ToT>
class MutableAssociation;

Although the names of the template parameters, `FromT` and `ToT` imply a
direction of the association, from a technical point of view nothing actually
enforces this direction, unless `FromT` and `ToT` are both of the same type.
Hence, associations can effectively be treated as bi-directional, and one
combination of `FromT` and `ToT` should be enough for all use cases (see also
the [usage section](#how-to-use-associations)).

For a more detailed explanation of the internals and the actual implementation
see [the implementation details](#implementation-details).

## How to use `Association`s
Using `Association`s is quite simple. In line with other datatypes that are
generated by podio all the functionality can be gained by including the
corresponding `Collection` header. After that it is generally recommended to
introduce a type alias for easier usage. **As a general rule `Associations` need
to be declared with the default (immutable) types.** Trying to instantiate them
with `Mutable` types will result in a compilation error.

#include "podio/AssociationCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/ReconstructedParticleCollection.h"
// declare a new assocation type
using MCRecoParticleAssociationCollection = podio::AssociationCollection<edm4hep::MCParticle,

This can now be used exactly as any other podio generated collection, i.e.
edm4hep::MCParticle mcParticle{};
edm4hep::ReconstructedParticle recoParticle{};
auto mcRecoAssocs = MCRecoParticleAssociationCollection{};
auto assoc = mcRecoAssocs.create(); // create an association;
assoc.setWeight(1.0); // This is also the default value!

and similar for getting the associated objects
auto mcP = assoc.getFrom();
auto recoP = assoc.getTo();
auto weight = assoc.getWeight();

In the above examples the `From` and `To` in the method names imply a direction,
but it is also possible to use a templated `get` method to retrieve the
associated objects via their type:

auto mcP = assoc.get<edm4hep::MCParticle>();
auto recoP = assoc.get<edm4hep::ReconstructedParticle>();
auto weight = assoc.getWeight();

It is also possible to access the elments of an association via an index based
`get` (similar to `std::tuple`). In this case `0` corresponds to `getFrom`, `1`
corresponds to `getTo` and `2` corresponds to the weight. The main purpose of
this feature is to enable structured bindings:

const auto& [mcP, recoP, weight] = assoc;

The above three examples are three equivalent ways of retrieving the same things
from an `Association`. **The latter two ways only work if `FromT` and `ToT` are
not the same type**

### Enabling I/O capabilities for `Association`s

`Association`s do not have I/O support out of the box. This has to be enabled via
the `PODIO_DECLARE_ASSOCIATION` macro (defined in the `AssociationCollection.h`
header). If you simply want to be able to read / write `Association`s in a
standalone executable, it is enough to use this macro somewhere in the
executable, e.g. to enable I/O capabilities for the `MCRecoParticleAssociation`s
used above this would look like:

PODIO_DECLARE_ASSOCIATION(edm4hep::MCParticle, edm4hep::ReconstructedParticle)

The macro will also enable SIO support if the `PODIO_ENABLE_SIO=1` is passed to
the compiler. This is done by default when linking against the
`podio::podioSioIO` library in CMake.

For enabling I/O support for shared datamodel libraries, it is necessary to have
all the necessary combinations of types declared via `PODIO_DECLARE_ASSOCIATION`
and have that compiled into the library. This is necessary if you want to use
the python bindings, since they rely on dynamically loading the datamodel

## Implementation details

In order to give a slightly easier entry to the details of the implementation
and also to make it easier to find where things in the generated documentation,
we give a brief description of the main ideas and design choices here. With
those it should be possible to dive deeper if necessary or to understand the
template structure that is visible in the documentation, but should be fairly
invisible in usage. We will focus mainly on the user facing classes, as those
deal with the most complexity, the underlying layers are more or less what could
be obtained by generating them via the yaml snippet above and sprinkling some
`<FromT, ToT>` templates where necessary.

### File structure

The user facing `"podio/AssociationCollection.h"` header essentially just
defines the `PODIO_DECLARE_ASSOCIATION` macro (depending on whether SIO support
is desired and possible or not). All the actual implementation is done in the
following files:

- [`"podio/detail/AssociationCollectionImpl.h"`](
for the collection functionality
- [`"podio/detail/Association.h"`](
for the functionality of single association
- [`"podio/detail/AssociationCollectionIterator.h"`](
for the collection iterator functionality
- [`"podio/detail/AssociationObj.h"`](
for the object layer functionality
- [`"podio/detail/AssociationCollectionData.h"`](
for the collection data functionality
- [`"podio/detail/AssociationFwd.h"`](
for some type helper functionality and some forward declarations that are used
throughout the othe headers
- [`"podio/detail/AssociationSIOBlock.h"`](
for defining the SIOBlocks that are necessary to use SIO

As is visible from this structure, we did not introduce an `AssociationData`
class, since that would effectively just be a `float` wrapped inside a `struct`.

### Default and `Mutable` `Association` classes

A quick look into the `AssociationFwd.h` header will reveal that the default and
`Mutable` `Association` classes are in fact just partial specialization of the
`AssociationT` class that takes a `bool Mutable` as third template argument. The
same approach is also followed by the `AssocationCollectionIterator`s:

template<typename FromT, typename ToT, bool Mutable>
class AssociationT;
template <typename FromT, typename ToT>
using Association = AssociationT<FromT, ToT, false>;
template <typename FromT, typename ToT>
using MutableAssociation = AssociationT<FromT, ToT, true>;

All podio generated datatypes have the following three public typedefs
- `DefT` yields the default type
- `MutT` yields the mutable type
- `CollT` yields the collection type

There are corresponding template helpers to retrieve these types in
`AssocationFwd.h`. Note that these are not
[*SFINAE*]( friendly. However,
since they are only used in contexts internally in non-SFINAE contexts, this
doesn't really matter.

Throught the implementation it is assumed that `FromT` and `ToT` always are the
default types. This is ensured through `static_assert`s, resp. through usage of
the aforementioned template helpers at the possible entry points. With this in
mind, effectively all mutating operations on `Association`s are defined using
SFINAE using the following template structure (taking here `setFrom` as an

template <typename FromU,
typename = std::enable_if_t<Mutable &&
std::is_same_v<detail::GetDefT<FromU>, FromT>>>
void setFrom(FromU value);

This is a SFINAE friendly way to ensure that this definition is only viable if
the following conditions are met
- The object this method is called on has to be `Mutable`. (first part inside the `std::enable_if`)
- The passed in `value` is either a `Mutable` or default class of type `FromT`. (second part inside the `std::enable_if`)

In some cases the template signature looks like this

template<bool Mut = Mutable,
typename = std::enable_if<Mut && Mutable>>
void setWeight(float weight);

The reason to have a defaulted `bool` template parameter here is the same as the
one for having a `typename FromU` template parameter above: SFINAE only works
with deduced types. Using `Mut && Mutable` in the `std::enable_if` makes sure
that users cannot bypass the immutability by specifying a template parameter

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