diff --git a/Docs/source/AMR_Advection.rst b/Docs/source/AMR_Advection.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10b6124c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/source/AMR_Advection.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ ## At a Glance
+ |Questions|Objectives|Key Points|
+ |What can I do with AMReX?|Understand that "AMR" means more
than just "traditional AMR"|AMR + EB + Particles|
+ |How do I get started?|Understand easy set-up|It's not hard to get started|
+ |What time-stepping do I use?|Understand the difference between subcycling and not|It's a choice|
+ |How do I visualize AMR results?|Use Visit and Paraview for AMReX vis|Visualization tools exist for AMR data.|
+.. _tutorial_advection:
+Tutorial: Multi-Level Scalar Advection
+.. admonition:: **Time to Complete**: 20 mins
+ :class: warning
+ Features:
+ - Mesh Data.
+ - Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) with and without subcycling.
+Consider a drop of dye (we'll define :math:`\phi` to be the concentration of dye)
+in a thin incompressible fluid that is spinning
+clock-wise then counter-clockwise with a prescribed motion. We consider the dye to be a
+passive tracer that is advected by the fluid velocity. The fluid is thin enough that we can model
+this as two-dimensional motion; here we have the option of solving in a 2D or 3D computational domain.
+In other words, we want to solve for :math:`\phi(x,y,t)` by evolving
+.. math::
+ \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\bf{u^{spec}} \phi) = 0
+in time (:math:`t`), where the velocity :math:`{\bf{u^{spec}}} = (u,v)w` is a divergence-free field computed by defining
+.. math::
+ \psi(i,j) = \sin^2(\pi x) \sin^2(\pi y) \cos (\pi t / 2) / \pi
+and defining
+.. math::
+ u = -\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial y}, v = \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}.
+Note that because :math:`{\bf{u^{spec}}}` is defined as the curl of a scalar field, it is analytically divergence-free.
+In this example we'll be using AMR to resolve the scalar field since the location of the dye is
+what we care most about.
+The AMR Algorithm
+To update the solution in a patch at a given level, we compute fluxes (:math:`{\bf u^{spec}} \phi`)
+on each face, and difference the fluxes to create the update to :math:`\phi`. The update routine
+in the code looks like:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ // Do a conservative update
+ {
+ phi_out(i,j,k) = phi_in(i,j,k) +
+ ( AMREX_D_TERM( (flxx(i,j,k) - flxx(i+1,j,k)) * dtdx[0],
+ + (flxy(i,j,k) - flxy(i,j+1,k)) * dtdx[1],
+ + (flxz(i,j,k) - flxz(i,j,k+1)) * dtdx[2] ) );
+ }
+In this routine we use the macro ``AMREX_D_TERM`` so that we can write dimension-independent code.
+When compiled for 3D this returns the flux differences in all three directions, but for 2D it does not include
+the z-fluxes.
+ What about Time-Stepping?
+ AMR doesn’t dictate the spatial or temporal discretization on a single patch, but we need to make sure
+ the data at all levels gets to the same time.
+ The main question is:
+ To subcycle or not to subcycle?
+ Subcycling in time means taking multiple time steps on finer levels relative to coarser levels.
+ Non-subcycling:
+ • Same dt on every grid at every level
+ • Every operation can be done as a multi-level operation before proceeding to the next operation,
+ e.g. if solving advection-diffusion-reaction system, we can complete the advection step on all
+ grids at all levels before computing diffusion
+ Subycling:
+ • dt / dx usually kept constant
+ • Requires separation of “level advance” from “synchronization operations”
+ • Can make algorithms substantially more complicated
+Knowing how to synchronize the solution at coarse/fine boundaries is essential in an AMR algorithm;
+here having the algorithm written in flux form allows us to either make the fluxes consistent between
+coarse and fine levels in a no-subcycling algorithm, or "reflux" after the update in a subcycling algorithm.
+The subcycling algorithm can be written as follows:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ void
+ AmrCoreAdv::timeStepWithSubcycling (int lev, Real time, int iteration)
+ {
+ // Advance a single level for a single time step, and update flux registers
+ Real t_nph = 0.5 * (t_old[lev] + t_new[lev]);
+ DefineVelocityAtLevel(lev, t_nph);
+ AdvancePhiAtLevel(lev, time, dt[lev], iteration, nsubsteps[lev]);
+ ++istep[lev];
+ if (lev < finest_level)
+ {
+ // recursive call for next-finer level
+ for (int i = 1; i <= nsubsteps[lev+1]; ++i)
+ {
+ timeStepWithSubcycling(lev+1, time+(i-1)*dt[lev+1], i);
+ }
+ if (do_reflux)
+ {
+ // update lev based on coarse-fine flux mismatch
+ flux_reg[lev+1]->Reflux(phi_new[lev], 1.0, 0, 0, phi_new[lev].nComp(), geom[lev]);
+ }
+ AverageDownTo(lev); // average lev+1 down to lev
+ }
+ }
+Without subcycling the algorithm looks like:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ void
+ AmrCoreAdv::timeStepNoSubcycling (Real time, int iteration)
+ {
+ DefineVelocityAllLevels(time);
+ AdvancePhiAllLevels (time, dt[0], iteration);
+ // Make sure the coarser levels are consistent with the finer levels
+ AverageDown ();
+ for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; lev++)
+ ++istep[lev];
+ }
+Running the Code
+ cd {{site.handson_root}}/amrex/AMReX_Amr101/Exec
+Note that you can choose to work entirely in 2D or in 3D ... whichever you prefer.
+The instructions below will be written for 3D but you can substitute the 2D executable.
+In this directory you'll see:
+ - ``main2d.gnu.MPI.ex`` -- the 2D executable -- this has been built with MPI.
+ - ``main3d.gnu.MPI.ex`` -- the 3D executable -- this has been built with MPI.
+ - ``inputs`` -- an inputs file for both 2D and 3D.
+To run in serial, type
+ ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs
+To run in parallel, for example on 4 ranks, type
+ mpiexec -n 4 ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs
+The following parameters can be set at run-time -- these are currently set in the inputs
+file but you can also set them on the command line.
+ stop_time = 2.0 # the final time (if we have not exceeded number of steps)
+ max_step = 1000000 # the maximum number of steps (if we have not exceeded stop_time)
+ amr.n_cell = 64 64 8 # number of cells at the coarsest AMR level in each coordinate direction
+ amr.max_grid_size = 16 # the maximum number of cells in any direction in a single grid
+ amr.plot_int = 10 # frequency of writing plotfiles
+ adv.cfl = 0.9 # cfl number to be used for computing the time step
+ adv.phierr = 1.01 1.1 1.5 # regridding criteria at each level
+The base grid here is a square of 64 x 64 x 8 cells, made up of 16 subgrids each of size 16x16x8 cells.
+The problem is periodic in all directions.
+We have hard-wired the code here to refine based on the magnitude of :math:`\phi`. Here we set the
+threshold level by level. If :math:`\phi > 1.01` then we want to refine at least once; if :math:`\phi > 1.1` we
+want to resolve :math:`\phi` with two levels of refinement, and if :math:`\phi > 1.5` we want even more refinement.
+Note that you can see the total runtime by looking at the line at the end of your run that says
+ Total Time:
+and you can check conservation of :math:`\phi` by checking the line that prints, e.g.
+ Coarse STEP 8 ends. TIME = 0.007031485953 DT = 0.0008789650903 Sum(Phi) = 540755.0014
+Here ``Sum(Phi)`` is the sum of :math:`\phi` over all the cells at the coarsest level.
+Questions to answer:
+ 1. How do the subcycling vs no-subycling calculations compare?
+ a. How many steps did each take at the finest level? Why might this not be the same?
+ b. How many cells were at the finest level in each case? Why might this number not be the same?
+ 2 What was the total run time for each calculation? Was this what you expected?
+ 3. Was phi conserved (over time) in each case?
+ a. If you set do_refluxing = 0 for the subcycling case, was phi still conserved?
+ b. How in the algorithm is conservation enforced differently between subcycling and not?
+ 4. How did the runtimes vary with 1 vs. 4 MPI processes?
+ We suggest you use a big enough problem here -- try running
+ ::
+ mpiexec -n 1 ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs_for_scaling
+ mpiexec -n 4 ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs_for_scaling
+ 5. Why could we check conservation by just adding up the values at the coarsest level?
+Visualizing the Results
+Here is a sample slice through a 3D run with 64x64x8 cells at the coarsest level and three finer levels (4 total levels).
+.. image:: ./figs/amr101_3D.gif
+ :alt: Animated image of the solution
+After you run the code you will have a series of plotfiles. To visualize these
+we will use ParaView 5.8, which has native support for AMReX Grid, Particle,
+and Embedded Boundary data (in the AMR 101 exercise we only have grid data).
+Make a Movie with the ParaView 5.8 Script
+To use the ParaView 5.8 python script, simply do the following to generate ``amr101_3D.gif``:
+ $ make movie3D
+If you run the 2D executable, make the 2D movie using:
+ $ make movie2D
+.. note::
+ - To delete old plotfiles before a new run, do ``rm -rf plt*``
+ - You will need ``+ffmpeg`` in your ``~/.soft.cooley`` file. If you do not already have it, do ``soft add +ffmpeg`` and then ``resoft`` to load it.
+ - You can do ``realpath amr101_3D.gif`` to get the movie's path on Cooley and then copy it to your local machine by doing `scp [username]@cooley.alcf.anl.gov:[path-to-gif] .`
+Using ParaView 5.8 Manually
+To do the same thing with ParaView 5.8 manually (if, e.g. you have the plotfiles on your local machine and want to experiment or if you connected ParaView 5.8 in client-server mode to Cooley):
+ 1. Start Paraview 5.8
+ 2. File --> Open ... and select the collection of directories named "plt.." --> [OK]
+ 3. From the "Open Data With..." dialog that pops up, select "AMReX/BoxLib Grid Reader" --> [OK]
+ 4. Check the "phi" box in the "Cell Array Status" menu that appears
+ 5. Click green Apply button
+ 6. Click on the "slice" icon -- three to the right of the calculator
+ This will create "Slice 1" in the Pipeline Browser which will be highlighted.
+ 7. Click on "Z Normal"
+ 8. Unclick the "Show Plane" button
+ 9. Click green Apply button
+ 10. Change the drop-down menu option (above the calculator row) from "vtkBlockColors" to "phi"
+You are now ready to play the movie! See the "VCR-like" controls at the top. Click the play button.
+Additional Topics to Explore
+ * What happens as you change the max grid size for decomposition?
+ * What happens as you change the refinement criteria (i.e. use different values of :math:`\phi`
+ (You can edit these in inputs)
diff --git a/Docs/source/Advec_Particle_Guide.rst b/Docs/source/Advec_Particle_Guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd0fcec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/source/Advec_Particle_Guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+Advection of Particles Around Obstacles
+.. admonition:: Time to Complete
+ :class: warning
+ - Use of mesh data with embedded boundaries
+ - Implementation of multigrid linear solver
+ - Particle-Mesh interpolation
+The Problem
+Recall our previous problem of the drop of dye in a thin incompressible fluid that is spinning
+clock-wise then counter-clockwise with a prescribed motion.
+Now instead of advecting the dye as a scalar quantity defined on the mesh (the
+continuum representation), we define the dye as a collection of particles that
+are advected by the fluid velocity.
+Again the fluid is thin enough that we can model this as two-dimensional
+motion; again we have the option of solving in a 2D or 3D computational domain.
+To make things even more interesting, there is now an object in the flow, in this case a cylinder.
+It would be very difficult to analytically specify the flow field around the object, so instead
+we project the velocity field so that the resulting field represents incompressible flow around the object.
+Projecting the Velocity for Incompressible Flow around the Cylinder
+Mathematically, projecting the specified velocity field means solving
+.. math::
+ \nabla \cdot (\beta \nabla \xi) = \nabla \cdot \bf{u^{spec}}
+and setting
+.. math::
+ \bf{u} = \bf{u^{spec}} - \beta \nabla \xi
+To solve this variable coefficient Poisson equation, we use the native AMReX geometric multigrid solver.
+In our case :math:`\beta = 1 / \rho = 1` since we are assuming constant density :math:`\rho`.
+Note that for this example we are solving everything at a single level for convenience,
+but linear solvers, EB and particles all have full multi-level functionality.
+In each timestep we compute the projected velocity field, advect the particles
+with this velocity, then interpolate the particles onto the mesh to determine :math:`\phi(x,y,z)`.
+Particle-In-Cell Algorithm for Advecting :math:`\phi`
+We achieve conservation by interpreting the scalar :math:`\phi` as the number
+density of physical dye particles in the fluid, and we represent these physical
+particles by "computational" particles :math:`p` Each particle :math:`p` stores a
+weight :math:`w_p` equal to the number of physical dye particles it represents.
+This allows us to define particle-mesh interpolation that converts
+:math:`\phi(x,y,z)` to a set of particles with weights :math:`w_p` First, we
+interpolate :math:`\phi(x,y,z)` to :math:`\phi_p` at each particle location by
+.. math::
+ \phi_p = \sum_i \sum_j \sum_k S_x \cdot S_y \cdot S_z \cdot \phi(i,j,k)
+where in the above, :math:`S_{x,y,z}` are called shape factors, determined by the
+particle-in-cell interpolation scheme we wish to use.
+The simplest interpolation is nearest grid point (NGP), where :math:`S_{x,y,z} = 1`
+if the particle :math:`p` is within cell :math:`(i,j,k)` and :math:`S_{x,y,z} = 0`
+otherwise. An alternative is linear interpolation called cloud-in-cell (CIC),
+where the shape factors are determined by volume-weighting the particle's
+contribution to/from the nearest 8 cells (in 3D).
+Once we have interpolated :math:`\phi(x,y,z)` to the particle to get :math:`\phi_p` we
+scale it by the volume per particle to get the number of physical dye particles
+that our computational particle represents. Here, :math:`n_{ppc}` is the number of
+computational particles per cell.
+.. math::
+ w_p = \phi_p \cdot \dfrac{dx dy dz}{n_{ppc}}
+To go back from the particle representation to the grid representation, we
+reverse this procedure by summing up the number of physical dye particles in
+each grid cell and dividing by the grid cell volume. This recovers the number
+density :math:`\phi(x,y,z)`
+.. math::
+ \phi(i,j,k) = \dfrac{1}{dx dy dz} \cdot \sum_p S_x \cdot S_y \cdot S_z \cdot w_p
+This approach is the basis for Particle-In-Cell (PIC) methods in a variety of
+fields, and in this tutorial you can experiment with the number of particles
+per cell and interpolation scheme to see how well you can resolve the dye
+Running The Code
+.. code-block:: console
+ cd {{site.handson_root}}/amrex/AMReX_Amr102/Exec
+In this directory you'll see
+| ``main2d.gnu.MPI.ex`` -- the 2D executable -- this has been built with MPI
+| ``main3d.gnu.MPI.ex`` -- the 3D executable -- this has been built with MPI
+| ``inputs`` -- an inputs file for both 2D and 3D
+As before, to run the 3D code in serial:
+.. code-block:: console
+ ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs
+To run in parallel, for example on 4 ranks:
+.. code-block:: console
+ mpiexec -n 4 ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs
+Similar to the last example, the following parameters can be set at
+run-time -- these are currently set in the inputs file.
+.. code-block:: console
+ stop_time = 2.0 # the final time (if we have not exceeded number of steps)
+ max_step = 200 # the maximum number of steps (if we have not exceeded stop_time)
+ n_cell = 64 # number of cells in x- and y-directions; z-dir has 1/8 n_cell (if 3D)
+ max_grid_size = 32 # the maximum number of cells in any direction in a single grid
+ plot_int = 10 # frequency of writing plotfiles
+The size, orientation and location of the cylinder are specified in the inputs file as well:
+.. code-block:: console
+ cylinder.direction = 2 # cylinder axis aligns with z-axis
+ cylinder.radius = 0.1 # cylinder radius
+ cylinder.center = 0.7 0.5 0.5 # location of cylinder center (in domain that is unit box in xy plane)
+ cylinder.internal_flow = false # we are computing flow around the cylinder, not inside it
+Here you can play around with changing the size and location of the cylinder.
+The number of particles per cell and particle-mesh interpolation type are also specified in the inputs file:
+.. code-block:: console
+ n_ppc = 100 # number of particles per cell for representing the fluid
+ pic_interpolation = 1 # Particle In Cell interpolation scheme:
+ # 0 = Nearest Grid Point
+ # 1 = Cloud In Cell
+You can vary the number of particles per cell and interpolation to see how they influence the smoothness of the phi field.
+Questions to answer
+1. How does the solution in the absence of the cylinder compare to our previous solution (where phi was advected
+ as a mesh variable)?
+2. Note that at the very end we print the time spent creating the geometrical information.
+ How does this compare to the total run time?
+3. Go back and run the AMR101 example with the same size box and amr.max_level = 1. How does
+ the total run time of the AMR101 code compare with the AMR102 code for 200 steps?
+ What probably accounts for the difference?
+4. Note that for the purposes of visualization, we deposited the particle weights onto the grid.
+ Was phi conserved using this approach?
+Visualizing the Results
+.. image:: ./figs/amr102_3D.gif
+Make a Movie with the ParaView 5.8 Script
+To use the ParaView 5.8 python script, simply do the following to generate ``amr102_3D.gif``:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ make movie3D
+If you run the 2D executable, make the 2D movie using:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ make movie2D
+- To delete old plotfiles before a new run, do `rm -rf plt*`
+- You will need `+ffmpeg` in your `~/.soft.cooley` file. If you do not already have it, do `soft add +ffmpeg` and then `resoft` to load it.
+- You can do `realpath amr102_3D.gif` to get the movie's path on Cooley and then copy it to your local machine by doing `scp [username]@cooley.alcf.anl.gov:[path-to-gif] .`
+Using ParaView 5.8 Manually
+To do the same thing with ParaView 5.8 manually (if, e.g. you have the plotfiles on your local machine and want to experiment or if you connected ParaView 5.8 in client-server mode to Cooley):
+There are three types of data from the simulation that we want to load:
+1. the mesh data, which includes the interpolated phi field, velocity field and the processor ID
+2. the EB representation of the cylinder
+3. the particle locations and weights
+To load the mesh data, follow steps 1-10 for plotting :math:`\phi` in the AMR 101 tutorial, then continue as below to add the EB representation of the cylinder and the particle data.
+Instructions to visualize the EB representation of the cylinder:
+1. File |rarr| Open ... select "eb.pvtp" (highlight it then click OK)
+2. Click green Apply button
+You should see 1 cylinder with its axis in the z-direction.
+Now to load the particles:
+1. File |rarr| Open ... and select the collection of directories named "plt.." |rarr| [OK]
+2. From the "Open Data With..." dialog that pops up, this time select "AMReX/BoxLib Particles Reader" |rarr| [OK]
+3. Click green Apply button to read in the particle data
+4. Click the "glyph" button (6 to the right of the calculator)
+5. Under "Glyph Source" select "Sphere" instead of "Arrow"
+6. Under "Scale" set "Scale Factor" to 0.01
+7. Under "Masking" change "Glyph Mode" from "Uniform Spatial Distribution" to Every Nth Point
+8. Under "Masking", set the stride to 100. The default inputs use 100 particles per cell, which is quite a lot of particles in 3D, so we only plot 1 out of every 100 particles.
+9. Change the drop-down menu option (above the calculator row) from "Solid Color" to "real_comp3" to color the particles by their weights.
+10. Click green Apply button
+You are now ready to play the movie! See the "VCR-like" controls at the top. Click the play button.
+.. include::
+.. admonition:: **Time To Complete**: 20 mins
+ :class: warning
+ - EB for obstacles
+ - Particle-obstacle and particle-wall collisions
+The Problem
+Have you ever played pachinko?
+A pachinko machine is like a vertical pinball machine.
+Balls are released at the top of the "playing field", and bounce off obstacles as they fall.
+The object of the game is to "capture" as many balls as possible.
+In the AMReX-Pachinko game you can release as many particles as you like at the top of the domain,
+and the balls will freeze when they hit the bottom so you can see where they landed.
+Your goal here is to see if you can cover the floor of the pachinko machine.
+(Note that this is not completely realistic -- the balls here don't feel each other so they can overlap.)
+Running the Code
+.. code-block:: console
+ cd {{site.handson_root}}/amrex/AMReX_EB_Pachinko
+In this directory you'll see
+| ``main3d.gnu.MPI.ex`` -- the executable -- this has been built with MPI
+| ``inputs_3d`` -- domain size, size of grids, how many time steps, which obstacles...
+| ``initial_particles_3d`` -- initial particle locations (this name is given in the inputs_3d file)
+In this example there is no fluid (or other variable) stored on the mesh
+but we still sort the particles according to our spatial decomposition of the domain.
+If we run in parallel with 4 processors, we see the domain decomposition below -- this results
+from using a z-order space-filling curve with the number of cells per grid as the cost function.
+.. image:: ./figs/pachinko.gif
+.. :height: 380px
+ :width: 380px
+.. 
+For now we freeze the obstacles (although if you look in the code it's not hard to figure out
+how to change them!) but we can change the initial particle locations at run-time by editing the
+initial_particles_3d file.
+To run in serial,
+.. code-block:: console
+ ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs_3d
+To run in parallel, for example on 4 ranks:
+.. code-block:: console
+ mpiexec -n 4 ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs_3d
+The following parameters can be set at run-time -- these are currently set in the inputs_3d file.
+In this specific example we use only 4 cells in the z-direction regardless of n_cell.
+.. code-block:: console
+ n_cell = 125 # number of cells in x-direction; we double this in the y-direction
+ max_grid_size = 25 # the maximum number of cells in any direction in a single grid
+ plot_int = 10 # frequency of writing plotfiles
+ particle_file = initial_particles_3d # name of file where we specify the input positions of the particles
+ time_step = 0.001 # we take a fixed time step of this size
+ max_time = 3.0 # the final time (if max_time < max_steps * time_step)
+ max_steps = 100000 # the maximum number of steps (if max_steps * time_step < max_time))
+You can also set values on the command line; For example,
+.. code-block:: console
+ mpiexec -n 4 ./main3d.gnu.MPI.ex inputs_3d particle_file=my_file
+will read the particles from a file called "my_file".
+The output from your run should look something like this:
+.. code-block:: console
+ ********************************************************************
+ Let's advect the particles ...
+ We'll print a dot every 10 time steps.
+ ********************************************************************
+ ....................................................................
+ ....................................................................
+ ....................................................................
+ ....................................................................
+ .............................
+ ********************************************************************
+ We've finished moving the particles to time 3
+ That took 1.145916707 seconds.
+ ********************************************************************
+Visualizing the Results
+Again we'll use Paraview 5.8 to visualize the results.
+As before, to use the Paraview python script, simply do:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ make movie
+(You will need ``+ffmpeg`` in your ``.soft.cooley`` file)
+Remember there are three types of data from the simulation that we want to load:
+ 1. the EB representation of the cylinders
+ 2. the mesh data, which includes just the processor ID for each grid
+ 3. the particle motion
+Because the EB data and mesh data don't change, we load these separately from the particles.
+Instructions to visualize the EB representation of the cylinders:
+ 1. Start Paraview 5.8
+ 2. File |rarr| Open ... select "eb.pvtp" (highlight it then click OK)
+ 3. Click green Apply button
+You should see cylinders with their axes in the z-direction.
+Now to add the mesh field:
+ 1. File |rarr| Open ... and this time select only the directory named "plt00000" |rarr| [OK]
+ 2. From the "Open Data With..." dialog that pops up, select "AMReX/BoxLib Grid Reader" |rarr| [OK]
+ 3. Check the "proc" and "vfrac" boxes in the "Cell Array Status" menu that appears
+ 4. Click green Apply button
+ 5. Click on the "slice" icon -- three to the right of the calculator
+ This will create "Slice 1" in the Pipeline Browser which will be highlighted.
+ 6. Click on "Z Normal"
+ 7. Unclick the "Show Plane" button
+ 8. Click green Apply button
+ 9. Change the drop-down menu option (above the calculator row) from "vtkBlockColors" to "proc"
+Now to load the particles:
+ 1. File |rarr| Open ... and select the collection of directories named "plt.." |rarr| [OK].
+ 2. From the "Open Data With..." dialog that pops up, this time select "AMReX/BoxLib Particles Reader" |rarr| [OK].
+ 3. Click green Apply button to read in the particle data
+ 4. Click the "glyph" button (6 to the right of the calculator)
+ 5. Under "Glyph Source" select "Sphere" instead of "Arrow"
+ 6. Under "Scale" set "Scale Factor" to 0.05
+ 7. Under "Masking" change "Glyph Mode" from "Uniform Spatial Distribution" to "All Points"
+ 8. Click green Apply button
+You are now ready to play the movie! See the "VCR-like" controls at the top. Click the play button.
+For fun: if you want to color the particles, make sure "Glyph1" is highlighted, then
+change the drop-down menu option (above the calculator row) from "vtkBlockColors" to "cpu" --
+if you have run with 4 processes then you will see the particles displayed with different colors.
+Further Reading
+Download AMReX from github [here](https://www.github.com/AMReX-codes/amrex).
+Look at the AMReX documentation/tutorials [here](https://amrex-codes.github.io/amrex/)
+Read the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) paper [here](http://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.01370)
+.. ## At a Glance
+ |Questions|Objectives|Key Points|
+ |What can I do with AMReX?|Understand that "AMR" means more
than just "traditional AMR"|AMR + EB + Particles|
+ |How do I get started?|Understand easy set-up|It's not hard to get started|
+ |What time-stepping do I use?|Understand the difference between subcycling and not|It's a choice|
+ |How do I visualize AMR results?|Use Visit and Paraview for AMReX vis|Visualization tools exist for AMR data.|
+ ## Setup Instructions For AMReX Tutorials
+ Vis can be finicky on Cooley because there are certain details that we need to set up first:
+ - Access Cooley with `ssh -X`
+ - Vis needs to be run inside an interactive session on a compute node
+ Recall, to get an interactive session, do, e.g.:
+ ```
+ qsub -I -n 1 -t 300 -A ATPESC2021 -q training
+ ```
+ - Then in the interactive session, edit your `~/.soft.cooley` file to contain only the following and then use the `resoft` command:
+ ```
+ +mvapich2
+ +anaconda3-4.0.0
+ +ffmpeg
+ @default
+ ```
+ - Also in the interactive session, configure the vis tools using the following command:
+ ```
+ source /grand/projects/ATPESC2021/EXAMPLES/track-5-numerical/amrex/source_this_file.sh
+ ```
+ - When finished with these AMReX tutorials, revise your `~/.soft.cooley` following step 3 [here](https://xsdk-project.github.io/MathPackagesTraining2021/setup_instructions/) and then do `resoft` to revert these package changes for other tutorials.
diff --git a/Docs/source/figs/amr101_3D.gif b/Docs/source/figs/amr101_3D.gif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0df9653d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Docs/source/figs/amr101_3D.gif differ
diff --git a/Docs/source/figs/amr102_3D.gif b/Docs/source/figs/amr102_3D.gif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40ba0fbe
Binary files /dev/null and b/Docs/source/figs/amr102_3D.gif differ
diff --git a/Docs/source/figs/pachinko.gif b/Docs/source/figs/pachinko.gif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..345eacb7
Binary files /dev/null and b/Docs/source/figs/pachinko.gif differ