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Chore: print error #167

Chore: print error

Chore: print error #167

Workflow file for this run

name: Deploy to Amazon EC2
- main
# 본인이 설정한 값을 여기서 채워넣습니다.
# 리전, 버킷 이름, CodeDeploy 앱 이름, CodeDeploy 배포 그룹 이름
AWS_REGION: ap-northeast-2
S3_BUCKET_NAME: pochak-github-actions-s3-bucket
CODE_DEPLOY_APPLICATION_NAME: pochakapp-codedeploy
CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME: pochakapp-codedeploy-deployment-group
RESOURCE_PATH: ./pochak/src/main/resources
contents: read
name: Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: production
# (1) 기본 체크아웃
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: main
# 암호화 했던 설정파일 복호화-1
- name: Decrypt application-API-KEY
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_API_KEY }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/application-API-KEY.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/application-API-KEY.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# 파일 구조 체크
- name: check file
run: ls -al
shell: bash
# 설정파일 압축 해제-1
- name: Unzip application-API-KEY
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/application-API-KEY.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/
shell: bash
# 파일 구조 체크
- name: check file 2
run: cd $RESOURCE_PATH ; ls -al
shell: bash
# 암호화 했던 설정파일 복호화-2
- name: Decrypt application_OAUTH
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_OAUTH }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/application-OAUTH.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/application-OAUTH.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# 설정파일 압축 해제-2
- name: Unzip application_OAUTH
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/application-OAUTH.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/
shell: bash
# 암호화 했던 설정파일 복호화-3
- name: Decrypt application-JWT
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_JWT }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/application-JWT.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/application-JWT.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# 설정파일 압축 해제-3
- name: Unzip application-JWT
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/application-JWT.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/
shell: bash
# 암호화 했던 설정파일 복호화-1
- name: Decrypt application-API-KEY
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_API_KEY }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/application-API-KEY.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/application-API-KEY.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# 파일 구조 체크
- name: check file
run: ls -al
shell: bash
# 설정파일 압축 해제-1
- name: Unzip application-API-KEY
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/application-API-KEY.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/
shell: bash
# 파일 구조 체크
- name: check file 2
run: cd $RESOURCE_PATH ; ls -al
shell: bash
# 암호화 했던 설정파일 복호화-2
- name: Decrypt application_OAUTH
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_OAUTH }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/application-OAUTH.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/application-OAUTH.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# 설정파일 압축 해제-2
- name: Unzip application_OAUTH
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/application-OAUTH.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/
shell: bash
# 암호화 했던 설정파일 복호화-3
- name: Decrypt application-JWT
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_JWT }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/application-JWT.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/application-JWT.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# 설정파일 압축 해제-3
- name: Unzip application-JWT
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/application-JWT.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/
shell: bash
# APPLE 암호화 풀기 -1
- name: Decrypt AuthKey_D5ZQTHUQ4K
run: gpg --quiet --batch --yes --always-trust --decrypt --passphrase=${{ secrets.application_OAUTH }} --output $RESOURCE_PATH/static/AuthKey_D5ZQTHUQ4K.tar $RESOURCE_PATH/static/AuthKey_D5ZQTHUQ4K.tar.gpg
shell: bash
# APPLE 설정파일 압축 해제-3
- name: Unzip AuthKey_D5ZQTHUQ4K
run: tar -xvf $RESOURCE_PATH/static/AuthKey_D5ZQTHUQ4K.tar -C $RESOURCE_PATH/static/
shell: bash
# (2) JDK 17 세팅
- name: JDK 17 설치
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
java-version: '17'
distribution: 'corretto'
- name: gradlew에 실행 권한 부여
run: chmod +x ./pochak/gradlew
#- name: init gradle
# run: gradle init
- name: 경로 확인, 자바 확인
run: ls -l ; java -version
- name: 경로 이동, 확인
run: cd pochak ; pwd ; ls -al
shell: bash
# (3) Gradle build (Test 제외)
- name: Build with Gradle
# run: /home/runner/work/2023-POCHAK-server/2023-POCHAK-server/pochak/gradlew build
# shell: bash
uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@67421db6bd0bf253fb4bd25b31ebb98943c375e1
arguments: build
build-root-directory: /home/runner/work/2023-POCHAK-server/2023-POCHAK-server/pochak
- name: 빌드 확인
run: ls -l ./pochak/build/libs
shell: bash
- name: Make zip file #1 # build한 파일 모두 압축
run: zip -qq -r ./$ .
shell: bash
# (4) AWS 인증 (IAM 사용자 Access Key, Secret Key 활용)
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}
# (5) 빌드 결과물을 S3 버킷에 업로드
- name: Upload to AWS S3
run: |
aws deploy push \
--application-name ${{ env.CODE_DEPLOY_APPLICATION_NAME }} \
--ignore-hidden-files \
--s3-location s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME/$ \
--source .
# (6) S3 버킷에 있는 파일을 대상으로 CodeDeploy 실행
- name: Deploy to AWS EC2 from S3
run: |
aws deploy create-deployment \
--application-name ${{ env.CODE_DEPLOY_APPLICATION_NAME }} \
--deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce \
--deployment-group-name ${{ env.CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME }} \
--s3-location bucket=$S3_BUCKET_NAME,key=$,bundleType=zip