This is an informal repo for ASSERT (Awesome Software Engineering Research Team at KTH) teammates to share awesome stuff.
- How to Do Good Scientific Research?
- Individual study plans - eISP
- Course Information for Doctoral Students
- Employee benefits - KTH for me
- Travel and expense report - KTH-RES
- PhD internships in other labs
- KTH room booking time table
- Telephone company and mobile network operator - Vimla!
- How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences
- Computing resources
- Downloading many files through the GitHub API
- Run Experiments with NAISS (formerly SNIC)
- How to store open science data for long term archival and reproducibility?
- Oh My Zsh: an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration
- Awesome WM Copycats: a set of themes for the Awesome window manager
- The Ultimate vimrc
- Mathcha, an online mathematics editor
- CopyQ, Clipboard manager with advanced features
- Flameshot, Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
Latex Related
Notification Tools
Literature Search