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job opportunities #14
Open Assistant Professor Position (RTD/A) at IMT Lucca, Italy
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca invites applications for an AssistantProfessor position in computer security.The candidate must have a proven track record of research on computersecurity issues and must demonstrate the ability to carry out originalresearch in at least one of the following topics: formal methods applied tocybersecurity; security protocols and protocol verification; securityrequirements elicitation; web security, network security; infrastructuresecurity; cyber ranges. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;fdabc5c9.2305
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering (Monash University, Melbourne)
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering (Monash University,Melbourne)Job No.: 651414Location: Clayton campus, Melbourne, AustraliaEmployment Type: Full-timeDuration: Continuing appointmentRemuneration: $107,311 - $127,432 pa Level B / $131,453 - $151,574 pa LevelC (plus 17% employer superannuation)Job Link:https://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/651414/lecturersenior-lecturer-in-software-engineeringClosing Date: Sunday 25 June 2023, 11:55pm AEST
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;adafae0e.2305
Postdoctoral position at Université de Montpellier
Dear all,The Université de Montpellier is funding an 18-month post-doctoral position at the LIRMM research department, to start in September 2023.The position is open to candidates who hold (or will soon complete) a PhD in computer science, with a research background in automated reasoning, program verification, programming languages, or algorithms. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;5991e5d4.2305
Open Position on Associate Professor Level in Software Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
Dear SEWorld subscribers,Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) currently has a position open for an associate professor (Swedish: docent) in software engineering (interpreted widely). The position comes with a usual teaching load of approx. two courses per academic year, and wide freedom to design your own research agenda. Promotion to professor is possible, usually after the first successfully graduated doctoral students at Chalmers. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;eecd9f3.2305
Permanent position as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied Formal methods at Swansea University
Dear friends and colleagues,There is a permanent position as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied Formal methods at Swansea University:https://www.swansea.ac.uk/jobs-at-swansea/current-vacancies/details/?nPostingID=135966&nPostingTargetID=164854&ID=QHUFK026203F3VBQB7VLO8NXD&lg=UK&mask=suextClosing Date 14-06-2023We are seeking candidates with experience in applying formal methods in commercial and industrial environments, namely, in adopting and scaling formal methods to real world problems in collaboration with domain experts. The focus of the post is to drive forward applied formal methods research addressing the question of how to rise formal methods to mature applicability in software development processes. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;85084c21.2305
Postdoctoral Position at Inria Rennes: Reproducible Science and Software Variability
Dear all,The DiverSE team at Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Centre has a24-month postdoc position, to start in November 2023.The goal of this position is to make reproducible science moreresilient through the management of software variability.The position is anchored in the RESIST_EA associate team together withSimula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, and the successful candidateis expected spend some time in form of research visits there. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;852880af.2305
Postdoc positions at Université Paris-Saclay, CEA List institute, France, in Software Security and Program Analysis
The BINSEC team ( https://binsec.github.io ) opens postdoc positions insoftware security and program analysis.*START*: as soon as possible. *DURATION*: 3 years*GOALS*: vulnerability detection and analysis, software reverse engineeringand deobfuscation*TECHNIQUES*: symbolic execution, static analysis, fuzzing, programsynthesis, SMT solvershttps://binsec.github.io/jobs*== ABOUT US**OUR TEAM* - The BINary-level SECurity research group (BINSEC) is adynamic team of a dozen researchers, which offers a stimulating andopen-minded work environment in English. The group has frequentpublications in top-tier security, formal methods and software engineeringconferences. It is part of CEA (one of the main French researchorganisations, [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;3dc066.2305
Postdoctoral Position in Orleans, France: Collaborative Memory Models for Formal Verification
Dear all,A Post-Doctoral position is available as part of the funded ANR project CoMeMoV(https://comemov.github.io) between the LIFO (https://www.univ-orleans.fr/lifo/)(University of Orleans, France), CEA List (https://list.cea.fr/en/) and ThalesResearch and Technology(https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/global/innovation/research-and-technology).Frama-C (https://www.frama-c.com/) is an extensible and collaborativeopen-source platform dedicated to source-code analysis of C software. If offersa specification language and various analyzers in the form of separate plugins.The WP plugin of Frama-C can be used to prove that a given C program respectsits specification. WP provides a combination of different memory models thatcollaborate together thanks to a smart but simple partitioning of [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;e2aa801.2305
Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Chalmers University of Technology
The Computer Science and Engineering department at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, is currently seeking applications for the (tenure track) position of Assistant Professor in Computer Science. The Computing Science Division<https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/cse/our-research/computing-science/> is recruiting an Assistant Professor. The position is open to qualified applicants with research and teaching excellence in any area broadly covered by the Division, such as programming languages, cybersecurity and privacy, natural language processing, formal methods, logic, and type theory. Our research spans the whole spectrum of computer science, from theoretical foundations to application areas. We have extensive national and international collaboration with academia and industry all around the world. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;18f00b32.2306
Lecturer in Computer Science (Software Engineering and/or Cloud)
The Department of Informatics at King's College London are looking for a Lecturer in Computer Science (Software Engineering and/or Cloud). More information here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/jobs/067945-lecturer-in-computer-science-software-engineering-andor-cloud Applications close June 25.This is an exciting time to join us as we continue to grow our department and realise our vision of a diverse, inclusive and innovative department of Informatics at one of the most prestigious universities in the UK. We seek applicants who will support us in our ambitions in inclusivity and diversity. [...]
URL: https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;e52e6b6f.2306
Tenured Associate Professor of Software Engineering position at Polytechnic Institute of Paris (deadline: 4 septembre 2023)
Hello,Télécom Paris, engineering school member of the Polytechnic Institute ofParis, is hiring a Tenured Associate Professor of Software Engineering.Candidates are expected to have an excellent track record of scientificpublications in the field of software engineering. The recruiting teamhas strong software engineering research activities in: model-drivenengineering, empirical software engineering, autonomous systems,software maintenance and evolution, open source software, and thesecurity & safety of software systems. Research and/or teachingaffinity with one or more of those fields would be appreciated, howevercandidates from *all areas of software engineering* are welcome toapply. [...]
Tenured Associate Professor of Software Engineering position at Polytechnic Institute of Paris (deadline: 4 septembre 2023)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;f0b5ab31.2306 (feed)
Two PostDoctorial Researcher Positions at KIT, Germany / CRC Convide
*Academic Staff Member (Two PostDoc Positions) (f/m/d)The Collaborative Research Centre "Convide - Consistency in theView-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems" researches methods andtools for constructing software-intensive technical systems. Inaccordance with the increasing role of software in these systems, theincreased use and interconnection of software engineering approaches insystems engineering is being researched in an interdisciplinary mannerby computer scientists and engineers. In addition to the KarlsruheInstitute of Technology (KIT), Germany, as the coordinating institution,the Technische Universität Dresden, the University of Mannheim and theTechnische Universität München are also involved. [...]
Two PostDoctorial Researcher Positions at KIT, Germany / CRC Convidehttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;e791df1b.2306 (feed)
Assistant/Associate professor role at Radboud University
# Assistant or Associate Professor of Software TechnologyDo you want to work in our programming languages and compiler group,to help create next generation programming languages? Then apply tobe an Assistant or Associate Professor of Software Technology. TheSoftware Science department is looking for a new colleague with akeen interest in system software at the software/hardware interface,and a desire to transfer academic results to industry/society. [...]
Assistant/Associate professor role at Radboud Universityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;c254a001.2306 (feed)
Senior Lecturer (Doctorate/PhD)
Senior Lecturer (Doctorate/PhD)Code MIP-13554Start date/duration:as soon as possiblefor 6 years, possibility for a permanent position depending on requirement and performance evaluationAdministrative unit:Department of Computer ScienceExtent of employment:20 hours per weekJob Description:As a Senior Lecturer your main duty is to teach courses in the Bachelor and Master Program Computer Science as well as in the Master Program Software Engineering and tutor students. You will also participate in administration. [...]
Senior Lecturer (Doctorate/PhD)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;8d37ea62.2306 (feed)
University Assistant (postdoc)
University Assistant (postdoc)Code MIP-13555Start date/duration:as soon as possiblefor 4 yearsAdministrative unit:Department of Computer ScienceExtent of employment:20 hours per weekJob Description:In this position you will carry out high level research and specialise in the area of Software Engineering and Programming. You will hold your own lectures, tutor students and participate in administration. [...]
University Assistant (postdoc)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;f23d935a.2306 (feed)
Two Post-Doctoral positions on Software Architecture Reconstruction at University of Oulu
Dear all,Two Post-Doctoral positions are available as part of the funded Business Finland “6GSoftware” project.In 6GSoftware we aim to develop software architectures and orchestration/offloading techniques for highly distributed continuous cloud-to-edge systems.The work of the successful candidate will mainly focus on the software architecture analysis, including architectural reconstruction techniques, architectural quality assessment and evolution methods. [...]
Two Post-Doctoral positions on Software Architecture Reconstruction at University of Ouluhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;6074b150.2306 (feed)
Job Offer: Postdoc at intersection of SE and AI
The Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, is looking for a postdoc that is initially funded until the end of 2025. AISA is a central unit of the University of Stuttgart that provides research and teaching on the intersection of artificial intelligence, software engineering and applications. Twelve doctoral students as well as PIs from various disciplines work together to conduct world-class research on this intersection and allow students of all areas to study towards microdegrees.This position is located at the Institute of Software Engineering with the speaker of the board of directors of AISA. [...]
Job Offer: Postdoc at intersection of SE and AIhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;e735751.2306 (feed)
Postdoctoral research position in software engineering at Yangzhou University
Dear all,The School of Information Engineering at the Yangzhou University has a faculty complement of 70 researchers active in the various areas of software engineering and computer science and its strength has rapidly been growing in recent years. We are now inviting applications for four fully funded Postdoctoral researcher positions. The school is particularly interested in candidates with interest and expertise in the following areas: - Software Engineering - Cybersecurity - Data science and analytics - Industrial Internet of things - Blockchain Technology - Smart Agriculture We are especially interested in research expertise related to software engineering, data [...]
Postdoctoral research position in software engineering at Yangzhou Universityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;de9ba6b0.2306 (feed)
TWO TEACHING POSITIONS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - WESTERN UNIVERSITY - CANADAApplications are invited for two candidates in the area of Software Engineering in theDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering effective August 1,2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful applicants will receive a one-year LimitedTerm appointment at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor. The rank and salary will becommensurate with the successful applicant’s qualifications and experience. [...]
TWO TEACHING POSITIONS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - WESTERN UNIVERSITY - CANADAhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;60382165.2306 (feed)
Two tenure-track positions in SW engineering at Tampere University
We are now seeking Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor in the field of Software Engineering. We have two positions open which are located in the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences<https://www.tuni.fi/en/about-us/faculty-information-technology-and-communication-sciences> at Tampere University, more specifically in the unit of Computing Sciences<https://www.tuni.fi/en/about-us/computing-sciences>.The desired fields of research and teaching are: [...]
Two tenure-track positions in SW engineering at Tampere Universityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;cb55535f.2306 (feed)
Postdoc position in SE/PL for AI (modular deep learning, robust AI)
Postdoctoral position in SE/PL for AI(Focus on modular deep learning, robust/dependable AI)Iowa State University's Department of Computer Science is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position in the Laboratory for Software Design (https://design.cs.iastate.edu). This two-year position, which may begin as early as July 2023, involves conducting research in the areas of Programming Languages (PL) and Software Engineering (SE), with a specific emphasis on SE/PL techniques for AI/ML systems. Our recent research has focused on decomposing deep learning models into modules for reuse and replacement [1-3] and on more modular techniques for verifying/reasoning about properties of deep learning models [4-5]. [...]
Postdoc position in SE/PL for AI (modular deep learning, robust AI)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;7f4e7a6d.2307 (feed)
Tenure track positions in Cybersecurity at Malardalen University, Sweden
Malardalen University in Vasteras, Sweden, is seeking candidates for tenure track Associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) positions in Cybersecurity. Closing date August 15, 2023.The announcement including instructions on how to apply available at: https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I018/1151/job?site=8&lang=UK&validator=2efd9e54ee423d53334ac7960e3b4e03&job_id=2074The employment is part of a strategic initiative to strengthen the university’s prioritized Cybersecurity research and education. Already today, there are several ongoing related research projects, a (full) professor has recently been recruited, and a Master programme is being planned, in addition to existing courses at Bachelor and Master level. The employment comprises research and education in Cybersecurity and related areas, including contributions to development [...]
Tenure track positions in Cybersecurity at Malardalen University, Swedenhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;d13441e.2307 (feed)
16 Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Lero: SyMeCo
SyMeCo 1st Call for Proposals NOW OPEN!Deadline: 3rd of October 2023This is a fantastic research, training and career development opportunity for postdoctoral researchers featuring:* 2-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoc fellowship* Individual research project under the supervision of a leading Lero researcher* Freedom to choose the research proposal topic provided it falls within the broad SyMeCo programme themes and the research interests of an eligible SyMeCo supervisor* Secondment period with the non-academic or academic sector to suit your research and career advancement aspirations* Comprehensive discipline-specific and transferable skills training and career development programme provided* [...]
16 Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Lero: SyMeCohttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;161fccf4.2307 (feed)
Post-Doc Position in AI for Cybersecurity
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position with the SoftArch Lab led by Professor Nenad Medvidović (http://softarch.usc.edu/~neno/) in the Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science at the University of Southern California. This position is part of a two-year research project that targets the application of AI to detect and repair security vulnerabilities in software systems, including a significant focus on uncovering and ensuring resilience to zero-day threats. Applicants are expected to have a strong technical background in software engineering and cybersecurity, with significant experience in program analysis and reverse engineering. A background in machine/deep learning and natural language processing [...]
Post-Doc Position in AI for Cybersecurityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;baa34950.2307 (feed)
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Software Engineering
A Postdoctoral Fellow position in Software Engineering for AI is open inthe Data-driven Analysis of Software (DAS) lab at Concordia University,Montreal, Canada. The position is for a two-year term, starting in Winter2024 (flexible).The postdoc fellow will be involved in several projects related to thedevelopment, analysis, and deployment of AI-based software systems. Thepostdoc will be encouraged to pursue their own relevant research interestsand collaborate with the lab's members. Candidates must hold, or shortlyexpect to receive, a Ph.D. in Computer Science (or a related field) andhave a proven track record of research excellence [...]
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Software Engineeringhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;fb43af85.2307 (feed)
16 X 2-year postdoc fellowships in Lero, Ireland, 3rd Oct deadline!
Exciting opportunity for postdoctoral software research in Ireland!(https://symeco.lero.ie<https://symeco.lero.ie/>)Up to 16 two-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowshipsApplication deadline 3rd October 2023Do get in touch with me or any of the potential supervisors on the programme website to discuss potential applications.Significant proposal-writing support will be provided to candidates who wish to apply.Looking forward to hearing from you! [...]
16 X 2-year postdoc fellowships in Lero, Ireland, 3rd Oct deadline!https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;f9800830.2307 (feed)
postdoc in embedded systems and data analysis (Energy for Climate research center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Télécom Paris, member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, isoffering a postdoc in embedded systems and data analysis for the SmartGarden project of the Interdisciplinary Center Energy for Climate.The objective of the Smart Garden research project is to examine theinfluence of small-scale green spaces on the perceived climate ofsurrounding buildings. [...]
postdoc in embedded systems and data analysis (Energy for Climate research center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;e519ad00.2307 (feed)
Vacancies for Assistant / Associate / Full Professors in Software Engineering at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Türkiye.
Hi,As our department grows, there are four vacancies for assistant, associate,or full professors at the Software Engineering Department (https://seng.hku.edu.tr/eng/) at Hasan Kalyoncu University in Turkey (https://www.hku.edu.tr/eng/).The vacancies are for candidates from across the entire field of softwareengineering. Candidates with additional qualifications and interest in newand emerging technologies such as low code and no code development,artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, DevOps, andsecure coding practices. [...]
Vacancies for Assistant / Associate / Full Professors in Software Engineering at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Türkiye.https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;6dcc8023.2307 (feed)
Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows at the University of Surrey, UK
Post Type: Full time (3 year fixed term)Salary: £35,308 to £38,474 per annumClosing Date: 1st Sept, 2023-------We are seeking to recruit two full-time postdoctoral researchers to work onone or more of the areas below:- emerging hardware architectures (weak memory, RDMA, persistent memory,CXL),- formal modelling, verification and/or logic,- interactive and automated reasoning tools,- proofs of safety and/or security properties,- programming languages and/or type systems,- concurrent and/or distributed algorithms and related topics. [...]
Two Postdoctoral Research Fellows at the University of Surrey, UKhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;1d925a65.2307 (feed)
Assistant Professor in the CS Department at Durham University (UK) - First 4 Years mainly focused on research
Closing Date: 15-Jan-2025, 11:59:00 PMWe seek a talented researcher with expertise in AI and natural language processing (NLP), particularly those focusing on#NLP and #AI applications in legal compliance control.Software Engineering (SE) and Requirement Engineering (RE) skills from the CS domain are at the heart of this multidisciplinary position.Apply here ---> https://durham.taleo.net/careersection/du_ext/jobdetail.ftl?job=24002003&lang=en&src=JB10200 [...]
Assistant Professor in the CS Department at Durham University (UK) - First 4 Years mainly focused on researchhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;6c0941ba.2412 (feed)
Computer science chairperson position, Florida A&M University, USA
Florida A&M University (FAMU) in Tallahassee, Florida, USA is looking for Chairperson for the Department of Computer and Information SciencesDeadline for application submission: January 15, 2025.How to apply?Go to Florida A&M University (FAMU) Human resources webpage or click on the link at https://www.famu.edu/administration/division-of-finance-and-administration/human-resources/classification-compensation-employment.phpIn the middle of that Human resources page, there is link to “External Applicants”. Click on that link. [...]
Computer science chairperson position, Florida A&M University, USAhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;60076984.2501 (feed)
Two Open Positions in Software Engineering at LIRMM (Univ. Montpellier, CNRS), France
The MaREL research team (part of the LIRMM laboratory, a leading Frenchresearch laboratory) specializing in Software Engineering is looking torecruit new permanent members holding a PhD or an equivalent doctoraldegree. The MaREL team aims to recruit for the following two positions:A) Associate professor/Lecturer-Researcher (Maître de conférences)Affiliated with the University of Montpellier, part of the MaREL teamand the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences at theUniversity of Montpellier. [...]
Two Open Positions in Software Engineering at LIRMM (Univ. Montpellier, CNRS), Francehttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;d0bcaebb.2501 (feed)
Software Architecture Faculty Position (W2) at RWTH Aachen University
The Department of Computer Science at RWTH Aachen University seeks aqualified candidate for a tenure positions with the rank of FullProfessor (W2) beginning at the next possible date.RWTH Aachen University is one of Germany’s pre-eminent Universities ofExcellence and is renowned for its high-quality teaching and world-classresearch. Assuming profound responsibility towards society, RWTHaddresses bold scientific questions and translates its knowledge intomeaningful applications. RWTH strives for the convergence of knowledge,methods, and findings and integrates in-depth disciplinary knowledgewithin the interdisciplinary research consortia established in its eightprofile areas. The University’s dynamic, creative, and international [...]
Software Architecture Faculty Position (W2) at RWTH Aachen Universityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;8873b4c4.2501 (feed)
University of Luxembourg - Full Professor or Associate Professor (promotion track) in Cloud Systems Engineering supported by Google Cloud
Full Professor or Associate Professor (promotion track) in Cloud Systems Engineeringsupported by Google Cloud
University of Luxembourg - Full Professor or Associate Professor (promotion track) in Cloud Systems Engineering supported by Google Cloudhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;129a5f45.2501 (feed)
Postdoc Position in Formal Methods for Software Security at University of Twente, Netherlands
The Semantics, Cybersecurity and Services (SCS) group and the Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) group at the University of Twente, Netherlands, are looking for a full-time postdoc to join their research team. The prospective candidate will perform research at the intersection of software security, with a focus on automation, and formal methods, with a focus on program verification, and they will design novel software analysis techniques to characterize and mitigate vulnerabilities. The precise work plan for the position will be worked out as the intersection of the expertise of the candidate and the supervisors. [...]
Postdoc Position in Formal Methods for Software Security at University of Twente, Netherlandshttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;22218f5c.2501 (feed)
Junior Research Fellowship in Computer Science at Oxford (Trinity College)
A Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Computer Science is now beingadvertised at Trinity College, University of Oxford for a 3-year fixedterm to start from from 1st October 2025.This post is intended to support outstanding early career academics intheir first independent research work, and to develop and strengthen theresearch environment of both Trinity College and the Department ofComputer Science at Oxford. [...]
Junior Research Fellowship in Computer Science at Oxford (Trinity College)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;133717bf.2501 (feed)
TT assistant professorship on "information systems engineering" at TUM
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of Tenure Track Assistant Professor in > Information Systems Engineering < to begin as soon as possible. The position is a W2 fixed-term (6 year) tenure-track professorship with the possibility for promotion to a tenured W3.Scientific EnvironmentThe professorship will be assigned to the Department of Computer Science of the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology. [...]
TT assistant professorship on "information systems engineering" at TUMhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;11a2e1ac.2501 (feed)
2 x postdocs on secure software development
We are looking for two postdocs in the area of secure software development/software security.Position 1 is for two years in the first instance and part of a large multi-institutional programme of research on security convergent ultra-large-scale infrastructures. Closing date is 19 January 2025. Full details of the post including how to apply are at: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/jobs/find/details/?jobId=369375&jobTitle=Research%20Associate%20%2F%20Senior%20Research%20Associate%20-%20Cyber%20Security%20(Software%20Security) [...]
2 x postdocs on secure software developmenthttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;f0defc29.2501 (feed)
University of Minho: Assistant Professor in Software Engineering
University of Minho (UM) invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Software Engineering to begin as soon as possible. The position is permanent, after a 5-year trial period.Scientific EnvironmentThe professorship will be assigned to the Department of Informatics, School of Engineering, which is located in the city of Braga. [...]
University of Minho: Assistant Professor in Software Engineeringhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;64e5d147.2501 (feed)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Apologies for cross-posting.We are seeking to recruit a full-time postdoctoral researcher to work onone or more of the areas below:- emerging hardware architectures (weak memory, RDMA, persistent memory,CXL),- verification with interactive and automated reasoning tools,- proofs of safety / security properties,- programming languages,- concurrent and/or distributed algorithms and related topics. [...]
Postdoctoral Research Fellowhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;6bfdbde3.2501 (feed)
Permanent Faculty in Software Engineering at Reykjavík University, Iceland
The Department of Computer Science at Reykjavik University invites applications for full-time, permanent faculty positions at any rank, in particular in the fields of data science, software engineering, theoretical computer science, as well as visual computing, games, and interactive media.The deadline for applications is January 30, 2025. The review of the applications will begin in January 2025 and will continue until the positions are filled. [...]
Permanent Faculty in Software Engineering at Reykjavík University, Icelandhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;871ca9a3.2501 (feed)
W3-Professorship for Security Engineering
https://www.academics.com/jobs/w-3-professorship-for-security-engineering-christian-albrechts-universitaet-zu-kiel-cau-kiel-1095392Kiel University (CAU) aims to attract more qualified women forprofessorships.The Department for Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering ofKiel University invites applications for aW3-Professorship for Security Engineeringto start from 01.10.2025.The future holder of the position should represent the field of SecurityEngineering in research and teaching. Security Engineering focuses onmethods for the secure programming of software as well as tools for thedefense against and analysis of attacks and threats to IT systems. Weare looking for a person who has an excellent scientific track record inone or more of [...]
W3-Professorship for Security Engineeringhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;9396ba87.2501 (feed)
Assistant Professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
We are looking for an assistant professor in software engineering atNara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan.Located in the beautiful city of Nara, just a short distance from Osakaand Kyoto, NAIST offers a unique opportunity for aspiring academics.As a research-focused university, we do not have bachelor students,resulting in fewer classes and more time dedicated to groundbreakingresearch. [...]
Assistant Professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japanhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;7973404d.2501 (feed)
Post-Doc Position in Software Engineering at Ulm University, Germany
The Institute for Software Engineering and Programming Languages at UlmUniversity is seeking an exceptional Postdoctoral Researcher to join ourteam for a duration of 3 years.We are looking for highly motivated individuals with expertise insoftware engineering research areas that align with our institute'sfocus, e.g.,* Empirical and human-centered software engineering* Program analysis, particularly, for non-standard programming languages* Domain-specific languages [...]
Post-Doc Position in Software Engineering at Ulm University, Germanyhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;3fe4255f.2501 (feed)
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia Tech in Software Engineering and Formal Methods
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia TechExciting research faculty and postdoctoral positions are available with the Systems Software Research Group (https://www.ssrg.ece.vt.edu/) at Virginia Tech (https://www.vt.edu/) on DARPA-funded projects. The projects are at the intersection of software engineering, formal methods, and programming languages. Project thrusts include:* Trustworthy code translation* Scalable program analysis and verification* Verified compilation* Concurrency testing and verification [...]
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia Tech in Software Engineering and Formal Methodshttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;acb444e6.2501 (feed)
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia Tech in Software Engineering and Formal Methods
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia TechExciting research faculty and postdoctoral positions are available with the Systems Software Research Group (https://www.ssrg.ece.vt.edu/) at Virginia Tech (https://www.vt.edu/) on DARPA-funded projects. The projects are at the intersection of software engineering, formal methods, and programming languages. Project thrusts include:* Trustworthy code translation* Scalable program analysis and verification* Verified compilation* Concurrency testing and verification [...]
Research Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions at Virginia Tech in Software Engineering and Formal Methodshttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;634f262f.2501 (feed)
Postdoc position at Tufts University
Dear all,I am currently looking for a postdoc to join the TuPL group at TuftsUniversity. The postdoc would collaborate on a new project in formalverification of systems that monitor and recover from faults. Candidateswith a background in program verification are preferred, though those witha strong interest and less experience are very welcome. [...]
Postdoc position at Tufts Universityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;e4a439b3.2501 (feed)
Four Open positions in Computer Science (including Software Engineering) at the University of Ottawa: Deadline March 2, 2025
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa seeks creative, dynamic, and energetic, bilingual individuals for four (4) tenure-track professor positions in Computer Science (all subtopics, including software engineering)Apply at: https://uottawa.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/uOttawa_External_Career_Site/job/Tenure-track-Positions-in-Computer-Science_JR20280We welcome outstanding applicants with research and teaching interests in any area of Computer Science. The ideal candidate has evidence of research excellence in Computer Science and will complement the existing expertise at the School. The candidate will be a member of the School and will contribute to teaching and supporting the university community. [...]
Four Open positions in Computer Science (including Software Engineering) at the University of Ottawa: Deadline March 2, 2025https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;fbdd560.2501 (feed)
Associate Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering, GU, Sweden
Dear colleagues,We are hiring for a tenure-track position as associate senior lecturer at Gothenburg University in Sweden.The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is now looking for an associate senior lecturer (Assistant Prof., tenure-track) in Software Engineering. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is strongly international, with approximately 270 employees from over 50 countries. The Department is a fully integrated department with the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology as principals. The positions are placed in the Interaction Design and Software Engineering division at the department, with the University of Gothenburg as the employer. [...]
Associate Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering, GU, Swedenhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;6b5983a9.2501 (feed)
Permanent Associate Professor in Software Engineering at Université Cote d'Azur
Université Côte d’Azur is opening a permanent Associate Professor position (civil servant status).The position is based in Sophia Antipolis, Europe’s leading technology park, known for its dynamic innovation ecosystem and strong industry-academia collaborations.The recruited professor will join the I3S Laboratory, a CNRS research unit in Computer Science and Software Engineering. https://www.i3s.univ-cotedazur.fr/en/ [...]
Permanent Associate Professor in Software Engineering at Université Cote d'Azurhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;6efee18f.2501 (feed)
FAPESP Postdoctoral Application - Sustainability in SLR
Full message available at: FAPESP Postdoctoral Application - Sustainability in SLR
FAPESP Postdoctoral Application - Sustainability in SLRhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;b0514c6f.2501 (feed)
Open Research Fellow position for an EU Horizon project - Swarmchestrate
Dear colleagues,We are currently hiring a Research Fellow to join our School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment (SCEBE)<https://www.napier.ac.uk/about-us/our-schools/school-of-computing-engineering-and-the-built-environment> on a full-time, fixed-term (for 18 months till the end of 2026) basis to work on an ongoing EU Horizon project called “Swarmchestrate - Application-level Swarm-based Orchestration Across the Cloud-to-Things Continuum”. [...]
Open Research Fellow position for an EU Horizon project - Swarmchestratehttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;bb2c97d2.2502 (feed)
Assistant Professor Position at Aalto University, Finland
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (SOFTWARE ENGINEERING) AT AALTO UNIVERSITY, HELSINKI,FINLANDThe Department of Computer Science at Aalto University – in the top-20 young universities worldwide – invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the field of Software Engineering. We are looking for early-career computer scientists with a strong track record to support our Computer Science Bachelor program and Computer, Communication and Information Sciences Master Program. [...]
Assistant Professor Position at Aalto University, Finlandhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;2e6d9586.2502 (feed)
Associate Professor (Tenure Track ), Software Engineering, at the University of Oulu, Finland
Applications by 2 March 2025 via https://oulunyliopisto.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:794889/
Associate Professor (Tenure Track ), Software Engineering, at the University of Oulu, Finlandhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;56e6bfce.2502 (feed)
University Lecturer (Software Architecture and Design) position at Tampere University
Tampere University a teaching positions open in the area of software engineering.University Lecturer (Software Architecture and Design).We are seeking highly motivated applicants for teaching in the field of software engineering with specific emphasis on software architecture. Other suitable fields of expertise can include for example distributed systems, AI assisted software engineering, software architecture for machine learning based systems, cyber-critical systems and data-driven architectures. Broad expertise is appreciated. [...]
University Lecturer (Software Architecture and Design) position at Tampere Universityhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;4f9539ab.2502 (feed)
Job openings: research positions on multi-agent LLMs for software engineering (Univ. of York, UK)
Research Associate and Research Fellow Positions on Multi-AgentSystems for Software Engineering---University of York, UKApplication deadline: Tuesday February 25th, 2025MOSAICO is a 3-year EU-funded research project that will develop the theoreticaland technical framework needed to enable “AI agent communities” that can solvecomplex software engineering tasks by working together with each other, withnon-AI agents (e.g. standard build processes), and with humans. MOSAICO willproduce an integrated platform that handles communication, orchestration,governance, quality assessment, benchmarking and reuse of AI agents. [...]
Job openings: research positions on multi-agent LLMs for software engineering (Univ. of York, UK)https://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;7b5a1e95.2502 (feed)
Postdoctoral Position in Image Processing & Software Development - Toronto, Canada
York University, Toronto, CanadaAre you passionate about advancing research on the intersection of Image Processing and its applications in Programming Languages and Software Development? We are inviting applications for a 1-year postdoctoral position (with the possibility of extension), with the possibility of extension, to join our dynamic and innovative research group led by Dr. Maleknaz Nayebi at York University. [...]
Postdoctoral Position in Image Processing & Software Development - Toronto, Canadahttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;fd3ef275.2503 (feed)
Tenure Track Assistant Professor position in Software Engineering at UNC Wilmington
The Department of Computer Science within the College of Science and Engineering at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) invites applications for a nine-month tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Computer Science to begin Fall 2025. UNCW offers Bachelor of Science programs in both Computer Science and Software Engineering.Applications will be accepted until 11:59PM EST on March 20, 2025.Apply at https://jobs.uncw.edu/postings/34187/Duties include teaching in the undergraduate and graduate computer science and software engineering programs programs, maintaining an active research program, and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. [...]
Tenure Track Assistant Professor position in Software Engineering at UNC Wilmingtonhttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;d37502b4.2503 (feed)
[SUSPECTED SPAM] Invitation to Apply for Editor-in-Chief Position – Formal Aspects of Computing
Call for NominationsEditor-In-ChiefFormal Aspects of ComputingThe term of the current Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the journal FormalAspects of Computing <https://dl.acm.org/journal/fac>(FAC), published byACM in collaboration with /BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT/, iscoming to an end, and the ACM <http://www.acm.org/>Publications Boardand BCS have set up a nominating committee to assist in selecting thenext EiC. [...]
[SUSPECTED SPAM] Invitation to Apply for Editor-in-Chief Position – Formal Aspects of Computinghttps://listserv.acm.org/scripts/wa-acmlpx.exe?A2=SEWORLD;3e542f8b.2503 (feed)
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