4D Postural Extraction Code
Version 2.0
Geoffroey-Allen Franklin. (2019, July 30). 4D Postural Extraction Code [Computer software]. (Version 2.0.0). Zenodo [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3355720]
Version 1.3.0
Geoffroey-Allen Franklin. (2016, July 13). 4D Postural Extraction Code [Computer software]. (Version 1.3.0). Zenodo. [http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1407283]
All Versions / Concept
Geoffroey-Allen Franklin. (2016, July 13). 4D Postural Extraction Code [Computer software]. Zenodo. [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1407282]
Principle Investigator: Brian Degenhardt, DO
Instrumentation: Zane Starks, MS
Statistician: Shalini Bhatia
Code by: Geoffroey-Allen S. Franklin, MBA, BS, AAS, AdeC, MCP
Interns: Philip Udinyiwe, Joshua Udinyiwe
Created: 2016-Jan-14
2016-Jan-29 - Version 1.0 release. Initial release.
2016-Feb-09 - Version 1.1 release. Corrected bug #ZS-001: Remove hard count for average->file write to float number based on Day change.
2016-Feb-10 - Version 1.2 release. Added motion flag.
2016-Jul-13 - Version 1.3 release. Added variable PlumbResult_8001_WeissLAPos_T12.
2017-Nov-09 - Moved to Github repo.
2019-Jul-30 - Version 2.0 release. Adds gathering of patient data and remarks.
PHP version 7.3.6.
Degenhardt, B., Starks, Z., Bhatia, S., & Franklin, G. A. (2017). Appraisal of the DIERS method for calculating postural measurements: an observational study. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders, 12(1), 28.