Event Adjudication Committee - Jury Room
Project: Web-based jury portal built for the DO-Touch.NET Practice-Based Research Network's Event Adjudication Committee. This project is designed to assist investigators with determining what patient-reported events are adverse events by consensus of review committee members. The raw dataset is parsed from a CSV file generated by a separate survey generator and moved into a MySQL database. The committee members log into a web-based portal where each event identified as potentially adverse can be reviewed and voted upon until the committee reaches a consensus.
Geoffroey-Allen Franklin, & Jane Coe Johnson. (2018, October 24). Event Adjudication Committee Jury Room (EAC-Jury Room) (Version v1.0.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1470669
- Jane C. Johnson, MA @jcjohnsonmo
- Geoffroey-Allen S. Franklin, MBA, AdeC, MCP @frgeof
- Jane C. Johnson, MA @jcjohnsonmo
- William J. Brooks, DO
- Brian F. Degenhardt, DO
- Geoffroey-Allen S. Franklin, MBA, AdeC, MCP @frgeof
- Jane C. Johnson, MA @jcjohnsonmo
- Lisa Norman, BS, PMP
- Geoffroey-Allen S. Franklin, MBA, AdeC, MCP @frgeof
- gfranklin@atsu.edu
- (o) 480.265.8091
- http://www.atsu.edu/research/
- 2016-Oct-20
- 2016-Aug-26 - Version 0.1.
- 2017-Oct-20 - Version 0.9.alpha. Moved to Github repo.
- 2017-Dec-14 - Version 1.0.beta.
- 2018-Jun-25 - Version 1.0.
- 2018-Jun-28 - First use in a study.
- 2018-Oct-24 - Version 1.0.0 code published.
Directory | Purpose |
../EAC Portal/ | top level directory, contains the main executables. |
../code/ | contains code and log file for the push2portal system. |
../html/ | contains the html code for the web portal. (Put this folder on the webserver.) |
../output_data/ | (optional) directory where files generated by main executables will be stored. |
../input_data/ | directory where files to be analysed are located. |
../sql/ | directory where the MySql reverse engineer scripts are stored. |
- Linux version: tested with Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) Kernel 4.9.0-5-amd64
- Apache version: tested with 2.4.25
- MySQL version: tested with Community Server (SPL) 5.7.15-log & MySQL Community Server (GPL) 5.7.20
- PHP version: tested with 5.6.2nts & PHP 7.0.30-0
- PHPMailer version: tested with 5.2.16 & 6.0.3
- reCAPTCHA v2