What's Changed
- Update sequence diagram for delete command to DG by @rizkidelta in #161
- Improve GUI by @darkvoid32 in #165
- Implement command history feature by @aureliony in #162
- Update UG for command history feature by @aureliony in #168
- GUI overhaul: store window maximization status, resizable resultDisplay, window height that scales by system display resolution by @aureliony in #171
- Implement substring search feature by @rizkidelta in #166
- Update Asset fields and change method of editing by @yisiox in #128
- Update UG and Ui.png for release v1.3 by @yisiox in #176
- Fix string representation of asset by @yisiox in #178
- Fix png files in UG by @aureliony in #179
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3