Embark on a voyage to conquer Node.js and TypeScript! This repository chronicles my daily progress through Scaler's 30-Day Challenge, laser-focused on TypeScript-centric challenges.
Scaler challenge repo : https://github.com/shivscaler/Nodejs-30-Days-Challenge-Scaler-Topics
- Day 1 : File Reader
- Day 2 : File Writer
- Day 3 : Execute Command
- Day 4 : Resolve Path Problem
- Day 5 : File Extension Checker
- Day 6 : Express Route Handling
- Day 7 : Express Middleware
- Day 8 : Express Error Handling
- Day 9 : MCQ
- Day 10 : Express Static Files
- Day 11 : Express Authentication Middleware
- Day 12 : Express Rate Limiting
- Day 13 : Express WebSocket Integration
- Day 14 : Express Caching Middleware
- Day 15 : Express Logging Middleware
- Day 16 : MongoDB Connection Setup
- Day 17 : Mongoose Schema and Model
- Day 18 : Express Route with MongoDB Query
- Day 19 : Mongoose Validation
- Day 20 : Express Route with MongoDB Aggregation
- Day 22 : MongoDB CRUD Operations
- Day 23 : Mongoose Population
- Day 24 : Express Route for Product CRUD Operations
- Day 25 : Mongoose Indexing
- Day 26 : Aggregation Pipeline for Product Stats
- Day 27 : Authentication Middleware
- Day 28 : WebSocket Integration
- Day 29 : Error Handling Middleware
To run this project, you will need to have Node.js installed on your machine. Once you've got that set up, follow these steps:
type npm i
to install all the dependency
type npm start
to run code
- Master core Node.js concepts and principles.
- Cultivate practical TypeScript skills through hands-on exercises.
- Explore advanced TypeScript features for robust and maintainable code.
- Document my learning adventure for future reference and reflection.