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More precise neededness analysis of 64-bit integer operations
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Especially the conversions between 32 and 64-bit integers.
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xavierleroy committed Jan 31, 2025
1 parent d8b6193 commit 12dbb42
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Showing 5 changed files with 103 additions and 29 deletions.
66 changes: 54 additions & 12 deletions aarch64/NeedOp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ Definition needs_of_shiftl (s: shift) (a: amount64) (nv: nval) :=
| Sror => rorl nv a

Definition needs_of_extend (x: extension) (a: amount64) (nv: nval) :=
match x with
| Xuns32 => longofintu (shllimm nv a)
| Xsgn32 => longofint (shllimm nv a)

Definition zero_ext' (s: Z) (nv: nval) :=
if zle 0 s then zero_ext s nv else default nv.
Definition sign_ext' (s: Z) (nv: nval) :=
Expand All @@ -49,6 +55,8 @@ Definition op2shift (s: shift) (a: amount32) (nv: nval) :=
nv :: needs_of_shift s a nv :: nil.
Definition op2shiftl (s: shift) (a: amount64) (nv: nval) :=
nv :: needs_of_shiftl s a nv :: nil.
Definition op2extl (x: extension) (a: amount64) (nv: nval) :=
nv :: needs_of_extend x a nv :: nil.

Definition needs_of_condition (cond: condition): list nval := nil.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,22 +98,29 @@ Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
| Ozextshr a s => op1 (shruimm (zero_ext' s nv) a)
| Osextshr a s => op1 (shrimm (sign_ext' s nv) a)

| Oshiftl _ _ | Oextend _ _ => op1 (default nv)
| Omakelong | Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv)
| Oaddl | Osubl | Omull => op2 (default nv)
| Oaddlshift _ _ | Oaddlext _ _ | Osublshift _ _ | Osublext _ _ => op2 (default nv)
| Oaddlimm _ => op1 (default nv)
| Oshiftl s a => op1shiftl s a nv
| Oextend x a => op1 (needs_of_extend x a nv)
| Omakelong => makelong_hi nv :: makelong_lo nv :: nil
| Olowlong => op1 (loword nv)
| Ohighlong => op1 (hiword nv)
| Oaddl | Omull => op2 (modarith nv)
| Osubl => op2 (default nv)
| Oaddlshift s a => op2shiftl s a (modarith nv)
| Oaddlext x a => op2extl x a (modarith nv)
| Osublshift _ _ | Osublext _ _ => op2 (default nv)
| Oaddlimm _ => op1 (modarith nv)
| Onegl => op1 (modarith nv)
| Oneglshift s a => op1shiftl s a (modarith nv)
| Omulladd | Omullsub => let n := default nv in n :: n :: n :: nil
| Omullhs | Omullhu | Odivl | Odivlu => op2 (default nv)
| Oandl | Oorl | Oxorl | Obicl | Oornl | Oeqvl => op2 (default nv)
| Omulladd => let n := modarith nv in n :: n :: n :: nil
| Omullsub | Omullhs | Omullhu | Odivl | Odivlu => op2 (default nv)
| Oandl | Oorl | Oxorl | Obicl | Oornl | Oeqvl => op2 (bitwise nv)
| Oandlshift s a | Oorlshift s a | Oxorlshift s a => op2shiftl s a (bitwise nv)
| Obiclshift s a | Oornlshift s a | Oeqvlshift s a =>
let n := bitwise nv in n :: needs_of_shiftl s a (bitwise n) :: nil
| Oandlimm n => op1 (andlimm nv n)
| Oorlimm n => op1 (orlimm nv n)
| Oxorlimm n => op1 (default nv)
| Oxorlimm n => op1 (bitwise nv)

| Onotl => op1 (bitwise nv)
| Onotlshift s a => needs_of_shiftl s a (bitwise nv) :: nil
| Oshll | Oshrl | Oshrlu => op2 (default nv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,6 +188,15 @@ Proof.
- apply rorl_sound; auto.

Lemma extend_sound:
forall v w ext a x,
vagree v w (needs_of_extend ext a x) ->
vagree (eval_extend ext v a) (eval_extend ext w a) x.
unfold needs_of_extend, eval_extend; intros.
destruct ext; auto using longofint_sound, longofintu_sound, shllimm_sound.

Lemma zero_ext'_sound:
forall v w x n,
vagree v w (zero_ext' n x) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,18 +281,36 @@ Proof.
- apply shlimm_sound; apply sign_ext'_sound; auto.
- apply zero_ext'_sound; apply shruimm_sound; auto.
- apply sign_ext'_sound; apply shrimm_sound; auto.
- apply shiftl_sound; auto.
- apply extend_sound; auto.
- apply makelong_sound; auto.
- apply loword_sound; auto.
- apply hiword_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply addl_sound; auto using extend_sound.
- apply addl_sound; auto with na.
- apply negl_sound; auto.
- apply negl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply mull_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto. apply mull_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto.
- apply andl_sound; auto.
- apply andl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply andlimm_sound; auto.
- apply orl_sound; auto.
- apply orl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply orlimm_sound; auto.
- apply xorl_sound; auto.
- apply xorl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply xorl_sound; auto with na.
- apply notl_sound; auto.
- apply notl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply andl_sound; auto. apply notl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply orl_sound; auto. apply notl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply xorl_sound; auto. apply notl_sound; auto using shiftl_sound.
- apply andl_sound; auto using notl_sound.
- apply andl_sound; auto using notl_sound, shiftl_sound.
- apply orl_sound; auto using notl_sound.
- apply orl_sound; auto using notl_sound, shiftl_sound.
- apply xorl_sound; auto using notl_sound.
- apply xorl_sound; auto using notl_sound, shiftl_sound.
- destruct (eval_condition cond args m) as [b|] eqn:EC.
erewrite needs_of_condition_sound by eauto.
apply select_sound; auto.
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions arm/NeedOp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,8 +80,9 @@ Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
| Ofloatofsingle | Osingleoffloat => op1 (default nv)
| Ointoffloat | Ointuoffloat | Ofloatofint | Ofloatofintu => op1 (default nv)
| Ointofsingle | Ointuofsingle | Osingleofint | Osingleofintu => op1 (default nv)
| Omakelong => op2 (default nv)
| Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv)
| Omakelong => makelong_hi nv :: makelong_lo nv :: nil
| Olowlong => op1 (loword nv)
| Ohighlong => op1 (hiword nv)
| Ocmp c => needs_of_condition c
| Osel c ty => nv :: nv :: needs_of_condition c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +185,9 @@ Proof.
- apply notint_sound; auto.
- apply notint_sound. apply needs_of_shift_sound; auto.
- apply needs_of_shift_sound; auto.
- apply makelong_sound; auto.
- apply loword_sound; auto.
- apply hiword_sound; auto.
- destruct (eval_condition c args m) as [b|] eqn:EC.
erewrite needs_of_condition_sound by eauto.
apply select_sound; auto.
Expand Down
24 changes: 19 additions & 5 deletions powerpc/NeedOp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,12 @@ Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
| Orolm amount mask => op1 (rolm nv amount mask)
| Oroli amount mask => op1 (default nv)
| Olongconst n => nil
| Ocast32signed | Ocast32unsigned | Onegl | Onotl => op1 (default nv)
| Oaddl | Osubl| Omullhs | Omullhu | Odivl | Odivlu | Oshll | Oshrl | Oshrlu => op2 (default nv)
| Omull => op2 (modarith nv)
| Ocast32signed => op1 (longofint nv)
| Ocast32unsigned => op1 (longofintu nv)
| Onegl => op1 (modarith nv)
| Onotl => op1 (bitwise nv)
| Oaddl | Osubl| Omull => op2 (modarith nv)
| Omullhs | Omullhu | Odivl | Odivlu | Oshll | Oshrl | Oshrlu => op2 (default nv)
| Oandl | Oorl | Oxorl => op2 (bitwise nv)
| Oaddlimm n => op1 (modarith nv)
| Oandlimm n => op1 (andlimm nv n)
Expand All @@ -70,8 +73,10 @@ Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
| Oaddfs | Osubfs | Omulfs | Odivfs => op2 (default nv)
| Osingleoffloat | Ofloatofsingle => op1 (default nv)
| Ointoffloat => op1 (default nv)
| Ofloatofwords | Omakelong => op2 (default nv)
| Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv)
| Ofloatofwords => op2 (default nv)
| Omakelong => makelong_hi nv :: makelong_lo nv :: nil
| Olowlong => op1 (loword nv)
| Ohighlong => op1 (hiword nv)
| Ocmp c => needs_of_condition c
| Osel c ty => nv :: nv :: needs_of_condition c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,16 +160,25 @@ Proof.
- apply or_sound; auto. apply notint_sound; rewrite bitwise_idem; auto.
- apply shrimm_sound; auto.
- apply rolm_sound; auto.
- apply longofint_sound; auto.
- apply longofintu_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto with na.
- apply subl_sound; auto.
- apply negl_sound; auto.
- apply mull_sound; auto.
- apply andl_sound; auto.
- apply andlimm_sound; auto.
- apply orl_sound; auto.
- apply orlimm_sound; auto.
- apply xorl_sound; auto.
- apply xorl_sound; auto with na.
- apply notl_sound; auto.
- apply shrlimm_sound; auto.
- apply rolml_sound; auto.
- apply makelong_sound; auto.
- apply loword_sound; auto.
- apply hiword_sound; auto.
- destruct (eval_condition c args m) as [b|] eqn:EC; simpl in H2.
erewrite needs_of_condition_sound by eauto.
subst v; simpl. auto with na.
Expand Down
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions riscV/NeedOp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,12 +56,13 @@ Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
| Oshrimm n => op1 (shrimm nv n)
| Oshruimm n => op1 (shruimm nv n)
| Oshrximm n => op1 (default nv)
| Omakelong => op2 (default nv)
| Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv)
| Ocast32signed => op1 (default nv)
| Ocast32unsigned => op1 (default nv)
| Oaddl => op2 (default nv)
| Oaddlimm n => op1 (default nv)
| Omakelong => makelong_hi nv :: makelong_lo nv :: nil
| Olowlong => op1 (loword nv)
| Ohighlong => op1 (hiword nv)
| Ocast32signed => op1 (longofint nv)
| Ocast32unsigned => op1 (longofintu nv)
| Oaddl => op2 (modarith nv)
| Oaddlimm n => op1 (modarith nv)
| Onegl => op1 (modarith nv)
| Osubl => op2 (default nv)
| Omull => op2 (modarith nv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,6 +157,13 @@ Proof.
- apply shlimm_sound; auto.
- apply shrimm_sound; auto.
- apply shruimm_sound; auto.
- apply makelong_sound; auto.
- apply loword_sound; auto.
- apply hiword_sound; auto.
- apply longofint_sound; auto.
- apply longofintu_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto with na.
- apply negl_sound; auto.
- apply mull_sound; auto.
- apply andl_sound; auto.
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions x86/NeedOp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval :=
| Ororimm n => op1 (ror nv n)
| Oshldimm n => op1 (default nv)
| Olea addr => needs_of_addressing addr nv
| Omakelong => op2 (default nv)
| Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv)
| Ocast32signed => op1 (default nv)
| Ocast32unsigned => op1 (default nv)
| Omakelong => makelong_hi nv :: makelong_lo nv :: nil
| Olowlong => op1 (loword nv)
| Ohighlong => op1 (hiword nv)
| Ocast32signed => op1 (longofint nv)
| Ocast32unsigned => op1 (longofintu nv)
| Onegl => op1 (modarith nv)
| Oaddlimm _ => op1 (modarith nv)
| Osubl => op2 (default nv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +218,11 @@ Proof.
- apply shruimm_sound; auto.
- apply ror_sound; auto.
- eapply needs_of_addressing_32_sound; eauto.
- apply makelong_sound; auto.
- apply loword_sound; auto.
- apply hiword_sound; auto.
- apply longofint_sound; auto.
- apply longofintu_sound; auto.
- apply negl_sound; auto.
- apply addl_sound; auto with na.
- apply mull_sound; auto.
Expand Down

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