From ce8b4442aa9e90da4cf352ebbc38dccd9bc1c3eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Xavier Leroy Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:03:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] NeedDomain: add abstract operators for 32-bit / 64-bit integer conversions --- backend/NeedDomain.v | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 143 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/backend/NeedDomain.v b/backend/NeedDomain.v index 242d8d23b..8d95be299 100644 --- a/backend/NeedDomain.v +++ b/backend/NeedDomain.v @@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ Proof. - inv H; simpl; auto. Qed. -(** Conversions: zero extension, sign extension, single-of-float *) +(** Conversions: zero extension, sign extension, 32/64 bit conversions *) Definition zero_ext (n: Z) (x: nval) := match x with @@ -1262,6 +1262,148 @@ Proof. unfold j. destruct (zlt i1 n); lia. Qed. +Definition loword (x: nval) := + match x with + | Nothing => Nothing + | I m => L (Int64.ofwords m) + | _ => L (Int64.ofwords Int.mone) + end. + +Lemma loword_sound: forall v w x, + vagree v w (loword x) -> + vagree (Val.loword v) (Val.loword w) x. +Proof. + assert (A: Int.zwordsize < Int64.zwordsize) by (compute; auto). + assert (B: forall i j m, + lagree i j (Int64.ofwords m) -> + iagree (Int64.loword i) (Int64.loword j) m). + { red; intros. rewrite ! Int64.bits_loword by auto. + apply H. lia. rewrite Int64.bits_ofwords, zlt_true by lia. assumption. } + unfold loword, Val.loword; intros. destruct x; simpl in *. +- auto. +- InvAgree. +- InvAgree. +- InvAgree. apply Val.lessdef_same. f_equal. apply iagree_mone. auto. +Qed. + +Definition hiword (x: nval) := + match x with + | Nothing => Nothing + | I m => L (Int64.ofwords m + | _ => L (Int64.ofwords Int.mone + end. + +Lemma hiword_sound: forall v w x, + vagree v w (hiword x) -> + vagree (Val.hiword v) (Val.hiword w) x. +Proof. + assert (A: Int64.zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by auto. + assert (B: forall i j m, + lagree i j (Int64.ofwords m -> + iagree (Int64.hiword i) (Int64.hiword j) m). + { red; intros. rewrite ! Int64.bits_hiword by auto. + apply H. lia. rewrite Int64.bits_ofwords, zlt_false by lia. + replace (i0 + Int.zwordsize - Int.zwordsize) with i0 by lia. + assumption. } + unfold hiword, Val.hiword; intros. destruct x; simpl in *. +- auto. +- InvAgree. +- InvAgree. +- InvAgree. apply Val.lessdef_same. f_equal. apply iagree_mone. auto. +Qed. + +Definition makelong_lo (x: nval) := + match x with + | Nothing => Nothing + | L m => I (Int64.loword m) + | _ => All + end. + +Definition makelong_hi (x: nval) := + match x with + | Nothing => Nothing + | L m => I (Int64.hiword m) + | _ => All + end. + +Lemma makelong_sound: forall v1 w1 v2 w2 x, + vagree v1 w1 (makelong_hi x) -> + vagree v2 w2 (makelong_lo x) -> + vagree (Val.longofwords v1 v2) (Val.longofwords w1 w2) x. +Proof. + assert (A: Int64.zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by auto. + assert (B: forall i1 j1 i2 j2 m, + iagree i1 j1 (Int64.hiword m) -> iagree i2 j2 (Int64.loword m) -> + lagree (Int64.ofwords i1 i2) (Int64.ofwords j1 j2) m). + { red; intros. rewrite ! Int64.bits_ofwords by lia. + destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). + - apply H0. lia. rewrite Int64.bits_loword by lia. assumption. + - apply H. lia. rewrite Int64.bits_hiword by lia. + replace (i - Int.zwordsize + Int.zwordsize) with i by lia. + assumption. } + unfold makelong_hi, makelong_lo, Val.longofwords; intros. destruct x; simpl in *. +- auto. +- inv H; auto; inv H0; auto; destruct w1, w2; auto with na. +- InvAgree. +- apply Val.longofwords_lessdef; auto. +Qed. + +Definition longofintu (x: nval) := + match x with + | Nothing => Nothing + | L m => I (Int64.loword m) + | _ => All + end. + +Lemma longofintu_sound: forall v w x, + vagree v w (longofintu x) -> + vagree (Val.longofintu v) (Val.longofintu w) x. +Proof. + assert (B: forall i j m, + iagree i j (Int64.loword m) -> + lagree (Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i)) (Int64.repr (Int.unsigned j)) m). + { red; intros. rewrite ! Int64.testbit_repr by auto. + change (Int.testbit i i0 = Int.testbit j i0). + destruct (zlt i0 Int.zwordsize). + - apply H. lia. rewrite Int64.bits_loword by lia. auto. + - rewrite ! Int.bits_above by auto. auto. } + unfold longofintu, Val.longofintu; intros. destruct x; simpl in *. +- auto. +- inv H; auto. destruct w; auto with na. +- InvAgree. +- inv H; auto. +Qed. + +Definition longofint (x: nval) := + match x with + | Nothing => Nothing + | L m => I (Int.or (Int64.loword m) (Int.shl (Int.repr 31))) + | _ => All + end. + +Lemma longofint_sound: forall v w x, + vagree v w (longofint x) -> + vagree (Val.longofint v) (Val.longofint w) x. +Proof. + assert (B: forall i j m, + iagree i j (Int.or (Int64.loword m) (Int.shl (Int.repr 31))) -> + lagree (Int64.repr (Int.signed i)) (Int64.repr (Int.signed j)) m). + { red; intros. rewrite ! Int64.testbit_repr by auto. + rewrite ! Int.bits_signed by lia. + destruct (zlt i0 Int.zwordsize). + - apply H. lia. rewrite Int.bits_or by lia. apply orb_true_intro; left. + rewrite Int64.bits_loword by lia. auto. + - assert (0 <= Int.zwordsize - 1 < Int.zwordsize) by (change Int.zwordsize with 32; lia). + apply H; auto. rewrite Int.bits_or by lia. apply orb_true_intro; right. + reflexivity. + } + unfold longofint, Val.longofint; intros. destruct x; simpl in *. +- auto. +- inv H; auto. destruct w; auto with na. +- InvAgree. +- inv H; auto. +Qed. + (** The needs of a memory store concerning the value being stored. *) Definition store_argument (chunk: memory_chunk) :=