If you are using direnv, activate the virtualenv with:
direnv allow
Otherwise create and activate a Python virtualenv with your favourite library. Then setup requirements and prime the databases (required just the first time) with:
git submodule update --init
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
tutor config save
tutor dev do init
Start/stop services with:
tutor dev start
tutor dev stop
Example services endpoints for the development environment:
- http://localhost:8000 or http://local.overhang.io:8000 (LMS)
- http://localhost:8001 or http://local.overhang.io:8001 (CMS)
- http://localhost:1994/gradebook/ or http://apps.local.overhang.io:1994/gradebook/ (Gradebook MFE)
- http://localhost:1995/profile/ or http://apps.local.overhang.io:1995/profile/ (Profile MFE)
- http://localhost:1997/account/ or http://apps.local.overhang.io:1997/account/ (Account MFE)
- http://localhost:2000/learning/ or http://apps.local.overhang.io:2000/learning/ (Learning MFE)
- http://localhost:3000/about/ or http://apps.local.overhang.io:3000/course_about/ (Course About MFE)
- http://localhost:3001/home/ or http://apps.local.overhang.io:3001/home/ (Home MFE)
Example services endpoints for the production like environment:
- http://local.overhang.io (Home MFE)
- http://local.overhang.io/courses (LMS)
- http://studio.local.overhang.io (CMS)
- http://apps.local.overhang.io/profile/u/abstract (Profile MFE)
- http://apps.local.overhang.io/gradebook/course-v1:Test+101+01 (Gradebook MFE)
- http://apps.local.overhang.io/account (Account MFE)
- http://apps.local.overhang.io/learning/course/course-v1:Test+101+01 (Learning MFE)
- http://local.overhang.io/courses/course-v1:Test+101+01/about (Course About MFE)
tutor dev do createuser --staff --superuser admin admin@example.com
To run an MFE in development mode, you would need to clone it and to mount it's directory
Assuming you need to modify frontend-app-account
- Clone it if it's not already
npm install
make sure you are on the correct node versionnode --version
it shall matchcat .nvmrc
tutor mounts add "./mfe/frontend-app-account"
The following is an example of overriding a header
- Clone it if it's not already
npm install
make sure you are on the correct node versionnode --version
it shall matchcat .nvmrc
- Mount the pkg to the container
tutor mounts add "account:./mfe/frontend-component-header:/openedx/frontend-component-header"
- mounts the
file, assuming it'smfe/
,tutor mounts add account:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
- then run
npm install
Note: in step 2 we run it inside header, now inside account mfe - Simliar to adding the header we can also add other pkgs, like footer, brand, paragon...etc.
tutor dev start -d
to apply changes
If you want to test the MFEs in a production like environment (e.g. the platform root page will be replaced by the Home MFE application) you can do so by running:
tutor images build mfe
tutor local start mfe caddy
- Register MFE images to build on dev instance to eliminate the need to build them by hand. Reference: https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-ecommerce/blob/87aedf98c9e8214c4e05958a812946ba90135de4/tutorecommerce/plugin.py#L161
- MFE image building cache invalidation (after Palm). Reference: https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-mfe/commit/584d1e092ee6693e20b66d450b14c83666a5a5e3