Retrival Augmented Generation for U, RAG-U is a simple LLM agent / tool that enables automated batch retrival augmented generation (RAG), information distillation, and analysis based on a user specified list of websites and/or text files through local LLMs driven by the llama.cpp interface. Put simply you can 'ask' any question about a given list of websites/or files and the LLM will loop through each one and attempt to answer the question. For example a query of 'are there any jobs available?' with a list of company websites should output an answer for each website. WARNING: the tool is currently in early development, and and may not work correctly if set up improperly. While tested to be functional if setup properly, the speed and quality of the retrieved data an the llm's work may render currently it more of a conceptual rather than practical tool depending on the usecase. The tool also requires lots of VRAM in order to work in a reasonable amount of time. Current parameters are set for 8GB VRAM which takes about 5 minutes or more per entry. Larger amounts of VRAM should reduce this time due to being able to process more text at once. In addition to the option to use a local LLM there is a currently untested option to use Google Gemini with a valid API key.
prompt = Specifies the request for the LLM to perform upon the data. ex: "Summarize the following biotech company website text: "
modelpathParam = Specifies the location of the LLM model file ex: "/home/sampleuser/modelfile/llama-3.1-8b-instruct.Q4_K.gguf"
chatformatParam = llm format ex: "llama-3"
summarizationEngine = "local" to use llama.cpp local LLM files. "remote" to use Google Gemini (untested)
chunkSize = tokens to process at a time. Larger values will allow more text to be processed and may speed the run time up significantly. However the number may need to be adjusted to fit into the amount of VRAM available as well as the models preexisting context window. Ex. 5000. ChunkSize and n_ctx are currently different for testing purposes but usually probably should be set to the same value.
remoteQuota = the amount of requests to make before the tool pauses due to API limits when using a remote LLM like Google Gemini ex. 10
fragmentationLimit = Controls how 'fragmented' a RAG/LLM answer can be. In other words how much of the base data the LLM takes into account when making its generation. For example with a very high fragmentationLimit and with a very lengthy datafile the tool is more likely to simply process as much data as is specified to take at a time and make a list of RAGs of the different parts of the file without any context from each other. On the other hand with a fragmentationLimit of 1 the tool will attempt to continuously resummarize the data until it completely fits into one processing cycle making a RAG that takes into account the whole datafile. Lower fragmentationLimits consquently can take much more time. ex 10
n_gpu_layers= specifies layers to be offloaded to the GPU. Typically its ideal to let the GPU handle all layers if possible. ex. -1 (All)
n_ctx= context window for model. Along with chunk size can be increased to increase the amount of data the tool can process at a time potentially speeding things up or decreased to fit within available VRAM and the model's inherent capabilities'. ex. 15000
Users without a hefty GPU might want to consider running through a service such as Google Colab in order to speed up inference. Basic instructions to do so are provided below. chunkSize and n_ctx and n_gpu_layers should be adjusted in order to be appropriate for the GPU and memory in use as well as the model's context window. The following settings are rough estimates for different GPU setups using a ~5Gb Llama 3.1 model and may need adjustment. n_gpu_layers is set to -1 in all these sample cases.
Nvidia 370M 8Gb n_ctx: 15000 chunkSize: 5000
T4 16Gb n_ctx and chunkSize: 60000
L4 22.5Gb n_ctx and chunkSize: 90000
A100 40Gb n_ctx and chunkSize: 128000
Installation (Linux)
Download and extract directory.
Navigate to directory.
Create a 'datafiles' and 'summarizedfiles' folder in the directory.
Install virtualenv if not yet installed.
pip install virtualenv
Create environment folder
python -m venv venv
Activate environment
source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download model: Any llama.cpp compatible model may work with modification but the script is currently set for llama-3.1-8b-instruct.Q4_K.gguf
Set n_gpu_layers, chunkSize, and n_ctx in the script to accomodate the available memory and context window of the model. Currently set for a 8GB nvidia gpu.
Set modelpathParam to the path the model is located in.
Installation (Colab)
Download and extract directory.
Navigate to directory.
Create a 'datafiles' and 'summarizedfiles' folder in the directory.
Download model: Any llama.cpp compatible model may work with modification but the script is currently set for llama-3.1-8b-instruct.Q4_K.gguf
Place model in the directory
Upload directory to Google Drive and mount it in Colab
Set n_gpu_layers, chunkSize, and n_ctx in the script to accomodate the available VRAM and context window of the model. Currently set for a 8GB nvidia gpu.
Set modelpathParam to the path the model is located in.
Select the appropriate Colab runtime with the appropriate GPU and VRAM.
Open and run RAGUColab.ipynb in Colab
Usage (Linux)
Set prompt and backgroundPrompt to the instructions you wish to give to the model in
List websites to crawl in the EntriesInput file in the format ""
Put datafiles to summarize in the datafiles folder.
Run the program.
Results are output to summerizedfiles.
Usage (Google Colab)
Set prompt and backgroundPrompt to the instructions you wish to give to the model in
List websites to crawl in the EntriesInput file in the format ""
Put datafiles to summarize in the datafiles folder.
Run the program by running the RAGUColab.ipynb file.
Results are output to summerizedfiles.