On this page, you can find additional configuration for adding Gift cards to your integration.
The integration works out of the box for sessions implementation. Check out the integration guide here.
Follow the Advanced flow integration guide and make sure the Drop-in is configured correctly and supports partial payments.
To configure Drop-in to create and cancel orders, implement the following methods in your DropInService
Method | Explanation |
onBalanceCheck(paymentComponentState: PaymentComponentState<*>) |
Called when the shopper pays with a gift card. Make a /paymentMethods/balance request. |
onOrderRequest() |
Called when the gift card balance is less than the transaction amount. Make an /orders request with the amount of the total transaction amount. |
onOrderCancel(order: Order, shouldUpdatePaymentMethods: Boolean) |
Called when the shopper cancels the gift card transaction. Make an /orders/cancel request. |
The following example shows how to configure Drop-in for gift cards:
override fun onBalanceCheck(paymentComponentState: PaymentComponentState<*>) {
// Make a POST /paymentMethods/balance request
if (isSuccessfulResponse()) {
val balanceResult = BalanceResult.SERIALIZER.deserialize(jsonResponse)
val dropInServiceResult = BalanceDropInServiceResult.Balance(balanceResult)
} else {
val dropInServiceResult = BalanceDropInServiceResult.Error(..)
override fun onOrderRequest() {
// Make a POST /orders request
if (isSuccessfulResponse()) {
val orderResponse = OrderResponse.SERIALIZER.deserialize(jsonResponse)
val dropInServiceResult = OrderDropInServiceResult.OrderCreated(orderResponse)
} else {
val dropInServiceResult = OrderDropInServiceResult.Error(..)
override fun onOrderCancel(order: Order, shouldUpdatePaymentMethods: Boolean) {
val orderJson = OrderRequest.SERIALIZER.serialize(order)
// Make a POST /orders/cancel request
if (isSuccessfulResponse()) {
if (shouldUpdatePaymentMethods) {
// shouldUpdatePaymentMethods is true when the shopper manually removes their gift cards and cancels the order
// The total reverts to the original amount and you might need to fetch your payment methods and update Drop-in with the new list of payment methods
val paymentMethods = fetchPaymentMethods() // Fetch the payment methods here
val dropInServiceResult = DropInServiceResult.Update(paymentMethods, null) // Update the payment methods
} else {
// shouldUpdatePaymentMethods is false when Drop-in is closed while the order is in progress
// If this happens, there is no need to make any further calls.
} else {
val dropInServiceResult = DropInServiceResult.Error(..)
Use the following module and component names:
- To import the module use
implementation "com.adyen.checkout:giftcard:YOUR_VERSION"
- To launch and show the Component use
val component = GiftCardComponent.PROVIDER.get(
activity = activity, // or fragment = fragment
checkoutSession = checkoutSession, // Should be passed only for sessions
paymentMethod = paymentMethod,
configuration = checkoutConfiguration,
componentCallback = callback,
Make sure to follow the Android Components integration guide for sessions integration here.
Make sure to follow the Android Components integration guide for advanced integration here.
The componentCallback
which is passed to the GiftCardComponent.PROVIDER
requires the following methods to be implemented:
Method | Explanation |
onRequestOrder() |
In this method you should make a network call to the /orders endpoint of the Checkout API through your server. This method is called when the user is trying to pay a part of the amount using a partial payment method. |
onBalanceCheck(paymentComponentState: PaymentComponentState<*>) |
In this method you should make a network call to the /paymentMethods/balance endpoint of the Checkout API through your server. This method is called right after the user enters their gift card details and submits them. |
The following example shows how to implement the GiftCardComponentCallback
override fun onRequestOrder() {
// Make a POST /orders request
if (isSuccessfulResponse()) {
val orderResponse = OrderResponse.SERIALIZER.deserialize(jsonResponse)
override fun onBalanceCheck(paymentComponentState: PaymentComponentState<*>) {
// Make a POST /paymentMethods/balance request
if (isSuccessfulResponse()) {
val balanceResult = BalanceResult.SERIALIZER.deserialize(jsonResponse)
environment = environment,
clientKey = clientKey,
) {
giftCard {
allows you to specify if the Pin field should be hidden from the Component and not requested by the shopper. Note that this might have implications for the transaction.