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🎫 Issues › Stale #121

🎫 Issues › Stale

🎫 Issues › Stale #121

Workflow file for this run

# #
# @type github workflow
# @desc creates repository labels if they are not yet installed
# issues marked as stale after 30 days, given tag Status 𐄂 Stale
# inactive issues closed after 180 days, given tag Status 𐄂 Locked
# inactive pr closed after 365 days, given tag Status 𐄂 Locked
# issues marked stale after 30 days, given tag Status 𐄂 Stale
# issues marked closed 7 days after being marked stale, given tag Status 𐄂 Autoclosed
# @author Aetherinox
# @url
# This Github action must be activated manually. This workflow script will do the
# following:
# - Scan issues / pull requests and make sure they have properly assigned labels:
# - `Bug`
# - `Feature`
# - `Urgent`
# - `Roadmap`
# - Workflow script will then scan each pr or issue and mark them as `Stale`
# if they haven't had any replies in 30 days.
# - Workflow will `autoclose` pr or issues which haven't had action in `365 days`.
# #
name: "🎫 Issues › Stale"
run-name: "🎫 Issues › Stale"
# #
# triggers
# #
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
# #
# environment variables
# #
PREFIX_GIT: "Git Action"
LABEL_BUG: "Type ◦ Bug"
LABEL_DEPENDENCY: "Type ◦ Dependency"
LABEL_DOCS: "Type ◦ Docs"
LABEL_FEATURE: "Type ◦ Feature"
LABEL_GIT: "Type ◦ Git Action"
LABEL_PR: "Type ◦ Pull Request"
LABEL_ROADMAP: "Type ◦ Roadmap"
LABEL_INTERNAL: "Type ◦ Internal"
LABEL_URGENT: "⚠ Urgent"
BOT_NAME_1: EuropaServ
BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT: dependabot[bot]
{ "name": "AC › Changes Made", "color": "8F1784", "description": "Requested changes have been made and are pending a re-scan" },
{ "name": "AC › Changes Required", "color": "8F1784", "description": "Requires changes to be made to the package before being accepted" },
{ "name": "AC › Failed", "color": "a61f2d", "description": "Autocheck failed to run through a complete cycle, requires investigation" },
{ "name": "AC › Needs Rebase", "color": "8F1784", "description": "Due to the permissions on the requesting repo, this pull request must be rebased by the author" },
{ "name": "AC › Passed", "color": "146b4a", "description": "Ready to be reviewed" },
{ "name": "AC › Review Required", "color": "8F1784", "description": "PR needs to be reviewed by another person, after the requested changes have been made" },
{ "name": "AC › Security Warning", "color": "761620", "description": "Does not conform to developer policies, or includes potentially dangerous code" },
{ "name": "AC › Skipped Scan", "color": "8F1784", "description": "Author has skipped code scan" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Duplicate", "color": "75536b", "description": "Issue or pull request already exists" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Accepted", "color": "2e7539", "description": "This pull request has been accepted" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Autoclosed", "color": "3E0915", "description": "Originally stale and was autoclosed for no activity" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Denied", "color": "ba4058", "description": "Pull request has been denied" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Locked", "color": "550F45", "description": "Automatically locked by AdminServ for a prolonged period of inactivity" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Need Info", "color": "2E3C4C", "description": "Not enough information to resolve" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 No Action", "color": "030406", "description": "Closed without any action being taken" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Pending", "color": "984b12", "description": "Pending pull request" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Released", "color": "1b6626", "description": "Issues or PR has been implemented and is now live" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Reopened", "color": "8a6f14", "description": "A previously closed PR which has been re-opened" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Review", "color": "9e1451", "description": "Currently pending review" },
{ "name": "Status 𐄂 Stale", "color": "928282", "description": "Has not had any activity in over 30 days" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Bug", "color": "9a2c2c", "description": "Something isn't working" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Dependency", "color": "243759", "description": "Item is associated to dependency" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Docs", "color": "0e588d", "description": "Improvements or modifications to docs" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Feature", "color": "3c4e93", "description": "Feature request" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Git Action", "color": "030406", "description": "GitHub Action / workflow" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Pull Request", "color": "8F1784", "description": "Normal pull request" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Roadmap", "color": "8F1784", "description": "Feature or bug currently planned for implementation" },
{ "name": "Type ◦ Internal", "color": "A51994", "description": "Assigned items are for internal developer use" },
{ "name": "Build ◦ Desktop", "color": "c7ca4a", "description": "Specific to desktop" },
{ "name": "Build ◦ Linux", "color": "c7ca4a", "description": "Specific to Linux" },
{ "name": "Build ◦ MacOS", "color": "c7ca4a", "description": "Specific to MacOS" },
{ "name": "Build ◦ Mobile", "color": "c7ca4a", "description": "Specific to mobile" },
{ "name": "Build ◦ Web", "color": "c7ca4a", "description": "Specific to web" },
{ "name": "Build ◦ Windows", "color": "c7ca4a", "description": "Specific to Windows" },
{ "name": "› API", "color": "F99B50", "description": "Plugin API, CLI, browser JS API" },
{ "name": "› Auto-type", "color": "9141E0", "description": "Auto-type functionality in desktop apps" },
{ "name": "› Browser", "color": "9141E0", "description": "Browser plugins and passing data to <=> from app" },
{ "name": "› Customization", "color": "E3F0FC", "description": "Customizations: plugins, themes, configs" },
{ "name": "› Design", "color": "FA70DE", "description": "Design related queries" },
{ "name": "› Dist", "color": "FA70DE", "description": "Installers and other forms of software distribution" },
{ "name": "› Enterprise", "color": "11447a", "description": "Issues about collaboration, administration, and so on" },
{ "name": "› Hardware", "color": "5a7503", "description": "YubiKey, other tokens, biometrics" },
{ "name": "› Import/Export", "color": "F5FFCC", "description": "Import from and export to different file formats" },
{ "name": "› Improvement", "color": "185c98", "description": "Enhance an existing feature" },
{ "name": "› Performance", "color": "006b75", "description": "Web and desktop performance issues" },
{ "name": "› Plugin Request", "color": "FCE9CA", "description": "Requested changes should be implemented as a plugin" },
{ "name": "› Security", "color": "F75D39", "description": "Security issues" },
{ "name": "› Self-Hosting", "color": "fad8c7", "description": "Self-hosting installations and configs" },
{ "name": "› Storage", "color": "5319e7", "description": "Storage providers: Dropbox, Google, WebDAV, etc." },
{ "name": "› Updater", "color": "1BADDE", "description": "Auto-updater issues" },
{ "name": "› UX", "color": "1BADDE", "description": "UX and usability" },
{ "name": "› Website", "color": "fef2c0", "description": "Website related issues" },
{ "name": "⚠ Urgent", "color": "a8740e", "description": "Requires urgent attention" },
{ "name": "⚠ Announcement", "color": "DB4712", "description": "Announcements" },
{ "name": "📰 Progress Report", "color": "392297", "description": "Development updates" },
{ "name": "📦 Release", "color": "277542", "description": "Release announcements" },
{ "name": "✔️ Poll", "color": "972255", "description": "Community polls" },
{ "name": "❔ Question", "color": "FFFFFF", "description": "All questions" }
# #
# jobs
# #
# #
# Job [ Verify / Create Labels ]
# This job will ensure you have labels already created in your repo.
# All labels come from the JSON table LABELS_JSON.
# #
name: >-
🎫 Labels › Verify Existing
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# #
# [ Create Labels ] Start
# #
- name: >-
✅ Start
id: task_label_create_start
run: |
echo "Assigning labels and assignees"
# #
# [ Create Labels ] Checkout
# #
- name: >-
☑️ Checkout
id: task_label_create_checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
# #
# [ Create Labels ] Verify Existing Labels
# #
- name: >-
🏷️ Verify Existing Labels
id: task_label_create_verify
uses: actions/github-script@v7
github-token: ${{ secrets.ADMINSERV_TOKEN_CL }}
script: |
const labels = JSON.parse( process.env.LABELS_JSON );
for ( const label of labels )
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
description: label.description || '',
color: label.color
catch ( err )
if ( err.status === 422 )
console.log( `Label '${}' already exists. Skipping.` );
console.error( `Error creating label '${}': ${err}` );
# #
# Job [ Check Labels ]
# Runs through all submissions to check for ones that have not been properly labeled
# - Bug
# - Feature
# - Urgent
# - Roadmap
# #
name: >-
🎫 Labels › Assign Missing
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: job-labels-create
# #
# [ Check Labels ] Checkout
# #
- name: "☑️ Prepare"
id: task_issues_nolabel_prepare
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
# #
# [ Check Labels ] Check
# Check if repo has labels currently added to issues
# #
- name: 🏷️ Checking Issues
id: task_issues_nolabel_run
uses: actions/github-script@v7
github-token: ${{ secrets.ADMINSERV_TOKEN_CL }}
script: |
const dateTimeformat = ( date ) =>
let month = date.getMonth( ) + 1;
month = month.toString( ).padStart( 2, '0' );
let day = date.getDate( ).toString( ).padStart( 2, '0' );
let year = date.getFullYear( ).toString( ).padStart( 2, '0' );
let hours = date.getHours();
let minutes = date.getMinutes();
let x = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
hours = hours % 12;
hours = hours ? hours : 12;
minutes = minutes.toString( ).padStart( 2, '0' );
let mergeTime = month + '.' + day + '.' + year + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + x;
return mergeTime;
Change last number ( 36 = hours )
const expireAfterMs = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 36; // milliseconds ( 36 hours )
const curtime = new Date( ).getTime( ); // 1711471510629
const issues = await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, state: 'open' } );
console.log( ` 📦── Found ${} open issues` );
for ( const issue of )
const author = `${ issue.user.login }`;
let date_UpdateDate = new Date( `${ issue.updated_at }` ?? `${ issue.created_at }` ); // Tue Mar 26 2024 16:40:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
date_UpdateDate.toISOString( ) // Tue Mar 26 2024 16:40:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) (string)
let date_UpdateHuman = dateTimeformat( date_UpdateDate ) + " UTC"; // 03.26.2024 4:40 PM UTC
const time_UpdateMs = new Date( issue.updated_at ).getTime( ); // 1711471241000
//if ( curtime < time_UpdateMs + expireAfterMs ) continue;
Anything past this point is stale / to be closed
const timeline = await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: issue.number } );
// const labelEvent = event => event.event === 'labeled' && === 'status-stale' );
Get Issue Data
const add_labels = label => );
let iss_title = `${ issue.title }`;
const iss_title_lc = iss_title.toLowerCase( );
let iss_body = `${ issue.body }`;
const iss_body_lc = iss_body.toLowerCase( );
console.log( ` └── 📁 ` + iss_title );
console.log( ` └── 📄 Issue #${ issue.number } last updated on ${ date_UpdateHuman }` );
console.log( ` └── 📄 ${add_labels}` );
console.log( `\n\n` )
const bug_words = [ "bug", "broke", "issue", "fail" ];
const feat_words = [ "feature", "request", "add support" ];
const urgn_words = [ "urgent", "urgency", "emergency", "important", "critical" ];
const road_words = [ "roadmap", "road map", "planned" ];
const bug_tag = `${{ env.PREFIX_BUG }}:`;
const bug_lbl = `${{ env.LABEL_BUG }}`;
const feat_tag = `${{ env.PREFIX_FEATURE }}:`;
const feat_lbl = `${{ env.LABEL_FEATURE }}`;
const urgn_tag = `${{ env.PREFIX_URGENT }}:`;
const urgn_lbl = `${{ env.LABEL_URGENT }}`;
const road_tag = `${{ env.PREFIX_ROADMAP }}:`;
const road_lbl = `${{ env.LABEL_ROADMAP }}`;
Label > Bugs
const bug_bIncWordT = bug_words.some( s => s.includes( iss_title_lc ) || iss_title_lc.includes( s ) );
Find regex based phrases
const bug_findWordList = /^\b(?:I?\s*have\s*(?:a|an)\s*(?:issue|problem|bug))|(?:will\s*not\s*work)|(?:it\s*is\s*(?:broken|broke|stuck))|(?:found\s*(?:an?|the)\s*(?:bug|issue))|(?:can\s*I\s*fix\s*the\s*(?:bug|issue))|(?:(?:does not|doesn'?t|don'?t|won'?t|can'?t|can\s?not|will\s*not)\s*(?:work|load|function))|(?:it\s*(?:will\s?not|won'?t|can\s?not|can'?t))\s*(?:get|find)\s*the\s*(?:website|site|webpage|page)|(?:the\s*(?:window|frame)\s*is\s*(?:blank|white|empty|missing))\b$/igm;
const bug_bFoundMatchTitle = Boolean( bug_findWordList.test( iss_title ) );
const bug_bFoundMatchBody = Boolean( bug_findWordList.test( iss_body ) );
Do not change a title if the item starts with a PR: #
const bug_findPRTitle = /^PR\s?#?(?:[0-9]*:)/igm;
const bug_bFoundPRTitle = Boolean( bug_findPRTitle.test( iss_title ) );
- Check if issue title matches the issue label "Bug:"
- Check if title contains word in containsList
if ( iss_title_lc.startsWith( bug_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) || bug_bIncWordT || bug_bFoundMatchTitle || bug_bFoundMatchBody )
add_labels.push( `${ bug_lbl }` );
if ( author === `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` ) `Skipping: Detected ${ author }` )
// Rename title to contain Bug:
if ( author !== `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` && !bug_bFoundPRTitle && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( bug_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( feat_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( urgn_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( road_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) )
const title = issue.title;
let title_new = title.replace( /^\s?bug\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?fail\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?issue\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
iss_title = `${ bug_tag } ${ title_new }`;
owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: issue.number,
title: `${ iss_title }`, labels: add_labels
} );
Label > Features
const feat_bIncWordT = feat_words.some( s => s.includes( iss_title_lc ) || iss_title_lc.includes( s ) );
Find regex based phrases
const feat_findWordList = /^(?:(?:request|include|see)\s*(?:an?|the?)\s*(?:feature|addon|addition|plugin))|(?:(?:add|see|get)\s*support\s*(?:for|with|of))|(?:can\s*we\s*get\s*(?:the|a)\s*(?:ability|feature))|(?:💡 Feature:)$/igm;
const feat_bFoundMatchTitle = Boolean( feat_findWordList.test( iss_title ) );
const feat_bFoundMatchBody = Boolean( feat_findWordList.test( iss_body ) );
Do not change a title if the item starts with a PR: #
const feat_findPRTitle = /^PR\s?#?(?:[0-9]*:)/igm;
const feat_bFoundPRTitle = Boolean( feat_findPRTitle.test( iss_title ) );
- Check if issue title matches the issue label "Feature:"
- Check if title contains word in containsList
if ( iss_title_lc.startsWith( feat_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) || feat_bIncWordT || feat_bFoundMatchTitle || feat_bFoundMatchBody )
add_labels.push( `${ feat_lbl }` );
if ( author === `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` ) `Skipping: Detected ${ author }` )
// Rename title to contain Feature:
if ( author !== `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` && !feat_bFoundPRTitle && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( bug_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( feat_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( urgn_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( road_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) )
const title = issue.title;
let title_new = title.replace( /^\s?feature\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?request\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?add(.*?)\s?feature\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?add(.*?)\s?support\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
iss_title = `${ feat_tag } ${ title_new }`;
owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: issue.number,
title: `${ iss_title }`, labels: add_labels
} );
Label > Urgent
const urgn_bIncWordT = urgn_words.some( s => s.includes( iss_title_lc ) || iss_title_lc.includes( s ) );
Find regex based phrases
const urgn_findWordList = /(?:(?:this)?is\s*a?n?\s*?(?:emergency|urgent|important|vital|acute|crucial|grave|pressing|serious|top.?priority|high.?priority))|(?:reply|respond|answer|write|address)\s*(?:immediate|quick|asap|urgent|now|fast|(?:as)?\s*(?:soon|quick|immediate|fast))(?:ly)?|(?:need\s*(?:help|support|fixed|answer|reply|response)!)|(?:emergency|critical|urgen(?:t|cy)|high.?priority)/igm;
const urgn_bFoundMatchTitle = Boolean( urgn_findWordList.test( iss_title ) );
const urgn_bFoundMatchBody = Boolean( urgn_findWordList.test( iss_body ) );
Do not change a title if the item starts with a PR: #
const urgn_findPRTitle = /^PR\s?#?(?:[0-9]*:)/igm;
const urgn_bFoundPRTitle = Boolean( urgn_findPRTitle.test( iss_title ) );
- Check if issue title matches the issue label "Urgent:"
- Check if title contains word in containsList
if ( iss_title_lc.startsWith( urgn_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) || urgn_bIncWordT || urgn_bFoundMatchTitle || urgn_bFoundMatchBody )
add_labels.push( `${ urgn_lbl }` );
if ( author === `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` ) `Skipping: Detected ${ author }` )
// Rename title to contain Urgent:
if ( author !== `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` && !urgn_bFoundPRTitle && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( bug_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( feat_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( urgn_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( road_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) )
const title = issue.title;
let title_new = title.replace( /^\s?emergency\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?urgent\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?urgency\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?important\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?critical\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
iss_title = `${ urgn_tag } ${ title_new }`;
owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: issue.number,
title: `${ iss_title }`, labels: add_labels
} );
Label > Roadmap
const road_bIncWordT = road_words.some( s => s.includes( iss_title_lc ) || iss_title_lc.includes( s ) );
Find regex based phrases
Roadmap requires headers #Summary and #Proposal | #Objective
const road_findWordList = /#\s*Summary[\S\s]+#\s*(?:Proposal|Objective)[^\]]+/igm;
const road_bFoundMatchTitle = Boolean( road_findWordList.test( iss_title ) );
const road_bFoundMatchBody = Boolean( road_findWordList.test( iss_body ) );
Do not change a title if the item starts with a PR: #
const road_findPRTitle = /^PR\s?#?(?:[0-9]*:)/igm;
const road_bFoundPRTitle = Boolean( road_findPRTitle.test( iss_title ) );
- Check if issue title matches the issue label "Roadmap:"
- Check if title contains word in containsList
if ( iss_title_lc.startsWith( road_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) || road_bIncWordT || road_bFoundMatchTitle || road_bFoundMatchBody )
add_labels.push( `${ road_lbl }` );
if ( author === `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` ) `Skipping: Detected ${ author }` )
// Rename title to contain Roadmap:
if ( author !== `${{ env.BOT_NAME_DEPENDABOT }}` && !road_bFoundPRTitle && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( bug_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( feat_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( urgn_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) && !iss_title_lc.startsWith( road_tag.toLowerCase( ) ) )
const title = issue.title;
let title_new = title.replace( /^\s?emergency\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?urgent\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?urgency\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?important\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
title_new = title.replace( /^\s?critical\s*(.*?)\b/gi, '' );
iss_title = `${ road_tag } ${ title_new }`;
owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: issue.number,
title: `${ iss_title }`, labels: add_labels
} );
owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, issue_number: issue.number,
state: 'closed', state_reason: 'not planned'
} );
# #
# Job [ Stale Issues ]
# #
name: >-
💤 Check › Stale
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- job-labels-create
- job-issues-nolabel
contents: write
issues: write
pull-requests: write
# #
# [ Stale Issues ] Check Condition
# #
- name: "💤 Stale › Check Condition"
uses: actions/stale@v9
id: task_issues_stale_run
repo-token: ${{ secrets.ADMINSERV_TOKEN_CL }}
stale-issue-message: |
⚠️ It looks like there hasn't been any recent updates on this issue. If you created this issue and no longer consider it
open, then please login to github and close the issue.
If there is no further activity on this issue, it will be automatically closed in the next week.
<sub>I am a bot reaching out to you with an automated response.</sub>
stale-issue-label: 'Status 𐄂 Stale'
close-issue-label: 'Status 𐄂 Autoclosed'
exempt-issue-labels: 'Status 𐄂 Accepted,Status 𐄂 Review,Status 𐄂 Pending,Type ◦ Bug,Type ◦ Dependency,Type ◦ Docs,Type ◦ Feature,Type ◦ Git Action,Type ◦ Pull Request,Type ◦ Roadmap'
days-before-stale: 14
days-before-close: 7
days-before-pr-stale: -1
days-before-pr-close: -1
# #
# Job [ Lock Issues ]
# #
name: >-
🔒 Check › Inactive
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- job-labels-create
- job-issues-nolabel
# #
# [ Lock Issues ] Look for inactives
# #
- name: "🔒 Lock › Inactives"
uses: dessant/lock-threads@v5
id: task_issues_lock_run
github-token: ${{ secrets.ADMINSERV_TOKEN_CL }}
exclude-any-issue-labels: 'AC › Review Required,Status 𐄂 Accepted,Status 𐄂 Review,Status 𐄂 Pending,Type ◦ Bug,Type ◦ Dependency,Type ◦ Docs,Type ◦ Feature,Type ◦ Git Action,Type ◦ Roadmap,Type ◦ Internal'
add-issue-labels: 'Status 𐄂 Locked'
issue-inactive-days: '60'
issue-lock-reason: 'resolved'
issue-comment: >
⚠️ This **issue** has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed.
Please open a new issue for related bugs.
<sub>I am a bot reaching out to you with an automated response.</sub>
exclude-any-pr-labels: 'AC › Review Required,Status 𐄂 Accepted,Status 𐄂 Review,Status 𐄂 Pending,Type ◦ Bug,Type ◦ Dependency,Type ◦ Docs,Type ◦ Feature,Type ◦ Git Action,Type ◦ Roadmap,Type ◦ Internal'
add-pr-labels: 'Status 𐄂 Locked'
pr-inactive-days: '365'
pr-lock-reason: 'resolved'
pr-comment: >
⚠️ This **pull request** has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed.
Please open a new issue for related bugs.
<sub>I am a bot reaching out to you with an automated response.</sub>