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The "New World Grade" is an unified grading system based on the mondopoint scale. Together with charts, are going to be released as well editable 3d models in all the sizes, from children to adult.
The 3d model files are provided in lowpoly obj format, they need to be subdivided or used as control cage for a sub-d body. Then can be easily converted in NURBS or Mesh.
Project under development. Check out the main publication and discover the various branches with different last shapes.
Visit our website for more informations at affinityspace.studio
If you are a specialist and think that you can contribute to the project please write us at "design@affinityspace.studio" with subject "NWG collab". We will be happy to hear from you, with the aim to set the bar higher, once again.
If you are not a specialist but you want to help anyway, write us at "design@affinityspace.studio" or consider donating via our website.
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Collaborative project of the Future Footwear Department from the Affinity Space collective