Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
Support for the following platforms has been added:
- Total Compute (tc0) platform
- Renesas R-Car
- RD-Daniel Config-XLR
Support for interactive debugger and CLI has been added.
New modules:
- Voltage Domain driver and related SCMIv3 protocol driver
- gtimer: Add framework time driver implementation
- module: statistics: add basic functionality
- fip: Introduce 'fip' parser module
SCMI Enhancements:
- SCMI: Resource Permissions Module
- SCMIv2: Implement SCMIv2 fast channels performance protocol API
- SCMIv2: Implement notifications for SCMIv2
- scmi_perf: Add support for performance statistics
- SCMI: Clock Protocol policy handler
- SCMI: Performance Protocol policy handler
- SCMI: Power Domain Protocol policy handler
- SCMI: System Power Protocol policy handler
- SCMI: Reset Domain Protocol policy handler
- SCMI: Base Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: Clock Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: System Power Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: Power Domain Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: Performance Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: Sensor Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: Reset Domain Protocol Permissions
- SCMI: Device permissions
- fwk: Use standard library memory allocator
- fwk: Integrate logging functionality into the framework
- fwk/thread: Single-threaded mode for blocking events
- fwk: Introduce input/output component
- doc: SCP Firmware Threat Model
- doc: Add clang-format configuration
- doc: Recreate Doxyfile with Doxywizard
- fwk: Remove dependency on RTX threads
- fwk: Add support for static element tables
- fwk: Rework assertion logic
- fwk: Initialize module context structures early
- bootloader: Add support for SDS-less boot
- DVFS: Allow inexact performance levels
- DVFS/SCMI-perf: Abstract performance levels
- scmi_system_power: Add graceful system power support
- bootloader: Unify bootloader messages
- module/scmi: Add SCMI notifications handling APIs
This release implements full SCMI v2 support but we do not guarantee complete compliance with the SCMI v2.0 specification at the moment.
Support for the following platforms has been added :-
- Juno Arm Development Platform
- Neoverse N1 Software Development Platform
- SGM-776
- RD-N1-Edge
- RD-N1-Edge Dual-Chip
- RD-Daniel Config-M
New modules:
- DMC500
- XRP7724
- CDCEL937
- I2C
- dw_apb_i2c (Synopsis DesignWare I2C controller)
- mock_sensor
- Debug Module
- System Info
Build System: static analysis: Add suppression list for Cppcheck Static Code Analysis tools: Add script to check usage of banned functions build: enhance entry guards in internal header files
Documentation: DVFS: Document DVFS architecture doc: Fix link location for Cppcheck suppression list doc: Correct Cppcheck invocation description doc: Add notification information to the documentation doc: Clarify contributors' and Maintainers' responsibilities doc: Update list of maintainers for SCP-firmware doc: Add documentation for deferred responses doc: Add glossary to Doxygen configuration input
Framework: fwk/notification: Allow use of provided source_id for notify thread: Get head of delayed response list module: Add FWK_ID_NONE source_id for notifications fwk: Delete fwk_module_check_call implementation fwk: Extend delayed response support fwk: Split delayed response from fwk_multi_thread fwk_interrupt: add missing declaration of exported functions fwk_thread: Clarify support for delayed responses fwk: Rename fwk_errno.h to fwk_status.h fwk_errno: Add FWK_PENDING return value fwk_module: Extend fwk_module_get_data for sub-elements framework: allow product to define notification count
Modules: DVFS: Add support for pending requests clock: Add full support for asynchronous drivers scmi_clock: Add support for pending requests scmi_sensor: Add support for pending responses sensor: Add support for asynchronous drivers arch/armv7-m: Split exception table from handlers arm7-m: Add support for custom default exception handler
- CMN600 support
- DMC620 support
- apcontext: New module to zero the AP context area
- Support for the SGI-575 platform
- Support for the Neoverse N1 reference design
Note: Juno, Neoverse N1 SDP, Neoverse E1 reference design and SynQuacer products are NOT part of this release.
Build System:
- Name firmware bin and elf file by the name of the firmware
- Emphasized that the order of the modules in the BS_FIRMWARE_MODULES list in the firmware definition makefiles is the order in which the modules are initialized, bound and started during the pre-runtime phase.
- Expand Doxygen use of param [out]
- Improve coding style and rules
- Improve error codes and their documentation
- Add fwk_module_get_sub_element_count API
- Improve unit testing of fwk_module.c
- Replace base alignment reference type with
- sds: Make initialization deferring optional
- sds: Send notification once SDS is initialized
- scmi: Subscribe to SMT ready notifications and send notification when service is initialized
- smt: Add logging on mailbox ownership error
- smt: Send notification when each SMT mailbox is initialized
- sid: Move to an always available interface
- system_power: Introduce platform interrupts and enable a configurable number of system PPUs
- cmn600: Add the ccix programming for cmn600
Build System:
- Disable generation of unaligned accesses
- list: Always zero list nodes when removed from a list
- Zero event list node when duplicating an event
- cmn600: Fix inappropriately-initialised global state
- cmn600: Stop checking type of external nodes
- ppu_v0: Ensure bound_id is set when bound by system_power
- system_power: Fix extented PPU support
Module-based architecture with an event-driven execution model:
- Firmware code is organized into modules, where a module fulfills a well- defined role (driver HAL, driver, protocol or service).
- A framework drives the initialization, orchestration of, and interactions between modules.
Processor-agnostic module code enables firmware portability across systems:
- Processor-dependent features (e.g. interrupt handling) are abstracted from the modules by the framework.
- The framework relies on an interface whose implementation is processor- dependent to provide these features.
Module configurability easing the re-use of modules on different platforms:
- Strict split between the hardware and software feature configuration data and module code.
A native framework test suite provides rapid development and validation of the core framework implementation.
Support for Armv7-M control processor architecture based on CMSIS v5 and Keil RTX 5.
Provides system initialization support to enable boot of the application cores.
Provides the following runtime services:
- Power domain management
- System power management
- Performance domain management (Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling)
- Clock management
- Sensor management
Provides a reference implementation of the System Control and Management Interface v1.0 (SCMI, platform-side). The SCMI specification can be found here.
Provides a build system supporting:
- The GNU Arm Embedded and Arm Compiler 6 toolchains
- Platforms with multiple firmware images
In-source Doxygen documentation
Support for the SGM-775 platform
- The Juno platform is extremely limited with regards to available memory. As a result the debug experience is poor, and the ability to add new features severely restricted.
- arm-compiler-6 does not support LTO with our build system. No runs can be done when the SCP-firmware is built with arm-compiler-6 due to space limitations.