(First Iteration of Go Music Bot)
A bot for slack that connects to an MPD server (In this instance: Mopidy) and allows users to provide Youtube links as well as search Youtube for songs to play.
To get started, you will probably need a debian based system: This was written for a Raspberry PI.
TODO: Add instructions to configure PI (Should be coming within a week)
You will probably want these things installed:
Python 3
Quite easy once the instructions for what originally do on the PI are finished. For now:
Install all the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup the values in config.yml for your situtation
Run the bot!
python run.py config.yml
You can test it's running by typing @musicbot ping; it should reply with "Pong!"
Be reasonable, and make a pull request! Should be relatively simple to add your own commands... Check out commands.py!
- Aidan Handa - Initial work
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Mr. Schmit for running the Music Server in his class
- Adam for entertainment and new ideas