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AWS Lambda Elasticsearch Index Cleanup


This AWS Lambda function allows you to delete the old Elasticsearch indexes using SigV4Auth authentication. You configure the AWS Elasticsearch Access Policy authorizing the Lambda Role or the AWS Account number instead of using the IP address whitelist.


Terraform version

Module compatible with Terraform 0.12

Module Input Variables


Name Version
archive n/a
aws n/a
http n/a
local n/a
null n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
delete_after Numbers of days to preserve number 15 no
es_endpoint AWS ES FQDN e.g. string n/a yes
index Index/indices to process using regex, except the one matching skip_index regex string ".*" no
index_format Combined with 'index' varible is used to evaluate the index age string "%Y.%m.%d" no
prefix A prefix for the resource names, this helps create multiple instances of this stack for different environments string "" no
python_version Lambda Python version to be used string "3.6" no
schedule Cloudwatch Cron Schedule expression for running the cleanup function string "cron(0 3 * * ? *)" no
security_group_ids Addiational Security Ids To add. list(string) [] no
skip_index Index/indices to skip string ".kibana*" no
subnet_ids Subnet IDs you want to deploy the lambda in. Only fill this in if you want to deploy your Lambda function inside a VPC. list(string) [] no
suffix A suffix for the resource names, this helps create multiple instances of this stack for different environments string "" no
tags Tags to apply map
"Name": "es-cleanup"
timeout Maximum lambda execution time number 300 no


No output.


terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12"

provider "aws" {
  region = "eu-west-1"

module "public_es_cleanup" {
  source       = "giuliocalzolari/es-cleanup/aws"
  version      = "1.14.0"
  prefix       = "public_es_"
  es_endpoint  = ""
  delete_after = 365

module "vpc_es_cleanup" {
  source             = "giuliocalzolari/es-cleanup/aws"
  version            = "1.14.0"
  prefix             = "vpc_es_"
  es_endpoint        = ""
  index              = "all"
  delete_after       = 30
  subnet_ids         = ["subnet-d8660da2"]
  security_group_ids = ["sg-02dd3aa6da1b5"]


Module is maintained by Giulio Calzolari with help from these awesome contributors.


terraform-aws-es-cleanup is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0. Originally developed by Cloudreach adapted in this repo due to Terraform Registry Requirements


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