All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.0-60 (2022-06-25)
- config: change node engine version and target version to use more advanced features (ff21fce)
- plugins/auth/helpers: return database result type instead of boolean for more meaningfull res (709260b)
- plugins/auth/methods: implement database result in all model methods (bf4c851)
- plugins/auth: add new type for database edit results (e755e50)
- plugins/server: add a common express handler to handle database edit requests (2c84f1c)
- routes/auth/policies: add new route for editing policy model with the new express handler (e204294)
- routes/auth/roles: add new route for editing roles model using new express handler (fe99bb3)
- models/frontend: add new property to frontend schema to have more control over scopes (6dd55a7)
- plugins/server: add data property to send data in error responses (cdff2b8)
0.2.0-59 (2022-06-23)
- plugins/auth/helpers: write a asyncwhileloop function for use in auth helper functions (332518b)
- plugins/errors: add a new not allowed error response class (b6f415c)
- types/express: add express header types for x-session-id and x-session-token (71c88c0)
- plugins/server/middleware: update session checker function to use the new session headers (e995941)
- plugins/auth/helper: fix mathjs module import line, add owner to heirarchy (92f0490)
- plugins/auth/helpers: remove existing while loop and use asyncwhileloop function (ef3c1ad)
- plugins/auth/policy: restrict editing 'code' prop in policy document (386af4c)
- plugins/cors: allow x-session-id & x-session-token to be allowed in cors requests (f3b6ee7)
- plugins/session-manager: use updated error classes for more proper responses to user (cb5d02f)
0.2.0-58 (2022-06-22)
- models: use lean method for applicable models for faster db queries (68c7c4c)
- plugins/auth: fix editdatabase function modification type (a1e483d)
- plugins/session: pass userid down the response context (897e440)
- error class: introduce too many request error class for rate limiting responses (60b76da)
- middleware: introduce global, user & other rate limiters in the application (7f8fcfe)
- plugins/sessions: create user document and pass it down the response context (6ad7255)
- routes/auth/policy: implement auth plugin in the auth/policy/modify route (95e783b)
- routes: add setup route for adding global, user & other rate limiter settings (81a90c9)
- templates: add setup template for rate limiter settings (15e5955)
0.2.0-57 (2022-06-11)
- pushing changes after a long time (d79761e)
0.2.0-56 (2022-04-30)
- oauth: remove twitter oauth login client as it cannot be implemented (90d4938)
- docker: add docker-compose & dockerfile for production build (2670227)
0.2.0-55 (2022-03-19)
- views: fix paths, fix router not rendering index.html (d79eb93)
0.2.0-54 (2022-03-19)
- plugins/oauth: add more oauth2.0 clients - facebook, twitter, github (11b1d58)
- tests: correct all tests to implement local dev password (43605a0)
- packages: add passport oauth client packages (50adcc8)
- packages: add passport oauth packages (ec0c9ef)
0.2.0-53 (2022-02-10)
- move to a proper project folder structure (a9f3d83)
0.2.0-52 (2022-02-09)
- plugins/db: fix db-hash plugin which hangs the server which using plugin (a152836)
- plugins/sessionmanager: move more redundant tasks to the main create session function (386c928)
- plugins/google: fix google oauth helpers to update to latest changes (1ed3083)
- plugins/healthcheck: refactor health-check.ts file (ee8e594)
- routes/setup: refactor all routes which require changes as per latest updates (556c88e)
- types: move files inside types to a proper folder structure (4492166)
- packages: add passport,google-oauth,twitter-oauth packages (735b5a0)
- tests/rest: add latest routes rest based tests (05a4de1)
- app.ts: add passport initialize function after db connects (55fcb37)
- model/credentials: change credential schema to support more oauth features (1f2b68f)
- models/user: change user schema to support oauth based logins (cf13987)
- oauth/google: write oauth authenticate action for login with google function (21b269a)
- oauth/helpers: write passport authenticate tranform function for proper error handling (79a1aff)
- oauth/helpers: write passport function for oauth user verification (ab8921e)
- oauth/helpers: write passport initialize function that initializes all the clients (78fab85)
- oauth/twitter: write oauth authenticate action for login with twitter function (c9f2172)
- routes/login: write router for google oauth login (dffefe1)
- routes/login: write router for twitter oauth login (95cc509)
0.2.0-51 (2022-02-04)
- models/credentials: use correct encrypt plugin and change corresponding option (d8eec82)
- models/global-settings: fix flag type casting with mixed type (f088fcf)
- plugins/auth: remove parameter requirement for objectid function (79f9ad1)
- plugins/db: fix encryption helper for db to always encrypt with object (a5e4287)
- plugins/otp: fix objectid function (0450158)
- plugins/server/gen: fix endpoints generator class to properly handle errors (79c76f0)
- plugins/server/middlewares: fix cors middleware to properly send response headers (d939d58)
- plugins/server/middlewares: remove first-setup middleware as it is not working as expected (8d4f7e8)
- plugins/session-manager: fix objectid function (d4a0ff0)
- plugins/templates: fix objectid function (706ec25)
- plugins/uid: fix objectid function - now requires no parameter (31540a7)
- routes/login: fix login response, properly handle errors (76d86a8)
- plugins/db/helpers: refactor db hash plugin from promises to async/await (824975e)
- plugins/google/helpers: refactor google oauth helper function to async/await (e2eb99c)
- plugins/google/helpers: refactor google service account handlers (bd061ef)
- plugins/google/helpers: refactor google token resolver functions (fc1f4a7)
- plugins/google: refactor every promise function to use async/await (303ab8b)
- plugins/server/middlewares: add named exports (9cc6329)
- routes/setup: refactor every under setup route to reduce duplication (bddfe23)
- models: introduce new model to store server private, public and secret keys (3f08cb3)
- plugins/crypto: add new function for generating random bytes (57f6cc8)
- plugins/crypto: enable support for decrypting with rsa algorithm (5037369)
- plugins/crypto: enable support for encrypting with rsa algorithm (f7c968b)
- plugins/jwt: use jose to generate rsa and es256 keys (df311c8)
- plugins/jwt: use the new keys database and use es256 keys to generate jwt (c35dfb3)
- plugins/server/gen: use header param to enable lean document request (7744782)
- plugins/server/middlewares: add secret check and setup check middlewares (2e7a710)
- routes/setup: add route for generating random bytes, random rsa & es256 keys (41402e0)
- routes: use the new setup and secret check middlewares (ac3498a)
- rest/login: write rest test case login/user route (82e3e33)
- rest/setup: add rest test cases for setup routes (c14d172)
- ignore: fix ignore files to properly ignore unnecessary files (34b7927)
- types: declare lean-doc-request header to express types (924478b)
- packages: remove crypto-js module, use native nodejs crypto module (a803618)
0.2.0-50 (2022-01-30)
- plugins: completely refactor all the plugins to async/await from promises' (d417cfe)
0.2.0-49 (2022-01-18)
- auth/helpers: fix model helper for retreiving role docs (d111d44)
- db: add support for test database (cb84d8d)
- errors: introduce http error classes (cf06b81)
- plugins/server: add a setup route generator for redundant routes (f5130ba)
- google: refactor google helper methods to use new http Error classes (aab63c5)
- middlewares: refactor promises to async/await and use new Error Classes (f643aef)
- responses: refactor responses and remove all error methods (1cc29e7)
- routes: remove massive redundant code and use new Error Classes (1539e8e)
- rest-test: move rest tests to a seperate folder (2887a9f)
0.2.0-48 (2022-01-12)
- models: add a readme for models for future reference (99c6db7)
- plugins/server: remove type parameters for response handlers (5b56232)
- plugins: remove lean methods for some models as it creates problems (5bb234e)
- routes: remove lean methods for some models (b1c1104)
- package: add morgan package for rest logger (3de1f45)
- routes/setup: add rest based tests for route - setup/credentials (1774df7)
0.2.0-47 (2022-01-09)
- models: introduce lean document types for all models (4f34628)
- plugins: use lean based mongo queries for faster performance (e7c563e)
- routes/login: write user login route (be12108)
- routes: use lean queries for faster performance (85f1b58)
0.2.0-46 (2022-01-08)
- routes/setup: completely scaffold setup api routes (9d17424)
- app: refactor imports (988d62e)
- models: fix every models's type imports (37f4e8a)
- plugins: add default imports and exports for many plugins (e316646)
- plugins: fix every plugin's model type imports (4094721)
- routes: fix model type imports (3dbe285)
0.2.0-45 (2022-01-06)
- package: remove unused packages (b1c1b6f)
- models: fix session model schema (d743cb8)
- plugins/google: fix function overloading typescript (7217df1)
- plugins/mail: add default exports for mail plugin (2476dab)
- plugins/jwt: write jwt plugin for signing json web tokens (80dde12)
- plugins/jwt: write verify jwt function for decrypting and verifying jwts (c7976ff)
- plugins/session-manager: write methods and function for session-manager plugin (f886692)
0.2.0-44 (2022-01-05)
- models: fix smtp provider schema by adding dkim details (4f10408)
- plugins/google: add more google api scopes for more control over api (83f7e3a)
- plugins/google: refactor and introduce function overloads for solving conditional return types (7406494)
- plugins/mail: add functions for mail-transporter plugin with nodemailer (7f3da72)
- eslint: add support for function overloading in ts (751df21)
0.2.0-43 (2022-01-04)
- plugins: add default model import and exports (1daceae)
- models: add otp model to verify users using otp (7272e24)
- plugins/mail-transporter: write mail transporter plugin (b946374)
- plugins/otp: write otp generator plugins (0de1f94)
0.2.0-42 (2022-01-04)
- models: add template model exports (77d45eb)
- plugins/auth: write auth functions for all the policies (7faf8b4)
- plugins/templates: add policies for templates (a147255)
0.2.0-41 (2021-12-31)
- plugins/auth: add model method helper functions (2e19168)
- plugins/auth: move user functions to seperate folder (237015b)
- plugins/auth: write auth policy functions for credential functions (3354865)
0.2.0-40 (2021-12-30)
- models/user: fix model user types (606cd88)
- plugins/google: fix google requester function to throw errors (6ea6889)
- plugins/auth: fix auth policy checker to check for policy when no scope is passed (457847d)
- plugins/auth: write a function to check policy and modify user object (515d9b4)
- plugins/auth: write auth function - user/policies (47bf3e9)
- plugins/auth: write auth function - user/remove (47fd81e)
- plugins/auth: write auth function - user/restrict (556b933)
- plugins/auth: write auth function - user/scope (d899685)
0.2.0-39 (2021-12-29)
- plugins/auth: some misc helper functions for policy check (b632972)
- plugins/auth: write a complete function to check policies and authorize the user (2e4f146)
- plugins/auth: write a function to check the heirarchy of the user and admins (c99f8ad)
- packages: add mathjs package (eaa560c)
0.2.0-38 (2021-12-29)
- models: fix bad schema in pending-user and user models (e858dc5)
- plugins/auth: refactor auth helpers, write function to support policy check for pending users (3977dc2)
- plugins/auth: refactor user auth policies and write auth policies for blacklist function (36a4ca6)
- plugins/auth: write auth policies for user/blacklist function (e1eabd6)
- plugins/auth: write auth policies for user/promote functions (e1a8f00)
- views: add backend dashboard html files (5f4716c)
- add some misc index.ts files for easy imports (4eda2b4)
0.2.0-37 (2021-12-25)
- fix callback hell by using function chaining (37719d8)
- plugins: refactor auth files to use promise chaining (929fb62)
0.2.0-36 (2021-12-21)
- models/policy: fix policy model schema (856923a)
- plugins/auth: use policy documents from the database to check policies (4ff04f8)
- plugins/google: fix the callback hell with .then chaining (c614139)
0.2.0-35 (2021-12-20)
- templates: refactor policy, role templates to use the new objectid function (05c86ce)
- models: update some model type configurations (361ea6b)
- auth: auth plugin - viewer accept function (ca80236)
- auth: auth plugin - viewer blacklist function (90c3a02)
- auth: update policy-checker function to use heirarchy checker (627eccd)
- plugins/auth: write a new heirarchy checker for auth plugin (712e655)
0.2.0-34 (2021-12-20)
- models: update pending-user schema type (443754f)
- plugins/auth: auth plugin - viewer accept function (d214c99)
- plugins/auth: create a helper function for checking user policies (4d9c32c)
- templates: fix objectid in role templates (eb84cb9)
0.2.0-33 (2021-11-30)
- remove obfuscation (2f7716c)
0.2.0-32 (2021-11-30)
- build: update build script (6ad0e4a)
- webpack: add webpack to bundle all the files to a single file (d6ae2d9)
0.2.0-31 (2021-11-30)
- build: add support for minification for final code (9c993dd)
- scripts: update build and deploy scripts (836d93d)
- scripts: update deploy script (a8de306)
0.2.0-30 (2021-11-27)
- models: fix encrypt settings for some models (59b59d4)
- vscode: add vscode build and test tasks (9a5c047)
- scripts: update build scripts, remove travis-ci (11edd05)
0.2.0-29 (2021-11-27)
- vscode: add vscode launch configurations (1acd7a8)
- scripts: add deploy and build scripts for ci (7b7b8a5)
- travis: add travis-ci configuration (cedea5c)
- yarn: add yarn workspace and version plugins, update package.json script (23116de)
0.2.0-28 (2021-11-26)
- refactor all tests to seperate files and seperate api and unit tests (0875840)
- tests: add chai-each package (e9ad014)
- setup/roles: fix redundant respose which crashed server (dae65a6)
0.2.0-27 (2021-11-25)
- models: add a new model - templates for managing email templates (4b33fe9)
- plugins/db: write a base64 encode plugin for mongoose (d07a652)
- models: fix types for various models (17919b2)
0.2.0-26 (2021-11-25)
- db/statics: remove static helpers as it is implemented in plugin (58328d9)
- plugins/google: refactor to latest changes in models (a870db9)
- routes: refactor to reflect latest changes in models (8dad14b)
- db/helpers: write a bcrypt hasher for helping db functions (0b66cb3)
- db/plugins: write a crypto mongoose plugin (b3292fb)
- db/plugins: write a hash mongoose plugin (254dad7)
- db/plugins: write a schema parser for parsing schemas from mongoose (d4a91eb)
- models: use the new crypto and hash plugin (b32d483)
0.2.0-25 (2021-11-23)
- deepsource: remove deepsource pipeline (188bfea)
0.2.0-24 (2021-11-23)
- types: document model static function types (d6d07a0)
0.2.0-23 (2021-11-22)
- packages: update packages to latest versions (caa6167)
- changelog: add emoji headlines for automated changelogs (a409941)
- db/encrypt: add support for multi-level encryption of objects in database (dfda3c0)
- models: add encrypted fields for models (b16ec6b)
0.2.0-22 (2021-11-22)
- typos: fix import typos to various files (f30006f)
- manager: move to yarn v2 package manager for better management (4333235)
- yarn: add plugins for updating packages and installing typescript packagex (a044923)
0.2.0-21 (2021-11-20)
- crypto: add functions for encrypt/decrypt objects and strings (55a99cd)
- models: add more static functions to all models, use base types for easy workflow (646ac44)
- plugins/db: enable support for encrypting and decrypting fields in the database (84ca98d)
- models: create a base model type (206c3fc)
- plugins/db/statics: move db static functions to seperate statics folder (9da4254)
- plugins/google: refactor encrypt and decrypt functions (bc4512a)
- plugins/server: refactor endpoint generator to a class (28569fe)
- routes: update all routes to use the new endpointgenerator class (df5684c)
0.2.0-20 (2021-11-17)
- plugins/crypto: add function for encrypting strings (598397f)
- plugins/db: write function to encrypt particular fields before saving to database (eb38db9)
- server: connect to database only when server is live (7e9e50a)
- plugins/templates: rename variable names to follow camelCasing (636597f)
- server/endpoints: refactor server/endpoint generator function into a class (4d339eb)
0.2.0-19 (2021-11-01)
- massive refactor of entire folder structure of the project (8142533)
0.2.0-18 (2021-10-14)
- google/drive: implement download method for drive/files (fadfdc7)
- google/misc: add mimetypes, consolidated scopes, other miscs (3be9cc7)
- google/requester: implement stream method for google requester (3fbe000)
0.2.0-17 (2021-10-10)
- google/files: add more advanced options for searching files in google/drive api (c7b381d)
0.2.0-16 (2021-10-09)
- google/drive: implement search in google/drive/files api (179b4f7)
0.2.0-15 (2021-10-09)
- google/drive: add api methods for drive/files route (a6a7bd2)
- google/helpers: add function to construct google fields parameter (5402fd1)
- readme: add code quality badges (464cf0b)
- package: add got package for managing streaming requests (b52c80c)
0.2.0-14 (2021-10-09)
- google/api: add api doc for google/drive/files and fix google requester (c5291bb)
0.2.0-13 (2021-10-06)
- google/drive: add method exports for google/drive (ae104bc)
- google/drives: add api methods for drive/drives (479faab)
- google/drives: add api methods for drive/permissions (46f2505)
- google/requester: add patch request method for google/requester function (59af9c5)
- google/iam: add scope exports (e92534a)
- google/drive: add api documentation for drive/files (b30bd10)
- google/api: add default exports (4c985ba)
0.2.0-12 (2021-10-05)
- google/api: update existing methods to new requester type hintings (4f23dd0)
- google/requester: add complete type hintings for requester (2155e16)
0.2.0-11 (2021-10-04)
- google/drives: add api methods for google/drive/drives and about routes (994f4bd)
- google/requester: add type hintings for google request and response (d3fb195)
- package: add uuid package (ec92b2c)
0.2.0-10 (2021-10-02)
- google/iam: add iam - service account methods (49e2e3f)
- google/iam: append iam api methods to main API Array (0c7ea84)
- google/requester: add delete request method for google api requester (b473c53)
- models/service-account: add unique id prop for service account model (504567d)
- google/api: append api methods to main api array (0e81661)
- google/routes: rename api.ts to routes.ts for name conflict (e4aefba)
- routes/login: use the refactor google api methods (b8613a1)
0.2.0-9 (2021-10-02)
- google/jwt: fix jwt - add crypto module (1cf09c5)
- crypto: add node-webcrypto module for cryptographic function (10c0fca)
0.2.0-8 (2021-10-02)
- google/resolve-token: add service account token resolver to google oauth helpers (422de8a)
- google/jwt: rename jwt file (fb1c778)
0.2.0-7 (2021-10-01)
- google/service-account: add access token generation method for service account (6716569)
- google/service-account: handler for saving checking and saving service account token (5d0ae5b)
- google/signjwt: fix jwt signature method to use scopes provided (9dd9661)
- google/handlers: document google oauth method handlers (fb6270d)
0.2.0-6 (2021-10-01)
- google/api/iam: add api methods for iam projects (eae25e4)
- google/iam/service-acc: add api methods for iam - service account (c17a437)
- google/iam: consolidate api methods and api routes for google iam (0add635)
- google/jwt: add helpers, methods and functions for generating a service account jwt signature (d190854)
- middlewares: change comments (8e7860b)
- google/drives: move request method to global scope to use by all apis (0a3a450)
- google/helpers: add google api requester and other misc oauth helpers (6b92b80)
- google/oauth-helper: refactor oauth generate method to use latest changes (5fd58fc)
- routes/login: refactor to use new changes (94aaf60)
0.2.0-5 (2021-09-27)
- google: completely document every google api used (e4f2633)
0.2.0-4 (2021-09-26)
- google: document Every google API Route Used properly (c1f4ebf)
0.2.0-3 (2021-09-25)
- middlewares/first-setup: fix changes to type related to models (27c5442)
- environment: changes required for linux dev (d9d642d)
- environment: move back to windows env (2b8f159)
- environment: move to linux environment from windows (cb665d2)
- tsconfig: fix resolvers (057baaf)
- externals/google: move google to a proper folder structure(to root) (90869d2)
- google/auth: fix google auth route to use the refactored structure (415d851)
- google: completely refactor google related files for proper project structure (ffb0e1b)
- models: fix typescript document models (17b4ed8)
0.2.0-2 (2021-09-10)
- crypto: add crypto helpers for passing state between apis (ae5efa7)
- google/drive/drives: add method for listing drives (feb4211)
- google/drive/files: add methods for listing files (wip) (1b00651)
- google/drive: implement global drive api request methods (33a24ac)
- google/oauth: implement google oauth route (90596e4)
- google/oauth: implement passing of states between calls (3f5f692)
- google/token-resolver: implement token resolver for google oauth to fetch tokens (7483c74)
- routes/auth: add credentials route for accessing and updating credentials (48563b3)
- package.json: add query-string for parsing query parameters (b9dab1e)
- tsconfig.json: add more path resolvers (1ca9e40)
- routes/auth: move policies and roles inside auth route (a332ed3)
- routes/tokens: move tokens route to login route (32f7848)
- routes: move roles and policies routes inside auth route (7fc965e)
0.2.0-1 (2021-08-22)
- google-oauth: finish google oauth setup completely (a39ca10)
- helpers/uid: add method for generating mongodb reference ids (ab6d10e)
- routes: refactor all routes to use new mongo id generator (9ec17da)
- setup-files: refactor all setup objects to use mongo id generator (c5f2cfc)
0.2.0-0 (2021-08-15)
- models/tokens: This Commit Changes the way of handling models
- drive/scopes: add drive scopes (e1ce604)
- google/api: add api.ts for centrally handling api routes (72a4909)
- google: add function for revoking google oauth token (8e93b7d)
- google: add function for validating oauth token (to be done) (6ec5e22)
- google: introduce complete google oauth flow (0a6d8d8)
- google: introduce refresh and access token generation helpers (1b344bd)
- google: write types for google oauth functions (8ac4f78)
- models/tokens: introduce token collection (e8c3344)
- routes/tokens: introducing token endpoint for token operations (3bdcf6f)
- package: add scripts for major, minor and patch releases (7ea2b16)
- google/endpoints: remove google endpoints file (5d63ea8)
- routes/first-setup: move tokens endpoint to main route (ed3a25f)
0.1.6-2 (2021-08-11)
- google-oauth: add google oauth generator handler for express (e8a1b74)
- routes/setup/token: add router for first-setup/token routes (f65ac4b)
- routes/setup: add scope, token to main router config (6983373)
- models/credentials: fix credentials type, add redirect_uri as required (cac81dc)
- package: fix prepare script (c4a5064)
- husky: add linting for commit message (80e4f05)
- helpers/axios: refactor axios export command to a single line (1eaf420)
- tsconfig.json: fix directory paths for module resolution (1976f95)
0.1.6-1 (2021-08-06)
- models/tokens: introduce tokens collection for managing auth tokens (fdfa176)
- models/serviceaccounts: fix type (4bd4a67)
- verionrc: change versionrc file to json file type (2b551a3)
- helpers/classes: remove class based helpers (0b3040e)
0.1.6-0 (2021-08-06)
0.1.5 (2021-08-05)
- package.json: add mocha-html-writer (5ed22e0)
- test-report: add a test report generator with mocha (9af6f03)
0.1.4 (2021-08-03)
- express: write a 404 Response Handler (ef16534)
- middlewares/cors.ts: add Support for Local Development with respect to cors issue (4363992)
- models/credential: write a new function for handling id checks (35ebb5d)
- routes/first-setup: add credentials and scope route handlers for first setup (0a21cc0)
- express.d.ts: fix case in extended express type (83b7b74)
- models/scopes: fix type for static method in scopes (b462c0a)
- .versionrc: introduce .versionrc for changelogs (ca05127)
- package.json: fix single test script with proper requore (8e3c38f)
- update Readme to add commitizen badge (23711d9)
- first-setup: fix test helpers and add new tests (79a2830)
- first-setup: write tests for policies, roles, credentials route tests for first-setup (8698bf9)
0.1.3 (2021-08-02)
- package.json: add a Stage Script (e4098f4)
0.1.2 (2021-07-31)
- automate Changelog and Commit workflow (956c28d)
- new-feature: add a new-feature to our project (c0f6fd7)