Lyve Cloud by Seagate is an S3-compatible storage-as-a-service platform designed as a simple, trusted, and efficient service allowing enterprises to unlock the value of their massive unstructured datasets and enabling them to store more for longer.
This repository holds integration solutions written by Lyve Cloud community developers who contributed them for the benefit of the Lyve Cloud users` community. We are happy to see you here and encourage you to take part in this community.
Notice the integration solutions are not part of the Lyve Cloud product. The integrations listed on this page are made available and contributed “as-is”, without warranty, and disclaiming liability for damages resulting from using the projects.
- Browse our repository to find usefull tools for your needs (as listed below) or to get inspiration for building your integration solution.
- Jumpstart your integration with our S3 actions code samples.
- Have a question? Let's have a discussion (don't be shy).
- Want to create and contribute your own solution? Read our Contribution Guide.
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Migrating and Syncing to Lyve Cloud solutions
Solution | Source | Technology | Installation |
1. On-demand sync of Linux local directory to Lyve Cloud bucket. | Linux | Cronjob | Manual |
2. Migrating and syncing between AWS and Lyve Cloud buckets. | AWS | AWS Lambda | Cli-Tool |
3. Replicating new objects created in AWS S3 bucket to a Lyve Cloud bucket. | AWS | AWS Lambda | Manual |
Pull and send audit logs from Lyve Cloud to different monitoring infrastructure
Solution | Monitoring Infrastructure | Technology |
1. Sending Lyve Cloud S3 API Audit Log events to be consumed and displayed in AWS CloudWatch. | CloudWatch | Python Script |
2. Sending Lyve Cloud S3 API Audit Log events to be consumed and displayed in Azure Monitor(Log Analytics). | Azure Monitor | Function app |
Calculating Lyve Cloud bucket metrics
The purpose of this integration solution is to demonstrate how Lyve Cloud bucket metrics can be securely pulled using AWS Lambda and displayed in AWS CloudWatch. The bucket metrics displayed in this solution are: number of objects and bucket size. These metrics are calculated for the buckets that Lyve Cloud credentials can access. Once the metrics are pulled, it can be displayed using AWS CloudWatch dashboards.
Streaming media from Lyve Cloud bucket
Middleware solution built with Python and FastAPI, which is optimized for video streaming.
It serves as a middleware from the browser request to the requested object, which is the video file. The implementation is based on the Range Requests Specification in RFC 7233.
Terraform Provider for Lyve Cloud
Terraform provider plugin for managing Lyve Cloud S3 buckets, objects, permissions and service accounts.
The repository is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.