In this folder you'll find all partial templates. These are connected to files in the folders styles and auto-entities
- Folder: templates
- Files in the folder partials/
- Files in the folder partials/calendar/
- Files in the folder partials/columns/
- Files in the folder partials/lights/
- Files and folders in the folder partials/media/
- Files in the folder partials/page_header/
- Files in the folder partials/power_usage/
- Files in the folder partials/scenes/
Files in the folder partials/
This is the file that displays areas/rooms.
Files in the folder partials/calendar/
Placeholder for all calendars in an area
Template for calendar
Files in the folder partials/columns/
Placeholder that determines if we should have tabs or not
Placeholder that determines tabs should be displayed or not Todo
- Add TV card
- Add Camera card
Placeholder for un-tabbed pages