For demos of the bot's commands, view its github pages site here:
This bot and its author are not affiliated with the MLB. The bot uses the MLB Stats API, which is subject to the notice posted at
A Discord bot that integrates with the MLB Stats API to track your team of choice. For me, it's the Cleveland Guardians.
When running, the bot periodically polls for games in a 48-hour window centered on the current date. Whichever game is closest in time is considered the "current" game, and will be the game for which a lot of the commands returns data. If there's a doubleheader, the bot may ask you to specify which game. If a game is live, the bot subscribes to its Gameday live feed, and in turn reports events to any number of subscribed Discord channels. Slash Commands include:
- /attendance - view the attendance for the current game.
- /batter - view stats on a specified batter. If you don't provide a name, the bot will check for a live game and use the current batter.
- /batter_savant - view Baseball Savant percentile rankings for a specified batter. If you don't provide a name, the bot will check for a live game and use the current batter.
- /box_score - view the box score for the current game, including hitting and pitching stats.
- /gameday_preference - change the preference for the gameday subscription. This includes which types of plays to report ("all plays" or "scoring plays only") and a reporting delay of 0-180 seconds.
- /highlights - get a direct link to the "game story", which is MLB's timeline of key moments.
- /lineup - view the lineup card for the current game.
- /line_score - view the line score for the current game.
- /pitcher - view stats on a specified pitcher. If you don't provide a name, the bot will check for a live game and use the current pitcher.
- /pitcher_savant - view Baseball Savant percentile rankings for a specified pitcher. If you don't provide a name, the bot will check for a live game and use the current pitcher.
- /schedule - view the upcoming schedule for the next week of games.
- /scoring_plays - get a curated list of scoring plays, with direct links to the play on the Gameday page.
- /standings - check the standings for your team's division.
- /starters - look at the starting pitching matchup for the current game. Includes portraits of both starters, their W/L, ERA, and WHIP, and a list of the pitches they throw.
- /subscribe_gameday - subscribe a given Discord channel to receive real-time updates from the "Gameday" feed. This command is restricted to certain roles. Users can adjust which plays the bot reports and customize a reporting delay. The message includes a description of the play, any change in score, and statcast metrics for balls in play.
- /unsubscribe_gameday - un-subscribe a given Discord channel from the above functionality.
- /weather - view the weather for current the game.
- /wildcard - the current wildcard standings.
...and likely more to follow!

Written in JavaScript using Discord.js. Running on the Heroku platform.
The bot uses a PostgreSQL database hosted for free on the Aiven Platform to keep track of the Discord channels that have subscribed to the real-time gameday feature.
I make use of several useful npm packages such as sharp
, ascii-table
, and reconnecting-websocket
I integrate with the MLB stats API for a dizzying amount of data. Its documentation is limited, but there is some. Shout out to Todd Roberts and his project for getting me acquainted with some of the subtleties: You can also view the spec for the MLB's "master game object", nicknamed GUMBO, here: I'm also happy to answer what I can about how to use the API.
My instance of the bot for the Cleveland Guardians is private. The bot is only designed to follow one team at a time. If you are interested in running this bot in your own server, feel free to reach out to me and I'd be happy to help get you started. Read below for a short overview of running your own instance.
This will assume you are somewhat familiar with Node.js and developing Discord bots.
The bot is dependent on a short list of environment variables. When these are populated appropriately, simply running npm start
(or npm run start:dev
for the development environment) should get the bot running. These variables are:
- CLIENT_ID - your bot's client ID, AKA application ID.
- DATABASE_STRING - a connection string for a PostgreSQL database instance. Obligatory 'this is sensitive' - be careful where you store it. That database should have the schema contained here in the file
. If requiring SSL, you'll need to place your cert in database/certs. - LOG_LEVEL - your chosen log level.
- TEAM_ID - the team you want to follow. These match those of the "teams" resource in the MLB stats API: . They are also stored statically in
. Every command will be configured for that team. - TOKEN - your bot's authentication token. Obligatory 'this is sensitive' - be careful where you store it
- TIME_ZONE - Your chosen time zone. Defaults to EST. Time zone names correspond to the Zone and Link names of the IANA Time Zone Database, such as "UTC", "Asia/Shanghai", "Asia/Kolkata", and "America/New_York". Additionally, time zones can be given as UTC offsets in the format "±hh:mm", "±hhmm", or "±hh", for example as "+01:00", "-2359", or "+23".
Discord allows applications to have up to 2,000 custom emojis. I have integrated team logo emojis into the app, to be used with
commands such as /schedule
On the page for your application in the Discord Dev Portal, there is a section for Emojis. There you can upload images. I recommend you use those I have stored here under /images/spots. Upload all 30, preserving the names. That should be all that's necessary to start seeing them show up - they will be fetched when the bot starts up.
If the bot starts up successfully, the start-up logs look something like the following (subject to your log level):
LOG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT : Ready!
LOG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT : bot successfully logged in
LOG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT : Subscribed channels: [
"channel_id": "1255985809509584953",
"scoring_plays_only": false,
"delay": 0
"channel_id": "758959662631747595",
"scoring_plays_only": false,
"delay": 10
LOG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT : Games: polling...
DEBUG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT :,lineups&sportId=1&startDate=2024-06-27&endDate=2024-06-29&teamId=114
LOG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT : Current game PKs: [
"key": 746288,
"date": "2024-06-27"
"key": 746292,
"date": "2024-06-28"
"key": 746289,
"date": "2024-06-29"
LOG Fri, 28 Jun 2024 20:34:39 GMT : Refreshing nearest games in cache.
As for contributions, I welcome suggestions on new features, improvements, etc. I also welcome proposals for collaboration. Just let me know.