Creating ontologies is fun, but how to make sure non-RDF experts understand your thoughts?
This template helps ontology developers to design good-looking ontologies that can be presented to others. Simultaneously, it can be used as a logbook for previous versions, ánd as a place to store ideas or the results of a brainstorm. It is meant to be a digital sketchbook that can be used during the entire lifecycle of the ontology.
The document contains various design elements that can be used to create ontologies and instantiations of ontologies.
NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN DRAW.IO! Sven Zentgraf kindly recreated this template in If you prefer to draw diagrams there, please use the template!
Contact: Alex Donkers, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Feel free to use, mix, and redistribute this work! If you do so, please refer to the DOI registered for this repository.
Donkers, A. (2022). Ontology Design Template.