Git Gud leverages AI to provide developers with the appropriate Git command line instructions based on their stated goals. Simplifying version control has never been easier!
'Git Gud' is built to streamline the workflow for software developers. It not only interprets user queries about Git operations but also provides step-by-step command line instructions and explanations.
- AI-powered Git command generation
- Easy to understand step-by-step instructions
- Interactive web interface with real-time feedback
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- npm bash npm install npm@latest -g
Clone the repo bash git clone
Install NPM packages for the frontend bash cd GitGud/frontend npm install
Start the frontend application bash npm start
In a separate terminal, install NPM packages for the backend bash cd ../backend npm install
Start the backend server npx nodemon
After starting both the frontend and the backend, you can interact with the application through your web browser by visiting the local address provided by the React app, http://localhost:3000