In Fix the Computer, shrink down to the size of a capacitor to save your broken computer from the brink of destruction!
Build circuits by connecting the dots and pressing buttons! Explore a computer like no other! Fix the computer!
This game was made for a final project for an Introduction to Virtual Reality Systems class. The goal of this game, aside from demonstrating what I have learned during this class, is to teach players how to build circuits in the context of computers. Almost all of us use a computer or phone every day, yet relatively few people know how they work. At the fundamental level, computers work with simple logic gates that come together in complex ways. Although this game has very few levels, with more, this game would be able to introduce people to how circuits work, how numbers are represented and saved in computers, and how simple logic can turn into complex math.
This project was developed for the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, so that headset is required. Because this project is not on the Quest store, to download this project onto your headset, you need an Oculus developer account and a wired connection from the headset to your computer. To enable developer mode on your Quest, you will also need a mobile device with the Oculus app and a wireless connection to the headset. You also need Unity 2019.4.34f
Once you have the requirements, follow these steps:
- Create an Oculus developer account:
- Download the Oculus app on a mobile phone
- Log into your developer account on your Oculus Quest 2
- Log into your developer account on the mobile app
- Connect to your headset from the mobile app
- Navigate in the mobile app to your Quest Device, then scroll down and click on "Developer Mode"
- Enable Developer mode (this will allow you to download applications from unofficial sources
- Download this GitHub repository
- Open the Oculus Circuit Game with Unity 2019.4.34f
- In the top bar of the window, click on File, then Build Settings
- Connect your Quest headset to your computer
- Click Build and Run. You can save the APK file anywhere on your computer
- On the Oculus Quest 2, click Allow to allow your computer to access your Quest files
- When the build is finished, the game should be running on your headset!
- If the game did not automatically run, or if you closed out and would like to play the game, on your headset, open the Quest menu and go to your apps
- In the top right corner, there should be a dropdown menu. By default, All is selected. Click on the dropdown menu
- At the bottom of the dropdown menu, click on Unknown Sources
- Click on the game, titled Into the Computer
You can find the list of resources used in this project here: Resources.txt
- Add more levels
- Make the Minecraft level-select scene more interactive and engaging
- Allow the user to build their own circuits
- Add in more complex gamified lessons
- Refactor code to make above tasks easier to complete