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Releases: Allen-ISD-Computer-Science/REPO_AutomaticDifferentiation_2024

AutoDyff MVP Release

03 Mar 20:25
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AutoDyff MVP Release Pre-release

What is AutoDyff?

AutoDyff is an intelligent and fast differential equation evaluator utilizing a custom implementation of the reverse mode differentiation algorithm. With easy of use for developers through a Python Package, REST endpoint, and cross-platform application, this is a heavily modular and extensible platform for computation calculus development.

Note: The Calculus Suite is called AutoDyff while the developer Python package is code-named "CalCoolUs"

What can it do?

Here is the exact list of operations it can do with infinite nesting as per chainrule1:

  • + (Addition)
  • - (Subtraction)
  • / (Division)
  • * (Multiplication including var*var)
  • ^ (Power excluding tetration)
  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • ln
  • log
  • arcsin
  • arccos
  • arctan
  • cot
  • csc
  • sec
  • sinh
  • cosh
  • tanh
  • arccsc
  • arcsec
  • arccot
  • sigmoid
  • Parenthesis (a.k.a ( ))

Additionally the REST endpoint supports all the functions listed above through the following example POST request:

  "equation": "x^2",
  "equation": "5"

The current URL endpoint is at and is prone to change.

Finally, our website is temporarily hosted at and is prone to change.

What's Changed (All changes available in the dev branch commits)

Full Changelog:

  1. This is assuming no domain error and long computation times for longer equations.