This document is for enumerating the purpose and details of the Tinc software toolkit and its underlying modules and functionality. This document should serve as a guide and scaffold for the design of Tinc and its iterative development. Here we can iterate on intended functionality, structure, naming conventions, protocols, and apis.
- Enable distributed interactive computation, through execution of scripts and building reactive computation chains to process data, caching computation data over interactive multi-dimensional parameter spaces, providing python scripting interface to distributed c++ audiovisual computation system.
- Data Processing pipelines through building computation chains via c++ processors and / python script processors
- Interactive and iteratable multi dimensional parameter spaces and their mappings to data sources on disk
- Caching local processed data based on Parameter spaces for rapid exploration
- Client / Server distributed architecture for communicating and synchronizing interactive visualizations and computations over the network
- Python interface for communicating and processing data interactively with the Tinc Server
Tinc is built on top of the allolib software platform and provides additional modules:
Data Processing Tools:
- Processor*.hpp
- ProcessorGraph.hpp
Interactive Parameter Spaces:
- ParameterSpace.hpp
- ParameterSpaceDimension.hpp
Distributed Client Server Model:
- TincServer.hpp
- TincClient.hpp
- TincProtocol.hpp
Data management
- DiskBuffer*.hpp
- DataPool.hpp
Visualization and UI:
- GUI.hpp
- vis/AtomRenderer.hpp
- vis/SceneObject.hpp
- vis/TrajectoryRender.hpp
Data I/O:
- VASPReader.hpp
Tinc uses the protobuf framework for defining its network protocol see:
- src/tinc_protocol.proto