Releases: AmadeusITGroup/JumpSSH
Releases · AmadeusITGroup/JumpSSH
- [Bug] #23: do not print
but str
in continuous output when running command with python3.
- fix interruption of remote command when transport channel is already closed
- allow to conceal part of the command run in logs specifying list of pattern in silent parameter (regexp format) For example, if a password is specified in command you may want to conceal it in logs but still want to log the rest of the command run
- ability to customize success exit code when calling run_cmd so that an exit code different from 0 do not raise any exception. Success exit code can be an int or even a list of int if several exit codes are considered a success.
- ability to retry remote command until success or max retry is reached
- ability to forward Ctrl-C to remote host in order to interrupt remote command before stopping local script
- reduce logging level of some logs from INFO to DEBUG
- propagate missing 'silent' parameter in restclient module to run_cmd to disable logging of command for http calls when needed
- automatically open inactive session when running command on it
- automatically open inactive jump session when requesting remote session
- Each ssh session can be used as a jump server to access multiple remote sessions in parallel. Only 1 remote session per jump server was allowed before.
- ability to customize retry interval when opening a ssh session
- Fix run of shell builtins commands (source, ...) when impersonating another user as they cannot be executed without the shell and by default, sudo do not run shell
add automated publication on PyPi when tagging repository
Merge pull request #3 from t-cas/fix-sonar-build
fix failing build due to sonar setup