- simple command-line image-convertation tool. inimage outimage [-c:l,t[,r[,b]]] [-d:float] [-s:float] \
[-g:float] [-n:float] [-t:float] [-p:integer] [-w:file] [-f:chars] \
[-r:string] [-x:chars] [-a] [-v] [[-]-help]
Options applied one by one in order as listed in command line. One kind of option may be applied for many times. For example: perl.png out15.jpeg -d:15 -d:10 -f:h -v
Result of this operations (output with verbose flag):
1) Rotated by: 15 degrees.
2) Rotated by: 10 degrees.
3) Flip image horisontal is a simple command line tool to convert image for various purpose, e.g. batch-processing of crop, resise, flip, blur, contrast, post levels, add noise, swap color channels or extract anyone, convert to another format and so on. Written with Perl and uses builtin Imager extension.
inimage - Input image file name. Supported formats: PNG, BMP, GIF, JPG, TIFF
outimage - Output image file name. Supported formats: PNG, BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF
-c:l,t,r,b Crop image by (l)eft, (t)op, (r)ight and (b)ottom margin (integer) pixels;
-d:float Rotate for degrees;
-s:float Scale for factor;
-g:float Gaussian blur filter of amount;
-n:float Noise of amount;
-t:float Contrast of level;
-p:integer Post level;
-w:file Water mark from file;
-f:chars Flip image (v)ertical or (h)orisontal, or 'vh' or 'hv';
-r:string Color transformation, possible values are: gray, noalpha, red, channel0, green, channel1, blue, channel2, alpha, rgb, addalpha;
-x:chars Swap any two color channels: 'r','g' or 'b'. Exactly two chars allowed;
-a Autolevels;
-v Verbose;
-help Display help screen of usage. Also display one if required parameter missing.
GNU General Public License v3.0