This repository contains my new Social Media Crawler for Data Analytics
(Written for German social media pages, but easily transferable to other languages)
All Crawlers are written in Python. I primarily use Selenium as the framework,
but I've also created some smaller Crawlers using Playwright.
Currently, the project includes the Social Media platforms Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, X/Twitter
and YouTube. However, functionalities such as capturing comments are not fully implemented in some cases.
The updates for these features will be implemented in the coming days.
- Automated logins
- Several ways to get around cookie banners
- Searching for and getting on a profile (not included in all files)
- Collection of the profile stats
- Scrolling down the feed until you reach a specific date
- Scraping of the date, content, images, links, likes, number of comments and number of shares of every posting
- Saving the data in DataFrames
- and finally an export of the DataFrames to an excel file
- The DateTime on Facebook is no longer displayed as text, requiring me to address this issue through less precise methods such as text scraping, screenshots, and image reading (utilizing Pillow/Pytesseract)
- the links are partially provided only in XML format: "use xlink:href="#gid111" xmlns:xlink=""></use" Consequently, I am unable to scrape their text content directly. Although I devised a method to associate visible dates with posts, this approach introduces some inaccuracies.
- Certain crawlers necessitate a headed browser due to my use of PyAutoGUI to navigate around bot blocking and handle exceptional page settings.
I appreciate any suggested solutions to overcome these challenges.