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Donors where IsDonorPhenotypeUnrepresented is true do not have value for MatchProbabilitiesPerLocus.OverallMatchCount #910

Answered by zabeen
mmelchers asked this question in Q&A
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Discussed this with @mmelchers

Atlas cannot determine a predicted match count value where it was unable to calculate match probabilities due to either patient or donor being unrepresented by the HLA HF set.

The consumer service can instead fall back on the potential match count, which is based on P groups.

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Answer selected by zabeen
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wmda-mvp [Deprecated] Work required for the algorithm to be acceptable for use by the WMDA as MVP match-prediction-algorithm Work related to the algorithm which calculates match probabilities for donor/patient pairs atlas-api
2 participants
Converted from issue

This discussion was converted from issue #890 on March 15, 2023 12:31.