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LuisSala edited this page Dec 22, 2012 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the Hexy wiki

Getting Started

Some basic instructions may be found at the [ArcBotics website] ( What follows will shed a little more light on the process.

Assembling your new Hexy:

Hexy Assembly

Carefully follow the step-by-step instructions found at

Some Tips while Assembling

  • Test the Servos: Be sure to test the servos before attaching them to the legs. A good way to do so is by running PoMoCo (see below), plugging the servos into pin 4 and using the sliders in the PoMoCo GUI to verify full range of motion.

  • Center the Servos: Centering the servos while attaching them to the legs is very important, but sometimes will not look 100% perfect, fortunately PoMoCo will let you do some additional fine tuning by allowing you to calibrate and save the offsets into a config file which you can re-use later.

Connecting the Ping Sensor

The ping sensor ("eyes") connect to the port labeled "Echo Trig" in the middle of the Servotor board using the supplied 4-wire cable. Be sure to match up the ground (GND) pins on either end of the cable.

Servotor Board

Connecting the Bluetooth Module Plug the bluetooth module on into the GPIO header starting with the GND, A4, A5 and A9 pins as illustrated below:

Servotor Board Underside Servotor Board with Bluetooth Module

Upload the Latest Firmware

Get the latest firmware from the ArcBotics site or Github and upload it to the Servotor using the Arduino Software. NOTE: Be sure to tell the Arduino software to recognise the board as an "Arduino Leonardo" via the "Tools > Board" menu.

Installing and Using PoMoCo

You'll need a Python environment on your PC. Python comes pre-installed on Mac, but not on Windows.


Mac Instructions

  • Install PySerial: $ sudo easy_install pyserial

Windows Instructions

TODO: Someone with a Windows PC please supply step-by-step instructions and verify what's being provided here:

Using PoMoCo


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