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Joseph Schlesinger edited this page Jul 9, 2013 · 24 revisions

The Servotor32 board uses the same processor as the Arduino Leonardo board. Therefore when dealing with the Servotor32 board you should choose the same settings as you would for the Arduino Leonardo.

Upload the Latest Firmware

Get the latest firmware from the ArcBotics site or Github and upload it to the Servotor32 using the Arduino Software.

NOTE: Be sure to tell the Arduino software to recognise the board as an Arduino Leonardo via the Tools > Board menu, and select the proper com port under Tools > Serial Port

Installing the Drivers

You can install the drivers for the Servotor32 as you would an Arduino Leonardo.


PoMoCo is the GUI interface that automatically generates commands for the controller. Communication with the latest firmware is done at 9600 baud though both the hardware serial port and the USB emulated serial port (Specifically 9600-8-N-1). The Servotor 2.0 firmware currently uses this command set:

  • Display the firmware version number with 'V'
  • Center all servos with 'C'
  • Kill all servos with 'K'
  • Kill a single servo with '#[servo number]L'
  • Move a single servo with '#[servo Number]P[Servo Position in Microseconds]'
  • Print icky debug details with 'D'

A position in microseconds is based on the following:

 500 - 90 Left  
1500 - 0 degrees, center  
2500 - 90 Right  

For more specifics on how servos work, and why this is, try this tutorial on servos

Sending Commands

From the Arduino Serial Monitor, you can send commands:

Serial Command Window

From the Serial Monitor, you can type commands here:

Serial Command Window

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