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roboalchemist edited this page Mar 2, 2013 · 7 revisions


Robot seems to be working, but legs are moving in all different directions not consistent with the movements.


Re-check the wiring, the most common cause of this problem is servos not being connected to the right ports.


Red light on board is pulsing forever, the program isn't running and I can't program it with the Arduino software.


A never-ending blinking light means that the controller is stuck in bootloader mode because there is no loaded program for it to run. The bootloader is the program that runs at boot that either loads a new program from the arduino software, or runs the currently loaded program. Your computer bootloader, for example, is the screens your computer shows before it boots the operating system.

Here's how the Arduino software usually loads a program:

1.) Send a signal to the board to reset to the bootloader

2.) Arduino software waits for the USB connection to reset because the board switched to bootloader

3.) Board is now in bootloader

4.) Arduino software sees new USB connection, sends what it supposes is the bootloader a new program

5.) Bootloader re-writes the program space with the program the Arduino software just sent it, then runs what it just wrote

Because your board is already in bootloader, it never resets, and so the Arduino software is stuck waiting forever for the board to reset.

Here's how you should be able to fix it:

1.) Hold the reset button down, don't unpress it yet

2.) Press upload on the Arduino software, and wait for a second after it shows "uploading code"

3.) Unpress the reset button, this acts as the "reset" the Arduino software is waiting for

4.) The Arduino software should now load a new program, and the bootloader should run it.


Communication works with single commands, but now with any complex moves. Communication is 'half working'


One reason might be USB power settings. Windows can suspend the USB ports when they are not active. Here is the proper change: Control Panel >> Power Options >> Edit Plan Settings >> Change Advanced Power Settings >> USB Selective Suspend Setting >> Plugged In

Change To "Disabled"

Control Panel >> Power Options >> Edit Plan Settings >> Change Advanced Power Settings >> PCI Express >> Link State Power Management

Change To "Off"

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