Here is the list of everything counted in the add-on. Not everything can be displayed in a column. This document is mostly for people working on the code.
The number of reviewed cards to see today.
The number of new cards to learn today.
Number of reviews you'll see of cards in learning today.
Number of cards in learning to see today which was planified today.
Cards flagged with flag i.
Cards in learning to see today and which have waited at least a day.
Cards in learning which are due today but not now.
They were last seen today. There are no cards from past days, due today but not anymore.
Cards in learning such that this review will not occur today (no way of knowing whether it's from today or from a past day)
Number of repetitions you'll see today of cards currently in learning such that the last repetition was today.
Similar to Repetition of today learning, restricting cards to the one seen today.
Number of repetitions you'll see today of cards currently in learning such that last repetition was NOT today.
Similar to last case, apart from the negation
Number of repetitions you'll see ANY day of cards currently in learning such that the last repetition was today.
Similar to "learning today repetition from today" case, apart from that we count repetition not to see today.
Number of repetitions you'll see ANY day of cards currently in learning such that the last repetition was NOT today.
Similar to "learning today repetition from past" case, apart from that we count repetitions not to see today. Similar to "learning repetition from today" apart from the negation.
Number of cards which have already been seen and are due today (even if it's greater than the maximum number of cards the configuration allows to see for this deck).
Number of cards which have never graduated and are not in learning.
Number of buried cards
Number of suspended cards
Number of cards
Number of notes
Cards which have already been seen at least once, are not in learning, and are not due today.
Any card already seen with an interval of at least 21 days
Any card already seen with an interval of at least one day and at most 20 days
Number of cards in learning ready to be seen (from today+from yesterday).
Number of cards in learning not ready to be seen (to see later today, or in the future).
Number of cards in learning (now+later)
Number of repetition to cards in learning today (sum of repetition from card from a past day, and from today).
Isn't it equal to "Repetition of today learning"???TODO
Number of repetition of cards in learning, any days (sum of repetitions from today and from past days)
Number of repetition of cards in learning, but not today. (Number of repetitions minus repetition to do today)
Cards to review, which are due, but won't be seen today because of deck's configured limit. (review due - review today)
Cards whose last successful review was today. (A card deleted after review is not counted anymore. A card reviewed and moved is counted in its new deck. A card reviewed many times is counted once. Cards in learning are not counted. TODO: find how to easily find how to count cards in learning whose last review is today)
Number of times you saw today a question from this deck. (A card deleted after review is not counted anymore. A card reviewed and moved is counted in its new deck.)
Number of times you saw a question from this deck anytime in the past. (A card deleted after review is not counted anymore. A card reviewed and moved is counted in its new deck.)
Cards never seen, and won't be seen today because of deck's configured limit. (unseen - new today)
Number of repetitions of cards to see today which are not new
Number of repetitions of cards to see today
Number of cards to see today which are not new
Number of cards to see today
Similar to Repetition of today learning, but each card is counted once, even if it'll be seen multiple times.
When we consider note, we must use sets instead of numbers. Because a note may be in multiple subdecks, and we don't want to count it multiple times.
The size of the sets are then counted and added in the previous dictionnary.
The set of nids from this deck
The set of nids of marked notes in this deck
Here, we have columns content which is more than just text
Number of minute/seconds before a card in learning can be seen (only if a value is not already given)
Mature/young Notes/cards Buried/suspended Reviewed/repeated today
flags 1 to 4.
(including flag 0, i.e. no flag).
review today (review later)
new today (unseen later)
learning now (learning later today)