Releases: AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-install
Releases · AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-install
What's Changed
- Updated ecodata SciStarter config by @jack-brinkman in #850
- fix official.doi.resolver by @adam-collins in #851
- Feature/alerts 4.3.0 by @nickdos in #853
- Add java 17 by @yasima-csiro in #848
- Update logging levels, needed for biosecurity alerts by @nickdos in #858
- specieslist-webapp (test) - fix for incorrect webservices creds by @nickdos in #859
- specieslist-webapp - fix for LA deployments by @nickdos in #860
- New variables for the LA community by @vjrj in #855
- Correct empty bie blacklist when blacklist_source is not defined by @vjrj in #857
- Add missing userdetails config by @yasima-csiro in #864
- Add optional facet to UI by @nickdos in #865
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
What's Changed
- Fix for 710 by @vjrj in #711
- Volunteer portal updates, remote pg support by @matthewandrews in #679
- Add IEK dr23462 list to BIE by @charvolant in #713
- Fix for 712 by @vjrj in #714
- Feature/cognito cas consolidation by @sughics in #667
- change geospatial_kosher to spatiallyValid by @adam-collins in #687
- #716 by @adam-collins in #719
- 4.5.0 lists-test security plugin update by @qifeng-bai in #718
- fix biocache-hub merge by @adam-collins in #722
- Feature/userdetails 4 by @yasima-csiro in #720
- fieldguide config for s3 by @adam-collins in #723
- bie-hub config add imageFilter by @adam-collins in #725
- update to biocache-hubs config dwc.exclude default by @adam-collins in #724
- Add new plugin configs by @yasima-csiro in #726
- fixed config to allow CORS requests from bie prod by @temi in #728
- Fix 701 by @vjrj in #704
- Added .gitignore to data-dir for optionally use git to track configs by @vjrj in #715
- cleanup bie-index logging by @adam-collins in #729
- deccommision ozatlas proxy by @joe-lipson in #730
- remove disabled layer cl958 by @adam-collins in #733
- fix fatal error in db-backup by @adam-collins in #736
- improve alerts logging by @adam-collins in #735
- fix for db-backup role with postgres by @adam-collins in #737
- Fix image service configs by @yasima-csiro in #738
- Update cognito config by @yasima-csiro in #740
- Update userdetails config by @yasima-csiro in #741
- Update cookie config by @yasima-csiro in #742
- More work to generate /data/ configs by @vjrj in #732
- biocache-hub add config filetype.shapefile.hidden by @adam-collins in #739
- Add new userdetails config by @yasima-csiro in #744
- Enable apikey backward compatible by @qifeng-bai in #746
- config for userdetails logout redirect by @brucehyslop in #747
- add config doi_resolver_url by @adam-collins in #745
- Lists-test (removed apikey for collectory) by @qifeng-bai in #750
- lists-test (fixed webservice token) by @qifeng-bai in #751
- #797 upgrade ALA security plugin by @schoicsiro in #708
- allow the datadog user to execute the function pg_ls_waldir() by @joe-lipson in #752
- add collectory config gbifDefaultEntityCountry by @adam-collins in #754
- Update userdetails config by @yasima-csiro in #753
- Issue 646: optional systemd auto restart for exec-jar services by @matthewandrews in #755
- have tomcat restart on failure by @joe-lipson in #756
- update bie SOLR config, support local image-lists.json by @adam-collins in #757
- Fix config by @ArpitaCSIRO in #760
- Fixed profile hub & service userdetails config by @jack-brinkman in #761
- Bie config update by @adam-collins in #759
- update collectory contentTypesList by @adam-collins in #762
- openapi config by @adam-collins in #763
- openapi config for fieldguide and sds by @adam-collins in #765
- add identificationVerificationStatus to grouped_facets_ala.json by @adam-collins in #766
- Spatial by @qifeng-bai in #764
- spatial openapi by @adam-collins in #767
- alerts db timeout fix by @adam-collins in #768
- specieslists openapi config by @adam-collins in #770
- collectory logging by @adam-collins in #772
- update namematching role for vm by @adam-collins in #773
- remove biocache-hub facet raw_state_conservation by @adam-collins in #774
- Feature/image service grails5 by @yasima-csiro in #775
- Fix image config issue by @yasima-csiro in #776
- Fix for 727 by @vjrj in #748
- Allow better sds configuration in sensitive-data-service by @vjrj in #734
- fix species list by @adam-collins in #777
- Fix image config issue by @yasima-csiro in #778
- add sds option to disable /location/ by @adam-collins in #779
- spatial-service config by @adam-collins in #780
- sensitive-data-service vm support custom nameindex by @adam-collins in #781
- bie-hub logging by @adam-collins in #782
- create account before it is required by @adam-collins in #783
- removed JWT scope for CAS since it is added by default in the applica… by @temi in #784
- bie-hub additional config by @adam-collins in #785
- Add config to support new species-lists by @adam-collins in #786
- Volunteer portal config by @matthewandrews in #789
- increased file upload to 30MB by @temi in #790
- More work in docker swarm deployments by @vjrj in #697
- Fix image config issue by @yasima-csiro in #791
- Add Mongo services repository config for userdetails v4 gorm backend by @sbearcsiro in #793
- Add authenticateOnlyIfLoggedInFilterPattern config to images and userdetails by @yasima-csiro in #796
- download-plugin config for bug workaround by @adam-collins in #797
- Added new regions map variables by @vjrj in #788
- Refresh pipelines vocabularies by @vjrj in #787
- Use shell instead of postgresql_ext to enable extensions by @vjrj in #795
- Add digivol cognito changes by @yasima-csiro in #804
- biocache-hubs and biocache-service, user properties config by @adam-collins in #805
- Unpin docker versions by @vjrj in #803
- Fix digivol config by @yasima-csiro in #808
- volunteer-portal: add a directory by @matthewandrews in
What's Changed
- fathom analytics changes for biocollect and profiles by @temi in #668
- Adjustments to generate /data locally by @vjrj in #669
- Added extra tag to mongo cas dbs by @vjrj in #670
- Fix missing colon by @vjrj in #671
- local /data config generation for docker use by @vjrj in #673
- More local /data generation options by @vjrj in #674
- Docker & docker-swarm role and sample of use in the some roles by @vjrj in #675
- Install yq for pipelines via current recommended mode by @vjrj in #685
- bie-hub fix case of imageServiceBaseUrl by @adam-collins in #686
- Feature/apm monitoring by @joe-lipson in #682
- Docker & docker-swarm role and sample of use in the some roles (#675) by @djtfmartin in #683
- Updates for Grails 5 image service by @sbearcsiro in #688
- Feature/specieslist apm by @joe-lipson in #689
- change include to include_tasks by @matthewandrews in #691
- nexus: replace get_url with maven_artifact by @matthewandrews in #690
- update biocache download purge older than 90 days --> 30 days by @joe-lipson in #642
- install jdk11 on the digivol server by @joe-lipson in #643
- nginx_vhost: add X-Forwarded-Host header for proxy by @matthewandrews in #678
- Create bie and bie-offline collection if not exists by @vjrj in #695
- Playbooks to deploy by-type by @vjrj in #696
- Trying to fix 694 by @vjrj in #698
- Feature/specieslist jwt properties by @joe-lipson in #699
- lists 4.4.0 database update by @qifeng-bai in #702
- separate variables for the service tag and the actual service name by @joe-lipson in #703
- Import vm tasks by @vjrj in #705
- Comment not (yet) existing docker roles by @vjrj in #707
- Geoserver and geonetwork fix for tomcat_deploy task by @vjrj in #706
New Contributors
- @qifeng-bai made their first contribution in #702
Full Changelog: v2.1.14...v2.2.0
What's Changed
- Add oidc keys to mongo db by @vjrj in #665
- Events prod deployment by @djtfmartin in #635
Full Changelog: v2.1.13...v2.1.14
What's Changed
- Feature/biocollect GitHub packages by @temi in #654
- profiles oidc by @temi in #633
- spatial-test branch rebased by @vjrj in #656
- Set postgis folder in facts by @vjrj in #657
- Allow to show vernacular names optionally in biocache by @vjrj in #658
- geoserver refactor of tasks by @vjrj in #660
- Added optional checksum to war downloads with geoserver sample by @vjrj in #659
- Allow disable/enable of oidc/cas in regions by @vjrj in #661
- Use new debian repository of cassandra by @vjrj in #664
Full Changelog: v2.1.12...v2.1.13
What's Changed
- Mysql tasks reordered by @vjrj in #627
- Feature/biocache hubs OIDC by @sughics in #628
- Feature/biocache OIDC auth by @sughics in #629
- Fix 630 by @vjrj in #631
- Added extra commands to delete job in pipelines jenkins by @vjrj in #636
- OIDC extra variables for bie. More configurable urls by @vjrj in #637
- biocache oidc related variables by @vjrj in #639
- data-quality-filter-service oidc and other variables by @vjrj in #640
Full Changelog: v2.1.10...v2.1.11
What's Changed
This release adds support for the new CAS versions (OIDC and related). As a result, java 11 is required by almost every main LA module (except currently ala-hub & biocache-service). More details:
- Added apt debug task by @vjrj in #601
- issue #604 adding login_user and login_password properties mysql-serv… by @sughics in #605
- Use of JAVA_OPTS instead of CATALINA_OPTS. Fix for #602 by @vjrj in #603
- Use of debian packages in namematching and sensitive service instead of war by @vjrj in #594
- postgresql versions moved to common facts by @vjrj in #600
- userdetails url configurable. Re-enable logging by @vjrj in #607
- CAS backwards compatibility with pre OIDC versions by @vjrj in #606
- Fix wrong sensitive-data-service url in pipelines by @vjrj in #611
- Revert "postgresql versions moved to common facts" by @sbearcsiro in #613
- Added additional hdfs dirs by @vjrj in #612
- Fix for 608 by @vjrj in #609
- Added la-pipelines-migration dependency for Migration-uuid job by @vjrj in #615
- Collectory OIDC conditional variables in collectory by @vjrj in #618
- Default userdetails values by @vjrj in #617
- Rework of #600 now with pg and postgis version more configurable by @vjrj in #614
- Remove date clear in sensitive data web service by @charvolant in #620
- Conditional packaging war/jar in doi by @vjrj in #621
- Externalize some userdetails variables for non-ALA portals by @vjrj in #622
- CAS spring session db by @vjrj in #619
- Allow to config logging in spark and la-pipelines by @vjrj in #624
- Allow configure some extra variables in collectory for non-ALA portals by @vjrj in #625
- More OIDC related variables by @vjrj in #626
- Externalize cas logo image by @vjrj in #623
Full Changelog: v2.1.9...v2.1.10
What's Changed
- Volunteer portal fixes 2022 06 by @matthewandrews in #592
- Additional pipelines geocodeConfig, vocabularies and location configuration by @vjrj in #591
- issue #595 adding serverTimezone for logger-service and collectory te… by @sughics in #596
- Add oidc configs by @yasima-csiro
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.1.8...v2.1.9
What's Changed
- Support to Ubuntu 22.04 by @matthewandrews
- Volunteer portal works by @matthewandrews
- Extended dataset facets by @qifeng-bai
- Correct pipelines job description by @vjrj in #567
- Feature/biocollect 6.0 by @temi in #566
- Update bie-index install and add sensitive data web service install by @charvolant in #573
- Correct owner for /data/dwca-export directory by @vjrj in #579
- Extra hdfs directories by @vjrj in #569
- Fix for too-many-redirects error in spatial-hub by @vjrj in #571
- Create biocache configset and collection if not exists by @vjrj in #568
- Update jenkins jobs optionally by @vjrj in #572
- Create jenkins job directories by @vjrj in #577
- Retry to install jenkins if port 8080 is in use. Fix for #574 by @vjrj in #575
- Pipelines ingest job correct order by @vjrj in #583
- Added Export-Cassandra-to-DwCA job by @vjrj in #585
- Updates for 2022 BIE and sensitive data deployment by @charvolant in #586
- Pipelines extra shapes and state config by @vjrj in #587
- Add the microstack howto to the ala-install by @vjrj in #588
- Allow force install of packages so we can pin/downgrade by @vjrj in #589
- Added two pipelines jobs to copy/delete specific drs to hdfs by @vjrj in #590
Full Changelog: v2.1.7...v2.1.8