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Update release notes for 4.9
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jtreanor committed Aug 9, 2019
1 parent 287a011 commit c92c93f
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Showing 15 changed files with 85 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fastlane/download_metadata.swift
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import Foundation

let glotPressSubtitleKey = "app_store_subtitle"
let glotPressWhatsNewKey = "v4.9-whats-new"
let glotPressWhatsNewKey = "v4.9.0-whats-new"
let glotPressDescriptionKey = "app_store_desc"
let glotPressKeywordsKey = "app_store_keywords"
let baseFolder = "./metadata"
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/de-DE/release_notes.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Simplenote funktioniert jetzt mit Siri-Shortcuts, sodass du direkt mit Siri die App und bereits vorhandene Notizen öffnen und neue Notizen erstellen kannst.
- Neue Aktionen sind in der Notizenliste verfügbar: Anheften und teilen per Wischbewegung!
- Die Notizenliste enthält jetzt ein Icon, das Notizen anzeigt, die bereits veröffentlicht wurden.
- Beim Teilen in der WordPress-App werden Notizen nicht mehr in Form eines Blocks zitiert.
- Die Benutzeroberfläche der iOS-Erweiterung zum Teilen wurde komplett aktualisiert.
- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den die Notizenliste bei Verwendung von Wischaktionen abgeschnitten wurde.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/default/release_notes.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Simplenote now works with Siri shortcuts allowing you to open the app, open existing notes, and create new notes directly from Siri.
- New Swipe Actions are available in the Notes List: Pin and Share!
- The Notes List now displays an icon, showing notes that have been published.
- When sharing to the WordPress App, Notes will no longer be block-quoted.
- The iOS share extension UI has been completely updated.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Notes List to get clipped when Swipe Actions are used.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/en-US/release_notes.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Simplenote now works with Siri shortcuts allowing you to open the app, open existing notes, and create new notes directly from Siri.
- New Swipe Actions are available in the Notes List: Pin and Share!
- The Notes List now displays an icon, showing notes that have been published.
- When sharing to the WordPress App, Notes will no longer be block-quoted.
- The iOS share extension UI has been completely updated.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Notes List to get clipped when Swipe Actions are used.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/fr-FR/release_notes.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Simplenote fonctionne désormais avec les raccourcis Siri vous permettant d’ouvrir l’application, d’ouvrir des notes existantes et de créer de nouvelles notes directement depuis Siri.
- De nouvelles actions de balayage de l’écran sont disponibles dans la Liste de notes : Pin and Share!
- La Liste de notes affiche désormais une icône montrant les notes qui ont été publiées.
- Lors du partage sur l’application WordPress, les notes ne seront plus affichées en bloc de citation.
- L’IU de l’extension de partage d’iOS a été complètement mise à jour.
- Correction d’un bug qui coupait la Liste de notes lors de l’utilisation des Actions de balayage de l’écran.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/id/release_notes.txt
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- Simplenote kini dapat digunakan bersama pintasan Siri sehingga Anda dapat membuka aplikasi, membuka catatan yang sudah ada, dan membuat catatan baru langsung dari Siri.
- Tindakan Geser baru kini tersedia di Daftar Catatan: Pin dan Bagikan!
- Daftar Catatan kini menampilkan ikon, yang menunjukkan catatan yang telah dipublikasikan.
- Saat berbagi ke Aplikasi WordPress, Catatan tidak lagi diblok kutipan.
- UI ekstensi berbagi iOS telah diperbarui secara menyeluruh.
- Bug yang menyebabkan Daftar Catatan terpotong saat menggunakan Tindakan Geser telah diperbaiki.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/it/release_notes.txt
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- Simplenote ora funziona con i tasti di scelta rapida di Siri consentendoti di aprire l'app, visualizzare note esistenti e crearne di nuove direttamente con Siri.
- Nell'Elenco delle note sono disponibili nuove azioni di scorrimento: Aggancia e Condividi!
- Nell'Elenco delle note è ora visualizzata un'icona che mostra le note pubblicate.
- Con la condivisione sull'app WordPress, le note non vengono più visualizzate come estratti.
- L'UI dell'estensione per la condivisione iOS è stata interamente aggiornata.
- È stato corretto un bug a causa del quale l'Elenco delle note veniva tagliato se si utilizzavano le azioni di scorrimento.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/ko/release_notes.txt
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- 이제 Siri 단축키를 통해 Simplenote를 사용하여 앱을 열고, 기존 노트를 열고, Siri에서 바로 새로운 노트를 만들 수 있습니다.
- 노트 목록에서 새로운 살짝 밀기 동작을 사용할 수 있습니다. 핀을 꽂아 저장하고 공유하세요!
- 이제 노트 목록에 표시되는 아이콘으로 공개된 노트를 확인할 수 있습니다.
- 워드프레스 앱에 공유할 때 더 이상 노트를 블록 인용하지 않아도 됩니다.
- iOS 공유 확장 UI가 완전히 업데이트되었습니다.
- 살짝 밀기 동작을 수행할 때 노트 목록이 클리핑되는 버그가 수정되었습니다.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/nl-NL/release_notes.txt
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- Simplenote werkt nu met snelkoppelingen van Siri die je in staat stellen de app te openen, bestaande notities te openen, en nieuwe notities rechtstreeks vanuit Siri aan te maken.
- nieuwe veegacties zijn beschikbaar in de notitielijst: Vastmaken en delen!
- de notitielijst geeft nu een pictogram weer dat gepubliceerde notities laat zien.
- notities worden niet langer weergegeven als blokcitaat als je ze met de WordPress app deelt.
De UI-extensie van iOS voor delen is volledig bijgewerkt.
- een bug gerepareerd die ervoor zorgde dat de notitielijst vastgezet werd als er veegacties werden gebruikt.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/pt-BR/release_notes.txt
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- O Simplenote agora funciona com os atalhos da Siri, permitindo que você abra o aplicativo e notas existentes e crie novas notas diretamente da Siri.
- Novas ações de deslizar estão disponíveis na Lista de Notas: Selecione e compartilhe!
- A Lista de Notas agora exibe um ícone que mostra as notas já publicadas.
- Ao serem compartilhadas com o aplicativo do WordPress, as Notas não terão blockquote.
- A interface do usuário da extensão de compartilhamento do iOS foi atualizada por completo.
- Corrigimos um bug que fazia com que a Lista de Notas sumisse quando as ações de deslizar eram usadas.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/ru/release_notes.txt
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— Теперь Simplenote поддерживает команды Siri. Это позволяет запускать приложение, открывать существующие заметки и создавать новые с помощью голосового ассистента.
— В списке заметок теперь поддерживаются новые жесты: закрепить пин и поделиться.
— В списке заметок появился значок, которым отмечаются опубликованные заметки.
— При отправке в приложение WordPress заметки больше не добавляются в виде блока "Цитата".
— В iOS полностью обновлен интерфейс расширения, позволяющего отправлять публикации друзьям.
— Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой неправильно работал список заметок при использовании жестов.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/sv/release_notes.txt
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– Simplenote fungerar nu med Siri-genvägar så att du kan öppna appen, öppna befintliga anteckningar och skapa nya anteckningar direkt från Siri.
– Nya svepgester finns tillgängliga i Anteckningarlistan: Fäst och dela!
– Anteckningarlistan visar nu en ikon med anteckningar som har publicerats.
– När du delar till WordPress-appen kommer inte längre anteckningar som blockcitat.
– Gränssnittet för iOS-delningstillägget har uppdaterats.
– Åtgärdade en bugg som fick Anteckningarlistan att beskäras när svepgester användes.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/tr/release_notes.txt
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- Simplenote artık Siri kısayollarıyla çalıştığından doğrudan Siri’den uygulamayı açmanızı, mevcut notları açmanızı ve yeni notlar oluşturmanızı sağlar.
- Notlar Listesinde yeni Kaydırma Hareketleri mevcuttur: İğne Ekleyin ve Paylaşın!
- Notlar Listesinde artık notların yayımlandığını gösteren bir simge görüntülenir.
- WordPress Uygulamasında paylaşım yapılırken Notlarda artık blok alıntı yapılmaz.
- iOS paylaşım uzantısı kullanıcı arayüzü tamamen güncellendi.
- Kaydırma Hareketleri kullanıldığında Notlar Listesinin kırpılmasına neden olan bir hata düzeltildi.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/zh-Hans/release_notes.txt
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- Simplenote 现已支持 Siri 快捷方式,可让您打开应用程序、打开现有笔记,并直接通过 Siri 创建新笔记。
- 笔记列表中提供了新的滑动操作:固定和共享!
- 现在,笔记列表会显示一个图标,以显示已发布的笔记。
- 共享到 WordPress 应用程序时,系统不会再阻止引用笔记。
- iOS 的共享扩展用户界面已完全更新。
- 修复了使用滑动操作时导致笔记列表被剪切的错误。
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fastlane/metadata/zh-Hant/release_notes.txt
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- Simplenote 現在適用於 Siri 捷徑,讓你可以直接透過 Siri 開啟應用程式、開啟現有筆記並建立新筆記。
- 筆記清單提供新的滑動動作:釘選和分享!
- 筆記清單現在會以圖示顯示已發佈的筆記。
- 將筆記分享至 WordPress 應用程式時,系統不會再對筆記進行區塊引文。
- iOS 分享擴充功能 UI 已完全更新。
- 修正使用滑動動作時,導致筆記清單遭截短的錯誤。

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