This document is used to help customer solve problems when using AzureML extension.
- Extension Installation Guide
- How is AzureML extension installed
- HealthCheck of extension
- Inference HA
- Inference router service type
- Skip installation of volcano in the extension
- How to validate private workspace endpoint
- Prometheus operator
- DCGM exporter
- Training job with dataset failed to run on Openshift
- Error: Timed out or status not populated
- Error: Failed pre-install: pod healthcheck failed
- Error: Resources cannot be imported
- Error: Cannot re-use a name that is still in use
- Error: Earlier operation is in progress
- Error: Extension is being terminated
- Error: Failed in download the Chart path not found
- Error Code of HealthCheck
- Training Guide
- Inference Guide
AzureML extension is released as a helm chart and installed by Helm V3. By default, all resources of AzureML extension are installed in azureml namespace. The error message user received is the original error message returned by helm. This is why sometimes vague error messages are returned. But you can utilize the built-in health check job or the following commands to help you debug. You could get more detail Azureml extension information at Install AzureML extension.
# check helm chart status
helm list -a -n azureml
# check status of all agent pods
kubectl get pod -n azureml
# get events of the extension
kubectl get events -n azureml --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
# get release history
helm history -n azureml --debug <extension-name>
When the installation failed, you can use the built-in health check job to make a comprehensive check on the extension. The job will output a report which is saved in a configmap named "arcml-healthcheck" under azureml namespace. The error codes and possible solutions for the report are list in Error Code of HealthCheck. The health check job will also be automatically triggered in pre-install, pre-upgrade, pre-rollback and pre-delete steps. When asking support, we recommend that you run the first command below and send thehealthcheck.logs
file to us, as it can facilitate us to better locate the problem.
# collect all healthcheck logs when asking support
helm test -n azureml <extension-name> --logs | tee healthcheck.logs
# manually trigger the built-in health check test
helm test -n azureml <extension-name> --logs
# get the report in test step
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-test}"
# get the report in pre-install step
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-pre-install}"
# get the report in pre-upgrade step
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-pre-upgrade}"
# get the report in pre-rollback step
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-pre-rollback}"
# get the report in pre-delete step
kubectl get configmap -n azureml arcml-healthcheck --output="jsonpath={.data.reports-pre-delete}"
Note: When running "helm test" command, Error like "unable to get pod logs for healthcheck-config: pods 'healthcheck-config' not found" should be ignored.
For the high availability of inference service, azureml-fe agent will be deployed to three different nodes by default. Azureml-fe agent is used for load balancing, cooperative routing and security authentication. It's very important, especially for production environment. For a single azureml-fe agent, it requires about 0.5 cpu and 500Mi memory. Inference HA is enabled by default and requires at least 3 nodes to run, so, in many test scenarios, installation will fail due to insufficient resources. Set inferenceRouterHA
flag to false
to disable Inference HA.
The phenomenon that this kind of issue may lead to is that some azureml-fe
pods are pending on scheduling and error message of the pod could be like "0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules".
According to the cluster configuration and testing scenarios, you may need different ways to expose our inference scoring services. you can specify loadBalancer
, clusterIP
and nodePort
service type with inferenceRouterServiceType
flag. And you can enable internal loadBalancer with internalLoadBalancerProvider
flag, but internal loadBalancer is only supported by AKS cluster currently.
Please note that loadBalancer
is not supported by raw k8s, like Minikube and Kind. Usually, loadBalancer
are implemented by cloud provider, like AKS, GKE and EKS. If you are trying to use loadBalancer
in a cluster which doesn't support loadBalancer
, you may get timeout error from cli and LOAD_BALANCER_NOT_SUPPORT
error from healthcheck report. If you find that inference-operator pod is crashed and azureml-fe service is in pending or unhealthy state, it is likely that you are using the wrong service type or your cluster has something wrong to support the service type you specified.
If user have their own volcano suite installed, they can set volcanoScheduler.enable=false
, so that the extension will not try to install the volcano scheduler. Volcano scheduler and volcano controller are required for job submission and scheduling.
The version of volcano we are using and run tests against with is
, other version may not work as expected. -
The volcano scheduler config we are using is :
volcano-scheduler.conf: | actions: "enqueue, allocate, backfill" tiers: - plugins: - name: task-topology - name: priority - name: gang - name: conformance - plugins: - name: overcommit - name: drf - name: predicates - name: proportion - name: nodeorder - name: binpack
We are using
plugins in the scheduler, if user have a volcano version greater than1.3.0
, please consider to enable this plugin. -
There is a bug in volcano admission, and it will break our job, so we disabled
webhook explicitly in the volcano admission provided in our extension, user should also patch their volcano admission otherwise the common runtime job won’t work. See this issue.
If you setup private endpoint for your workspace, it's important to test its availability before using it. Otherwise, it may cause unknown errors, like installation errors. You can follow this doc to test if the private workspace endpoint is available in your cluster. For how to setup private link with AzureML extension, please refer to private link.
Promtheus operator is an open source framework to help build metric monitoring system in kubernetes. AzureML extension also utilizes promtheus operator to help monitor resource utilization of jobs. The following lists the open source components used for collecting metrics in AzureML extension:
- Promtheus operator serves to make running Prometheus on top of Kubernetes as easy as possible, while preserving Kubernetes-native configuration options.
- Promtheus serves to collect, calculate and upload metrics.
- CAdvisor is an open-source agent integrated into the kubelet binary that monitors resource usage and analyzes the performance of containers. CAdvisor produces the original metrics.
- Kube-state-metrics (KSM) generates metrics about the state of the objects in Kubernetes. Those metrics are used for performing correlation operations.
- Dcgm-exporter is used for collecting gpu metrics. Please refer to DCGM exporter for more information.
If prometheus operator has already been installed in cluster by other service, you can specify installPromOp=false
to disable prometheus operator in AzureML extension side to avoid conflictions between two prometheus operators.
In this case, all prometheus instances will be managed by the existing promtheus operator. And to make sure prometheus works properly, the following things need to be paid attention when you disable promtheus operator in Azureml extension side.
- Check if prometheus in azureml namespace is managed by prometheus operator. In some scenarios, prometheus operator is set to only monitor some specific namespaces. If so, please make sure azureml namespace is in the white list. Refer to command flags for more information.
- Check if kubelet-service is enabled in prometheus operator. Kubelet-service contains all the endpoints of kubelet. Refer to command flags for more information. And also need to make sure that kubelet-service has a label named k8s-app and it's value is kubelet
- Create ServiceMonitor for kubelet-service. Run the following command with variables replaced:
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: name: prom-kubelet namespace: azureml labels: release: "<extension-name>" # Please replace to your Azureml extension name spec: endpoints: - port: https-metrics scheme: https path: /metrics/cadvisor honorLabels: true tlsConfig: caFile: /var/run/secrets/ insecureSkipVerify: true bearerTokenFile: /var/run/secrets/ relabelings: - sourceLabels: - __metrics_path__ targetLabel: metrics_path jobLabel: k8s-app namespaceSelector: matchNames: - "<namespace-of-your-kubelet-service>" # Please change this to the same namespace of your kubelet-service selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: kubelet # Please make sure your kubelet-service has a label named k8s-app and it's value is kubelet EOF
Dcgm-exporter is the official tool recommended by NVIDIA for collecting GPU metrics. We have integrated it into Azureml extension. But, by default, dcgm-exporter is not enabled, and no GPU metrics are collected. You can specify installDcgmExporter
flag to true
to enable it. As it's NVIDIA's official tool, you may already have it installed in your GPU cluster. If so, you can follow the steps below to integrate your dcgm-exporter into Azureml extension. Another thing to note is that dcgm-exporter allows user to config which metrics to expose. For Azureml extension, please make sure DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL
metris are exposed.
Make sure you have Aureml extension and dcgm-exporter installed successfully. Dcgm-exporter can be installed by Dcgm-exporter helm chart or Gpu-operator helm chart
Check if there is a service for dcgm-exporter. If it doesn't exist or you don't know how to check , run the command below to create one.
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: dcgm-exporter-service namespace: "<namespace-of-your-dcgm-exporter>" # Please change this to the same namespace of your dcgm-exporter labels: dcgm-exporter "<extension-name>" # Please replace to your Azureml extension name "dcgm-exporter" annotations: 'true' spec: type: "ClusterIP" ports: - name: "metrics" port: 9400 # Please replace to the correct port of your dcgm-exporter. It's 9400 by default targetPort: 9400 # Please replace to the correct port of your dcgm-exporter. It's 9400 by default protocol: TCP selector: dcgm-exporter # Those two labels are used to select dcgm-exporter pods. You can change them according to the actual label on the service "<dcgm-exporter-helm-chart-name>" # Please replace to the helm chart name of dcgm-exporter EOF
Check if the service in previous step is set correctly
kubectl -n <namespace-of-your-dcgm-exporter> port-forward service/dcgm-exporter-service 9400:9400 # run this command in a separate terminal. You will get a lot of dcgm metrics with this command. curl
Setup ServiceMonitor to expose dcgm-exporter service to Azureml extension. Run the following command and it will take effect in a few minutes.
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: name: dcgm-exporter-monitor namespace: azureml labels: dcgm-exporter release: "<extension-name>" # Please replace to your Azureml extension name "dcgm-exporter" spec: selector: matchLabels: dcgm-exporter "<extension-name>" # Please replace to your Azureml extension name "dcgm-exporter" namespaceSelector: matchNames: - "<namespace-of-your-dcgm-exporter>" # Please change this to the same namespace of your dcgm-exporter endpoints: - port: "metrics" path: "/metrics" EOF
If installation is pending on some resources or process for more than 15 minutes, it will throw out error like the followings. For example, it may be due to insufficient CPU, memory and nodes. Or because the loadbalancer cannot be assigned an public IP address. In this case, please run HealthCheck to get more debug information. status not populated
error is a known Arc error. It can be triggered by timeout error. In order to avoid status not populated
error as much as possible, you can manaually upgrade the arc agents to the latest version by running az connectedk8s upgrade --subscription <subscription> -g <resource-group> -n <name>
. If you cluster is not connected through Arc, that is Azureml extension is installed directly in a raw managed AKS, Arc agents will be upgraded automatically.
release amlarc-extension failed, and has been uninstalled due to atomic being set: timed out waiting for the condition
Error : Retry for given duration didn't get any results with err {status not populated}
Azureml extension contains a HealthCheck hook to check your cluster before the installation. If you got this error, it means some critical errors are found. You can follow HealthCheck of extension to get detailed error message and follow Error Code of HealthCheck to get some advice. But, in some corner cases, it may also be the problem of the cluster, such as unable to create a pod due to sandbox container issues or unable to pull the image due to network issues. So making sure the cluster is healthy is also very important before the installation.
This error means there is a confliction between existing cluster resources and AzureML extension. A full error message could be like this:
CustomResourceDefinition "" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "amlarc-extension"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "azureml"
Follow the steps below to mitigate the issue.
- If the conflict resource is ClusterRole "azureml-fe-role", ClusterRoleBinding "azureml-fe-binding", ServiceAccount "azureml-fe", Deployment "azureml-fe" or other resource related to "azureml-fe", please check if you have Inference AKS V1 installed in your cluster. If yes, you need to clean up all resources related to Inference AKS V1 first by following this doc, or contact us for migration solution (Support). If not, please follow the steps below.
- Check who owns the problematic resources and if the resource can be deleted or modified.
- If the resource is used only by AzureML extension and can be deleted, we can manually add labels to mitigate the issue. Taking the previous error message as an example, you can run commands
kubectl label crd ""
andkubectl annotate crd "" "<extension-name>"
. Please replace <extension-name> with your own extension name. By setting labels and annotations to the resource, it means the resource is managed by helm and owned by AzureML extension. - If the resource is also used by other components in your cluster and can't be modified. Please refer to doc to see if there is a flag to disable the conflict resource from AzureML extension side. For example, if it's a resource of Volcano Scheduler and Volcano Scheduler has been installed in your cluster, you can set
flag to disable it to avoid the confliction or follow Skip installation of volcano in the extension.
This means the extension name you specified already exists. Run helm list -Aa
to list all helm chart in your cluster. If the name is used by other helm chart, you need to use another name. If the name is used by Azureml extension, you can try to uninstall the extension and reinstall it if possible. Or you need to wait for about an hour and try again later.
You need to wait for about an hour and try again after the unknown operation is completed.
This happens when an uninstallation operation is unfinished and another installtion operation is triggered. You can run az k8s-extension show
command to check the provision status of extension and make sure extension has been uninstalled before taking other actions.
Most likely, you specified the wrong extension version. Or the --release-train
flag and --version
flag doesn't match. You need to make sure the version or the release-train you specified really exists. Or you don't specify --version
flag to use the default value to mitigate this error.
This table shows how to troubleshoot the error codes returned by the HealthCheck report. For error codes lower than E45000, this is a critical error, which means that some problems must be solved before continuing the installation. For error codes larger than E45000, this is a diagnostic error, which requires further manual analysis of the log to identify the problem.
Error Code | Error Message | Description |
E40000 | UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown error happened. Need to check HealthCheck logs to identify the problem. |
E40001 | LOAD_BALANCER_NOT_SUPPORT | Load balancer is not supported by your cluster. Please refer to Inference router service type for solution |
E40002 | INSUFFICIENT_NODE | The healthy nodes are insufficient. Maybe your node selector is not set properly. Or you may need to disable Inference HA |
E40003 | INTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCER_NOT_SUPPORT | Currently, internal load balancer is only supported by AKS. Please refer to Inference router service type |
E40004 | AZUREML_FE_DEPLOYMENT_NOT_FOUND | azureml-fe or azureml-fe-v2 deployment is not available. It's a critical error |
E40005 | AZUREML_FE_SCALE_UP_TIMEOUT | azureml-fe deployment scale up timeout |
E40006 | AZUREML_FE_UPDATE_REPLICAS_FAILED | azureml-fe deployment update replicas failed |
E40007 | INVALID_SSL_SETTING | The SSL settings for extension installation is invalid. Please make sure both SSL key and certificate are provided, and check the integrity of the SSL key and certificate. Also, the CNAME should be compatible with the certificate. You can refer to Validate SSL settings for further information. |
E45001 | AGENT_UNHEALTHY | There are unhealty resources of AzureML extension. Resources checked by this checker are Pod, Job, Deployment, Daemonset and StatufulSet. From the HealthCheck logs, you can find out which resource is unhealthy. |
E45002 | PROMETHEUS_CONFLICT | Please refer to Prometheus operator |
E45003 | BAD_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY | Please follow network-requirements to check network connectivity. If you are using private link for workspace or other resources, you can refer to doc private-link |
E45004 | AZUREML_FE_ROLE_CONFLICT | There exists an "azureml-fe-role" cluster role, but it doesn't belong Azureml extension. Usually, this is because Inference AKS V1 has been installed in your cluster. Please contact us for migration solution. Support |
E45005 | AZUREML_FE_DEPLOYMENT_CONFLICT | There exists an "azureml-fe" deployment, but it doesn't belong Azureml extension. Usually, this is because Inference AKS V1 has been installed in your cluster. Please contact us for migration solution. Support |
E49999 | CHECKER_PANIC | Checker run into panic. Need to check HealthCheck logs to identify the problem. |
UserError: AzureML Kubernetes job failed. : Dispatch Job Fail: Cluster does not support job type RegularJob
Please check whether you have enableTraining=True set when doing the AzureML extension installation. More details could be found at here.
Credential less machine learning workspace default storage account is not supported right now for training jobs.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 400:{"Msg":"Failed to acquire CSI storage account credentials for mountVolume 'hbiws8397576437-2e2dc25af77dcceea86ae50b45bd1724-secrets', encountered an error: Encountered an error when attempting to connect to Storage Account 'hbiws8397576437': HTTP 403 Forbidden: {\"error\":{\"code\":\"AuthorizationFailed\",\"message\":\"The client '1d0028bc-c1ca-4bdc-8bc0-e5e19cc6f812' with object id '1d0028bc-c1ca-4bdc-8bc0-e5e19cc6f812' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action' over scope '/subscriptions/4aaa645c-5ae2-4ae9-a17a-84b9023bc56a/resourceGroups/youhuaprivatelink/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/hbiws8397576437' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.\"}}","Code":400}
This should happen when using HBI workspace, please assign system assigned or user assigned managed identity of the attached compute the access of (“Storage Blob Data Contributor”) and Storage Account Contributor” to the machine learning workspace default storage account by following this.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 400:{"Msg":"Failed to acquire CSI storage account credentials for mountVolume 'hbipleusws6182689148-c8d2ee5daca188bde53fa0711010c53c-secrets', encountered an error: Encountered an error when attempting to connect to Storage Account 'hbipleusws6182689148': Failed to successfully make an http request after 10 attempts. Last inner exception: %!w(\u003cnil\u003e)","Code":400}
Please follow Private Link troubleshooting section to check your network settings.
UserError: Unable to upload project files to working directory in AzureBlob because the authorization failed
Error message is:
Unable to upload project files to working directory in AzureBlob because the authorization failed. Most probable reasons are:
1. The storage account could be in a Virtual Network. To enable Virtual Network in Azure Machine Learning, please refer to
Please make sure the storage account has enabled the exceptions of “Allow Azure services on the trusted service list to access this storge account” and the aml workspace is in the resource instances list. And make sure the aml workspace has system assigned managed identity.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 400:{"Msg":"Encountered an error when attempting to connect to the Azure ML token service","Code":400}
It should be network issue. Please follow Private Link troubleshooting section to check your network settings.
If the job runs longer than you expected and you find job pods get stuck in Init state with the this warning Unable to attach or mount volumes: *** failed to get plugin from volumeSpec for volume ***-blobfuse-*** err=no volume plugin matched
, this is a known issue. Beacuse Azureml extension doesn't support download mode for input data currently. Please change to mount mode for your input data to mitigate the issue.
Error message is:
AzureML Kubernetes job failed. 137:PodPattern matched: {"containers":[{"name":"training-identity-sidecar","message":"Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...\n1 added, 0 removed; done.\nRunning hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...\ndone.\n * Serving Flask app 'msi-endpoint-server' (lazy loading)\n * Environment: production\n WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.\n Use a production WSGI server instead.\n * Debug mode: off\n * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)\n","code":137}]}
Check your proxy setting and check whether was added to proxy-skip-range when using “az connectedk8s connect” by following this.
When submit a training job with dataset on openshift, the job may failed to start, inside cluster user can observe that pod is created but failed to run because of failed to start/create container
, this error is caused by the relabel operation on the mounted dataset performed by Kubernetes when the node's selinux is enabled. To mitigate this issue, please disable the selinux on the node.
Reattach your compute to the cluster and then try again. If it is still not working, use "kubectl get po -n azureml" to check whether the relayserver* pods are running.
Below commands could be used to run sanity check for your cert and key. Expect the second command return "RSA key ok" without prompting you for password.
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text
openssl rsa -in key.pem -noout -check
Below commands could be used to verify whether sslCertPemFile and sslKeyPemFile are matched:
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -modulus | md5sum
openssl rsa -in key.pem -noout -modulus | md5sum