Here is all the code for the Gui. Created on Jan/3/2025
The folder, “Biomedical_datasets”, is the “Dataset and Repository Ecosystem” project folder. The following are useful scripts, data and results.
- The folder, “Biomedical_datasets/NER”, contains scripts, data and results to fine-tune BERT models to conduct NER tasks.
1.1. The folder, “Biomedical_datasets/NER/nerbert” contains scripts and results to fine-tune BERT models to conduct NER tasks.
1.1.1. “Biomedical_datasets/NER/nerbert/” and “Biomedical_datasets/NER/nerbert/” are the pipelines to fine-tune BERT models to conduct NER tasks. “Biomedical_datasets/data_update/precessed_data/train_data.json” and “Biomedical_datasets/data_update/precessed_data/test_data.json” are the training and testing data for “”. “Biomedical_datasets/NER/data/train_data.json” and “Biomedical_datasets/NER/data/test_data.json” are the training and testing data for “”. “Biomedical_datasets/NER/nerbert/{_name}_output/time_{time}'” is the output path. _name is the name of the model. time is the the times for fine-tuning the model. Please see the details in the pipeline.
1.1.2. “Biomedical_datasets/NER/nerbert/biobert-large-cased-v1.1-squad_output/time_1/hyperparameter.json” is the hyperparameter for fine-tune “biobert-large-cased-v1.1-squad” model, the 1 time. And the f1 score for this fine-tuning is “Biomedical_datasets/NER/nerbert/biobert-large-cased-v1.1-squad_output/time_1/performance.csv”.
The folder, “Biomedical_datasets/RE”, contains scripts, data and results to fine-tune BERT models to conduct RE tasks.
“Biomedical_datasets/total_pubmed” is the pipeline for getting the currently annotated Batches files.
3.1. “Biomedical_datasets/total_pubmed/Sampled_from_total_PubMed_specific_name_12_16” is useful and the others are ueseless.
3.2. “Biomedical_datasets/total_pubmed/Sampled_from_total_PubMed_specific_name_12_16/example_batch.ipynb” is the pipeline to use GPT-4o to filter the abstracts and get the files to be annotated.
3.3. “/home/gy237/project/Biomedical_datasets/total_pubmed/Sampled_from_total_PubMed_specific_name_12_16/abstracts_nonull_1-1575.joblib” is the total PubMed abstracts file and it has the data: “['pmid', 'title', 'abstract', 'journal', 'pubdate', 'authors', 'mesh_terms', 'pub_year', 'pub_month']”