For presentations and videos about Opticks:
For instructions on building Opticks and externals:
Related repositories:
Bitbucket and Github repositories
Currently the bitbucket opticks repository is used for day to day pushes with the github repository only being pushed to infrequently when making releases that are provided as github releases. The Github repo is usually several months behind bitbucket so you are advised NOT to use it. | very latest code repository, unstable, breakage common | | "releases" weeks/months behind, more stable | | presentations and videos | | forum/mailing list archive | | subscribe to mailing list |
Installation instructions start with a clone:
cd $HOME git clone
If you have commit access to opticks, you need to use SSH:
cd $HOME ; git clone
To update an existing clone:
cd ~/opticks git remote -v # should list urls git status git pull
Setup opticks by copying ~/opticks/example.opticks_config to your HOME directory and customizing it as instructed by the links therein:
cp ~/opticks/example.opticks_config ~/.opticks_config vi ~/.opticks_config # adapt PREFIX paths echo "source ~/.opticks_config" >> .bashrc
Then after starting a new bash session you can proceed with:
opticks-info # check bash hookup opticks-full # download and build externals and opticks
A high level overview of the sequence of steps to install Opticks are listed below. For details see
- install "system" externals : NVIDIA GPU Driver, CUDA, OptiX 7, 7.5 or 8.0 (6.5 not supported) following instructions from NVIDIA. Check they are working.
- use git to clone opticks bitbucket repository to your home directory, creating ~/opticks
- hookup the opticks bash functions to your bash shell
- cp ~/opticks/example.opticks_config ~/.opticks_config
- ensure that your .bash_profile sources .bashrc
- add line to .bashrc "source ~/.opticks_config"
- start a new session and check the bash functions are hooked up correctly with:
- opticks-info
- bash -lc "opticks-info"
- install the foreign externals OR use preexisting installs of boost,clhep,xercesc,g4
- opticks-foreign # lists them
- opticks-foreign-install # installs them
- edit ~/.opticks_config setting the paths appropriately for the prefixes of the "system" and "foreign" externals and setting the prefix for the opticks install (eg /usr/local/opticks)
- install the "automated" externals and opticks itself with opticks-full
- translate a geometry using for example g4cx/tests/, see :doc:`docs/testing`
- test the opticks build with opticks-t
The orientation documentation seeks to highlight the Geant4+Opticks classes/functions that you need to be familiar with to understand how Opticks takes a Geant4 geometry and converts that into an NVIDIA OptiX 7+ geometry suitable for optical photon simulation.
By design the orientation is a far from complete guide to the codebase, I just focus on classes/functions that you should look at first when building your understanding.
The html is generated by Sphinx from readable .rst sources with includes from comments in the source files themselves. The html orientation docs are best read whilst also looking at the sources, get those with:
git clone
Feel free to ask for further things for me to add to these docs.